What to do with QF 700k+ points?

Any ideas?
Whats the best way to spend them?
We want to plan a holiday this year.

What is the best way to use the points?

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      • You book them as they are released and pay the change fee each time. Thus, you need more than 280K points to do it.

  • Been playing around on Qantas website doing mock up places and dates for March 2020.
    The damn thing crashes randomly for no reason.

    Did not manage to complete even 1 mock up :(

    • +6

      Mocked this up for travel in Jan-Feb, with all business availability: http://i64.tinypic.com/2dkxo2t.jpg

      Might or might not suit what you want to do, but those are all available right now. Of course, I wouldn't worry too much if you can't find business flights on the shorter hops, I'd be equally happy in business/economy for the 1 hour flights.

      • Props to you for going to all that effort to help out the OP.

      • Many thanks for doing this.
        You are a good man/woman :)

        • No probs! Always happy to help. I've never booked an RTW rewards myself (planning for early 2021), but I'm a travel/aviation enthusiast, so I love doing these things.

          Just another couple of points I thought I'd note too - when planning RTW, you have to make sure that you travel on at least two other airlines apart from Qantas - this is easy if you're going to the US because you can fly AA for domestic hops, or to Europe because you can fly BA for getting around. The other thing is that transport within Europe is sometimes difficult because you're restricted to Oneworld, so I'd fly into London, then London to the mainland somewhere where you have a good rail connection, then use rail to get around Europe, end at a place where there's a connecting BA flight back to London.

          Also, if you're flying in/out of London, Heathrow taxes are super high, so try to fly into Heathrow, but out of Gatwick as taxes are incurred for the departing airport. All the best :)

  • +1

    Do you get anything if you hit a Million points?

    Otherwise take a holiday and pay for as much as you can on points i.e. flights, accom, car rental and so on

    • Not officially that I am aware of no, maybe they give you a second bump on another points upgrade if you're in the right place at the right time, I've had a couple business to first bumps from an Economy ticket which I used points to get to business in the first place.

    • They won't fat shame you

    • A million points it's nothing.

      One of the highest earners got 30 million points last year.

  • Plenty of people run businesses and pay suppliers through credit cards, I assume loads are making millions of points a year. 30 million is next level like whatttttt

  • Not sure if it's been mentioned here yet but Qantas have partnered with Airbnb. There are some flight listings on Airbnb that can only be paid for with Qantas points. Some ridiculously good deals on there.


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