I need a free copy of PDF editor for Windows 10. Any recommendation or suggestions? If its not free but with reasonable cost I'll also consider.
In need of decent and free copy of PDF editor for Windows 10

I didn't know ms word can now edit PDF files? Which version of MS word?
this is amazing it is actually works! i just tried. ms word 2013 so later ver should works too
What do you need to do? A lot of functions can be done online, for example rearranging pages, deleting pages and merging multiple documents.
Change the fonds and edit the wording etc
I got the paid version of PDF Jack after trialling their free version. Does the job and easy to use…..Merge, Split, Protect, Delete, Reorder, Stamp, Rotate, Create Booklet etc..
For example 4 electricity bills in a year, can I combine them into one PDF? I prefer online tools (to save time uploading etc) and free if possible.
I use PDFill FREE PDF Tools. It's free, easy to use. I use it mainly to merge PDF files. Strongly recommend it!
functions to merge, split, reorder, delete, encrypt, decrypt, rotate, crop and reformat PDF pages, to add information, header, footer and watermark, to convert images to PDF, PDF to images or PostScript to PDF, to delete, flatten and list form fields, to scan to pdf, to create transparent image, and more.
Sorry I forgot to mention it's mainly for change the fonds and edit the numbers on PDF file. Which PDF editor is the best for this purpose?
I'm not sure if this would solve your problem but I usually convert pdf to docx then edit them over there and once done again convert to pdf. Hope it helps :)
I love nitro pdf but it isnt free.
PDF-XChange Editor might do the job for you. Most of it is free but certain functions will put up a watermark until you buy.
https://www.tracker-software.com/product/pdf-xchange-editorInkscape can do some basic PDF editing although only one page at a time and then you need to recombine it with the original document using something like PDF split and merge. All free but not dead easy…
Also check out https://alternativeto.net/software/pdfedit/?license=free
Microsoft Word
LibreOffice Draw