Cheapest I've seen recently, doesn't seem to be charging GST at the time of check out at the moment.
With Redmi K20, K20pro and Xiaomi 9T announced I think we will see this phone around $250 USD soon.
Cheapest I've seen recently, doesn't seem to be charging GST at the time of check out at the moment.
With Redmi K20, K20pro and Xiaomi 9T announced I think we will see this phone around $250 USD soon.
Updated link thanks
Where is the Mi9 6GB/128GB Global for US $399.99 :D
For some reason I thought you had meant 6GB/64GB. The 128GB will take extra time.
When is the Lenovo Z6 Pro going to be sold?
So B28 + NFC + Tiny notch, sub $500. What's the problem with this guy? Crap battery, poor screen? It appears to tick all the boxes, which doesn't seem to happen with budget phones these days.
No headphone jack. The new redmi K20 is the better buy.
How much will the K20 be? $600+ au?
Xiaomi doesn't spend money on advertisements, seller commission etc. they earn money from putting ads in phone and thats how they sell cheap good quality hardware
Need to click through this link from the eDM to get the $289.99 US price.