Any ideas on a pasta cooker? Thinking that a stainless steel insert in a large pot would be good, but seems options limited and expensive. Thinking out loud : not good idea, An electric fryer filled with water, using basket as collander… the elements getting dirty and how elements are food grade in water? ie corrode etc.
Pasta Pot Cooker ??

Absorption method pasta,,, could be a goer !
Would need 2 or 3 pressure cookers though.According to this, Hawkins pressure cookers come in 12L size. No idea how safe they are but pretty sure, my colleague got it from an indian shop.
Yes they are called "multicookers." Most have a removable pot and can be used for boiling stuff like pasta as well as other modes such as slow cooking, deep frying, browning etc.
Just use a big stock pot and drain into a colander. Although, I read in the good food guide that this guy recommends just removing with tongs.
Do you mean a saucepan?
What problem are you trying to solve?
How much pasta are you making where you need to buy a separate machine?
Cooking for 6 - 12 people +, so need large solution.
Is that a consistent thing? Or a one off?
used regularly
@SoylentGreen: This sort of thing… ??
Also nice DP lol
Large pot on a high heat filled with water on a rolling boil. Dump in the pasta and keep it moving at the beginning so it doesn't stick together. The water should be active all the time
It's the way mum taught me and she was taught by her Sicilian nonna.
You might wait a little while but Aldi do very solidly built pots with a perforated insert for $20
If you're still looking, ALDI is bringing this back for $24.99 next Saturday 29th June. $5 more expensive than last year.
7.5L Stainless Steel Stock Pot with Pasta Insert.
looks great thanks
I once had pasta at a colleague's place that was cooked in a hawkins(?) pressure cooker. It was a sort of creamy, coconutty pasta curry. Was so good!