This was posted 13 years 9 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Plants Vs. Zombies Android App Free May 31 (US) Only - Normally USD$2.99

This post contains affiliate links. OzBargain might earn commissions when you click through and make purchases. Please see this page for more information.

Follow the directions in a previous post on OzBargain ( to get the Amazon appstore on your phone. It works, but it takes up to an hour.

The free app for today is the newly released Plants Vs. Zombies that hasn't yet made it to the Android Market, and may in fact be an exclusive to Amazon for a time anyway. The game plays beautifully even on an Android phone.

To get this when it's not free may even be tricky if using a fake American identity.

Edit: As noted by wreckedandjealous below, once you set up the Amazon App Store you can get a free app every day. In the last week I have downloaded a few cool games and fitness apps. If you don't like them you can uninstall and they remain in your 'purchased' list if you ever want to download them free again later on.

Mod: Change the URL to point to the product, but you still need to use the above link to get access to Amazon App Store.

Edit 2: If you're uncomfortable with the process above, hang tight. According to sources on the web, this will be available as a paid item on the Android Market in two weeks or so, which is when Amazon's exclusive runs out. See… and… for example…

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    should also note that while it does take an hour, you are set up for their free app every day… just log in and download

  • +2

    damn thought it was iphone

  • +1

    Damn, if only i hadn't bought a black skivvy phone

    • +1

      C'mon guys, what's with the negs…it's a good call! :)

  • the amazon app also can be downloaded from here

    • Thats only the app store, even if you install it doesn't mean you can buy stuff off it. You still need a working account with what I assume a US issued credit card.

      • +2

        If you read the article referenced in the post I mentioned it explains how to get around the restrictions, but it's strictly for free items only. Also works with the Amazon MP3 store app and free daily MP3's.

        • -1

          if I read it right, create a fake US credit card? and fake address etc, and VPN to the US??

        • I can't "purchase" the app. I've setup the account, installed the apk, logged in with my evil american twin, and still no-go. In the phone app it says "purchase failed". If I try 1-click buying from the website it says…

          We could not process your order because of geographical restrictions on the product which you were attempting to purchase. Please refer to the terms of use for this product to determine the geographical restrictions.

          When you say it "takes an hour" does that mean I have to wait an hour? The whole process only took like 10 minutes to do.

        • You may as well pirate it. After all this is only advertise as available in the USA. If you get around it by using fake usa credit cards etc, its no difference to pirating it0

        • I agree, if you are going through all this trouble with a fake identity and all, might as well pirate. Not encouraging this but just sayin

        • +1

          Wait, what? So you'd rather search the warez sites and find a pirated version of the app which could be questionably modified (DroidDream or DDLight are examples) than just sign up for an Amazon account which takes 5 minutes? No, seriously. Think. 5 minutes. It took me longer to think of this comment and type it than it'll take you to sign up for an account.

          In fact I'd bet signing up for an account and installing apps from the Amazon AppStore takes lesser time than finding an actual copy of the game that works, what with the licensing limitations introduced since Froyo.

          Granted that both methods aren't strictly speaking legal but at least the authenticity of the app is guaranteed when getting it from Amazon. As long as you stick to just getting the free apps, the worst that can happen is your account gets deleted.

        • You can do it the legit way.

          You know about companies which hold your US purchases for you and later post them to you? You get a virtual US address for items to be delivered to you.

          US Credit card - Visa Gift Card / Prepaid Credit Card.

          Sometimes, there are items in US I really want and they only ship to US. Or, sometimes it is much cheaper to do it this way.

          Besides, with Amazon AppStore, I can use Amazon gift cards, PayPal and other payment options.

        • +1

          This whole limited to US thing is absolute bullcrap move from Amazon. They're pretty much offering the same content that's already available on Android Market which is available in Australia. They do have exclusive content but COME ON! They're apps. What possible reason could they have to restrict sales to US only? Even free apps? That's just bullcrap.

