So, all I wanted to do - after receiving
this week's Woolies catalog, showing:
- Australia Own 2L long-life Milk @ 0.9 / Litre
was to stock-up with a few 6x 2L cases,
via a large (w/other items) Delivery order
I rang B4 Today began, to get weights
(since over 250 Kg brings a big Fee)
Armed with the info needed, I intended
to place (or at least enter) an order Today
(If my desired Qty went over the default
but flexible limit, I'd need to get a staff'
to override the limit; hence "enter".)
Just past Midnight (~3 hours ago) I get
up to do the deed… but No… Woolies'
online price was wrong for my UHD milk!!
Thinking their online system could be
using the wrong Regional catalog price,
I duly enter our postcode, to view "our"
catalog's price for that 2L milk product.
But… no… Woolies' online catalog display
function wasn't… (ie, functioning)
How hard is it to do things right, Wollies?!?
PS Another pet peeve: When I rang (to confirm
Weights & Limit (ie, B4 O'weight Fee applies),
I got a very chatty staff… who easily -Tripled-
the time it should have taken to get the info!!.
I'm sure that person was Sleep-Deprived, &
Needed (as, I suppose, lots of OzB-er do) to
View this (Yet Another) TED-talk:
- Matt Walker "Sleep is your Superpower"
Go on now, view it RIGHT NOW, B4 U 4GET.
I may have just enabled you to Extend your Life
+ Improve your Quality of Life (if your viewed it)
"Mail in the $5" :ancient (pre Me Too) Bill Cosby
stand-up comedy album track (Recognise it?)