In the past when a tenant is 14 days in rent arrear landlord can send a notice to vacate and a few weeks after that you put the VCAT application and a few weeks after that you get a hearing and get either a payment plan or possess order. But earlier April I had an application and the hearing date is two months after my application plus one month rent owing before the application, so tenant owes three months rent before landlord get a hearing and bond can not be more than one month, and if a landlord is lucky to get possession order which is not guaranteed, landlord still will be more than two months rent out of pocket. All these time tenant is not paying anything.
I used to think landlord insurance is not necessary but now I think maybe I have to buy landlord insurance. Do you have any other advice.
Like all investments it comes with risk. In this case you take out insurance as a landlord or you absorb it.