        • Here's a link that might help with legitimate purchasing, which I am personally in favour of, rather than pirating.

        • @stumo

          I had the same problem all you have to do is get a new address from white pages, personally i used a dominos pizza outlet in california. Now it forks fine.

          Good luck.

        • @ko0l:

          I Totally agree. If you lie about your details or credit card information during the process then I'd argue you aren't getting this in a legit manner anyway and that the license to use the software was intended for someone other than yourself (the imaginary person you lied and said you were, in this case a US resident).

          These US only offers suck but thats not really grounds to fake your identity and credit card info etc.

          If you have a legit US address, be it a PO Box or some other virtual one or whatever, then yeah that changes things.

        • @serideth
          Thank you for that info, it works now.

          I tried the name game twice and still no go… so I put in a nearby (to my alter egos address) dominos pizza address and it works first time.

  • -1

    I was in the states, using an Australian card with a billing address (i.e. the address the bank had as well as the address for Amazon) in the states, and they still didn't like it.

    So good luck.

    • Linking an AU credit card to your Amazon account would be the problem.

    • You need an usa credit card

      • US Prepaid Cards?

  • Is it possible to download this in advanced without the Android phone? Im planning on getting an Android phone, but dont have one yet and would love this game on it.

    • You might be able to. I am able to access Amazon AppStore from my PC (just google Amazon Appstore to get the link). However, since I already purchased it via my Android device, when I tried to purchase it from my PC (again), it says I already purchased it.

      So if you can sign up for an US Amazon account, you should be able to purchase it and later you can install it when you have your Android device.

      • How did you purchase it from your PC? I see the 'get this app' where you enter your mobile number or email (which tells you to download the Android app on your phone), cant find the word 'purchase'.
        Sorry, Ima complete newbie to this. This game is too awesome too miss!

        • +1

          Probably because I already linked an Android device to the account. So looks like you cannot.

          Anyway, the good news is this game is now available on Android. It should soon reach Google AppStore. Probably $3-$4 AUD… not a big deal - I bought the iOS version and besides.. with everything costing so much in Australia nowadays, you can spend $3-$4 on a good game.

    • You can register in the appstore and then just click on the get app link. It will register the purchase on your account.

  • +1

    Finally… Been waiting for this.. Thanks PopCap and Amazon. Thanks OP!

  • awesome!!

    downloading now!!….have got some real great apps thru the "free app a day" feature, but this one definitely is the best of the lot :)

  • +6

    If it was an apple app, it would have 100+ votes by now…

    • -1

      If you like this game on your Android, get it from Amazon AppStore and postivie vote this. One of the best tower defence type games.

      Released today (1st day) on Android and Amazon giving it for free. Really awesome.

    • +1

      Its not actually free for australian users only usa users. Trying to work around this is too much of a hassle for a positive. You may as well pirate it. After all what is the difference?

      • +1

        It depends. Do you consider buying an US iTunes card and setup an US iTunes account to get US apps (free and paid ones) wrong? If yes, wait for Google Appstore to list the game and purchase it then.

        There are advantages with Amazon Appstore (over Google one) - Amazon giftcards can be used to buy apps… and Paypal may also be an acceptable payment option in Amazon Appstore. Besides, competition is always good for the customers.

        I bought the iOS version - happy with it.

    • +5

      If this was on the iPhone everyone would have to jailbreak their phone to access the amazon store.

      • -1

        Would be nice if Amazon AppStore is available on i-Devices. Obviously, Apple would not allow it.

        • Seriously? There are maybe a handful of apps on Android that iOS AppStore doesn't have. Handful. I'm talking about apps that Apple would probably allow. Spectral Souls for example.

          The really awesome apps for Android won't work on iPhone anyway due to restrictions and the overall closed nature of the platform. In any case, the Amazon AppStore on iOS devices is kinda pointless if you ask me.

        • -1

          Mate, you don't get it.. It was a statement about Apple not allowing competition and my dislike about iTunes. Basically, Android - multiple AppStores… Apple iOS - one.

          I have both iPhone and Android phone. Read my other comment - I jailbreaked my iPhone to get an Android like feature.

          However, honestly though, when it comes to apps, iOS still have more quality apps. I like Android phones, but Android is still playing catch up when it comes to apps. Don't get me wrong, I want Android apps to be like iOS apps (and eventually exceed iOS ones) and I am an Android suppoter.

          The Android OS is great, no doubt.

        • +1

          That's what I am saying. If you're sticking to an iPhone just for apps, why would you want Google Market or Amazon AppStore? Neither of them provide much choice over the Apple AppStore. Not zero but not much.

          If it's just for the sake of wanting an alternative, then you should know that you're SOL when it comes to having competition for something Apple already provides.

        • Because I'd rather pay Amazon or Google coz. the developers get paid more. And, in-app purchases will not go through Apple.

          Assuming it is possible, Amazon and Google will probably un-ban some apps - VLCPlayer, ShapeWriter (Swype equivalent).

          Mate… about "Would be nice if Amazon AppStore is available on i-Devices."… that was mostly a joke -> because it was just a silly reply to a better/nice joke before. samfisher5986's comment earlier was pretty funny.

  • The whole process took me 10 minutes…brilliant!

  • This first version seems a little bit buggy. Crashed on Galaxy Tab once (half way through 2-1). Had to turn it off and turned it back on. Second time is okay. Maybe it is an issue with my Galaxy Tab, rather than the game.

    Can't complain though - it is free.

    • Tell nge about it. didn't even work on my htc desire 2.3.4

  • +1

    Damn. Does not work on the ZTE V9. (Optus MyTab.)
    Amazon says it is compatible, but I don't get past the hourglass.

    • restart, reinstall, delete data?

    • yeah, same here. But based on anrgy birds performance I think it would be a dog to play on the ZTE

  • ughz, where is my PVZ 2 popcap??!?!?! my cap has popped waiting for a new release.

  • Just how much free space does ths game need? I cant install it on my Garminfone even though i have over 55mb of free space.

    • Same issue also with GarminFone…..Using Root Explorer to clear the cache (temp files?) may help (at your own risk).

    • The odd thing with the Garminfone is due to the mount point issue. Even though Asus/Garmin allocated ~1GB space for apps, they did so by putting that mount point as a sub-directory under /app mount point. The actual mount point of app/ is rather small. So, Android OS may report you have 700MB left, but most apps. and Android system Info only count the /app mount point, excluding the other mount point inside.

      Hard to find custom ROM for Garminfones and my knowledge of Android (very little) is not enough to overcome this issue. Link2SD may fix it - since it probably re-link /app to a linux native partition on the SD card (haven't really tried it.. just guessing). It is a real pity because Garminfones have plenty of internal memory (compared to other Android phones), but the way the mount points are setup, espeically the /app one makes it hard to install bigger apps.

      I think 55MB is not enough for the game, need a bit more.

      • Hmm, I don't quite understand how Linux works, but from what I can tell using Root Explorer it seems that the A50 only has 155 megabytes allocated to user installed applications. Really seems like a waste since the phone has 3.5 GB of internal storage and you can only use 5% of to install applications.

        • If you conducted a disk usage (du) on the app mount directory, it will only show a rather small amount. The thing is, there is a symbolic link (I think - don't have the phone with me) which points to part of the internal memory which gets you another 500MB from memory.

          It is mostly because two types of memory being used. The 3.5 GB storage is a separate memory storage and Asus/Garmin probably just did the bare minimum and just create a symb. link, rather than properly re-setup the mount points.

  • Application won't install -asks me to delete some applications for make more memory (of which I have plenty). I have seen this error code before in relation to Angry Birds.

  • First time I tried this, I still got an error saying Appstore wasn't available in my region. The random name generator gave me the city as PA.

    2nd time I used an Address in LA and it worked. Thanks!
    Only took about 10 mins

  • -7

    Sick of apps appearing on the front page

    • +2

      Negative vote a free item? That's rather harsh, isn't it?
      If you don't like it, just ignore it and move on to the next bargain.

    • +2

      Says the person who has not even contributed a single bargain post to Ozbargain…

      Leechers don't have the right to complain.

    • your nickname contradicts with your comments

  • The first time didn't work for me (Not available in your region)

    When trying new addresses in the 1-click settings all i get now is:
    "The street name or number appears to be invalid."

    EDIT: Got it, just went to google maps with the generated address and clicked "find nearby: Pizza" and used that address.

    • Did you make new accounts between tries or did you just update the details?

      Edit: Not sure of the answer to my question but I just kept on trying and it worked and uninstalled the app each time.

  • I was able to register and download the app by using this -

    Pretty easy to setup.

    If you get any errors in the sign up process on Amazon just generate a new 'persona' and try again.

  • +1

    I am pretty sure that unless you actually have an address in the USA and have a US credit card what has been suggested and what people are doing is illegal. I am not talking about the downloading, I am talking about the details that they are using to get access to the downloading the app. Posing as someone whether they are real or not and using a credit card number that is not yours regardless of whether or not it is being used to purchase is illegal. So this is a big negative and believe me I think it would be cool to do this, but not do it in an illegal practice. Maybe I am not reading this whole thing right but I can't see what is legal about what people are doing or what has been suggested.

    Now to prepare to be flamed over this post.

    • +1

      Yeah, Rod & Todd Flanders told me that this kind of behaviour makes baby Jesus cry! :p

      • +1

        Its probably also going to make a judge throw a book at you if they knew you were using a credit card number not yours regardless yours or not. If you live in the US and have a CC there then +ve. If you don't -ve. I beleive this actually breaks the rule that ozbargain has in saying that only deals available to Australians should be posted and this deal is meant for people in the USA. Just because there is a work around that suggests people to use American addresses doesn't mean it should be posted.
        And once again that is my opinion.

        • +1

          Which judge…Judy?

          I hardly think our extradition treaty extends to those scamming free Android apps! ;)

    • I am pretty sure

      And I suspect you do not have a clue, legally speaking, but are just making wild guesses.

      What laws specifically do you think are the problem? And in what country?
      Last I heard, there was no law against telling porkies in general.
      If deception was a crime, how many companies would be left?

  • Confirmed, this totally works, took 5 mins…

    Edit: @colaman you're gay

    • and you know because? I never personally attacked anyone and don't believe that there was any reason for your comment. I just put forward my opinion and reasoning hence why I will not be doing this.

      • Edit: @colaman you're gay
        and you know because?

        Not that there's anything wrong with that or nothing! (just kidding) ;)

        It's all just a storm in a teacup…don't stress too much!

  • Purchased through the Amazon Appstore but everytime I try to download, it tells me to use WiFi even though I am connected to Wifi.

    Might go check another AP

    EDIT: Alternative AP doesnt work either. If someone who has already downloaded the APK, upload it somewhere, would it work for me?

    • Try going to your settings in the amazon app store and playing with the 3g download limit, maybe that will make it work

      • Ended up waiting till I got home and it started working on my home Wifi. Awesome game :)

  • How much space does this take. It complained I don't have enough on the unboxed ZTE v9?

  • Too late.
    Today's free app is pacman.

    • Got Pacman fine. Lucky PvZ got registered to my account already so hopefully will retry install later to see if I can get it working.

  • Has anyone tried updating the Amazon App? and does it still work? I'm sick of it telling me there's updates available every 5 minutes.

    • Yes, you can update the app without breaking it.

      • Thanks for that! I was afraid from the instructions that updating would get my account banned as foreign.

        Now I just need an update for PvsZ that works on my tablet! I take it that any future updates will still be free once the game in in my (fake) Amazon account?
        I just have to be careful I'm using the right account next time I buy something on Amazon. Don't want to have to explain to the police :-)

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