This was posted 5 years 9 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Dropbox Plus $13.99 Per Month (Normally $15.39 Via Website) via Apple Store in-App Purchase


With the 3 device limit impacting basic accounts where you cannot connect more than 3 devices to synchronise (including mobile devices), some of us need to use a monthly subscription to enable synchronisation to a few more devices. The Dropbox website lists monthly subscriptions at A$15.39 per month (or A$12.74 per month if $152.90 is paid annually) so this actually works out to be quite a bit cheaper at A$13.99 per month when buying through in-app purchases on an iOS device (refer to screenshot from Dropbox app).

Unlike the website (AFAIK), buying through the app gets you a one month free trial, and then if you have been savvy in stocking up on iTunes credit during 15% off sales, this makes the effective monthly price approx $11.89.

I'm aware there was a better deal on Android previously but I have not been great at building up a stockpile of credit, although there may be better deals out there especially if you've been good at completing Google Rewards surveys >

Referral Links

Referral: random (362)

Both referrer and referee will receive 500MB bonus space (up to a limit of 16GB)

Related Stores

Apple App Store
Apple App Store

closed Comments

  • Dropbox Pro $13.99 Per Month

    What are the benefits of dropbox compared to onedrive or google drive?

    • +2

      With dropbox you don't get office 365, like you do with one drive.

      • If you use 1Password to sync all of your devices (including both iOS and Android, PCs and macOS), then Dropbox would be good. Otherwise, I agreed office 365 with office suite, 1Tb onedrive and 60min skype minutes are definitely better.

        • This is the exact reason.

          I got stuck and am a huge fan of 1Password (even just ordered 1Password 7 today after being a user of 4 for many years, and the iOS/Android apps too).

          I'm aware Agilebits has a subscription service but I actually am happy with my Dropbox-based solution (except for having device limits) as it works across all devices, I'm not tied in to Apple (the iCloud sync option) nor am I reliant on Agilebits in the future.

          In an ideal world, it would support OneDrive since I'm an Office 365 subscriber (agree that it's far better value at $90 for multiple users, Office, 1TB storage, etc)… but in the absence of this, this seemed to be the best way forward.

          • +1

            @jace88: FYI Op, this is applicable to Android via Google Play Store.

            • @cloudie9: I don't have my Android phone handy so couldn't check price. Is it the same (and with 1 month trial)?

        • Hasn't 1password moved away from Dropbox support to its own cloud?

          • @asa79: Still supported in all versions, but they aren't developing any support for other cloud offerings and instead are pushing their own subscription.

          • @asa79:

            Hasn't 1password moved away from Dropbox support to its own cloud?

            That's a misconception (a mistake on AgileBit's part). They originally planned so but reversed their decision and made new standalone products.

            • @Friendly Troll: In all fairness they don't make it easy to spot on the 1Password website. The website is clearly focussed on pushing the cloud subscription and it's only when you download the application offline that you find out there's also the option to pay USD $50 for the standalone licence (or a monthly fee for the standalone licence!).

              • @jace88: Thanks for this. Looks like another mistake from AgileBits ;)

                But from another point, I understand they need a stable source of income instead of relying on one-off payments.

                • @Friendly Troll: Agreed. I think the challenge from my perspective is I don’t want something as critical as my ability to retrieve passwords and OTPs to be ransom to a subscription service. Or worst, potentially at risk of a hack or 1Password going out of business.

                  If Netflix has taught me anything it’s that pricing can change anytime and you don’t want to be caught dependent on a provider without an easy way to move off that need.

    • The negatives of each of the services (compared to DropBox):


      • Versioning is done properly and actually works!
      • Remote wipe of device not there in home version.
      • Not giving all your data to MS
      • No Linux client

      google drive

      • Not giving all your data to Google
      • No Linux client
      • Not as user-friendly as Dropbox or OneDrive
      • Versioning limited to 30 days (Dropbox Pro offers unlimited)
      • +1

        Dropbox is linked to office 365 as per partnering so technically you are giving your data to Microsoft still

    • +2

      Dropbox does lan sync whereas OneDrive doesn’t. Dropbox’s interface is much nicer than OneDrive too.

      • +1

        Dropbox’s interface is much nicer than OneDrive too.

        I don't use any of the interfaces, just map to file explorer…

    • +1

      Much faster than other Cloud drives

      • I don't find it that fast, especially when doing things like renaming files.

        Any links that compare the speeds?

  • +4

    onedrive is junk

    • how so?

      • +1

        He just exclaimed it, what further proof do you need?! 😉

      • syncing is troublesome
        I only use mine due to my Business Essentials account
        I've deployed OneDrive and Dropbox business and have no issues with Dropbox

  • Huge saving

  • I don't know why people don't use services like SpiderOak One instead of handing over your data to organisations like Dropbox.

    • Looks more expensive. What am I missing?

      • How so?

        AUD $13.99 for 1TB for Dropbox Pro.

        USD $11 for 400GB or $14 for 2TB for SpiderOak One.

        SpiderOak One Backup Plans and Pricing

        150 GB Plan
        $6 Per Month or $69 annually
        Unlimited Devices

        400 GB Plan
        $11 Per Month or $115 annually
        Unlimited Devices

        2 TB Plan
        $14 Per Month or $149 annually
        Unlimited Devices

        • That's what I mean - Dropbox is 14 AUD for 1TB, this is ~16 AUD for 400GB or ~20 AUD for 2TB.

          • @v8o: Pay yearly and it's cheaper.

            Depends how much storage you need as well.

            If you need more than a TB it's cheaper and if you need a smaller amount it can be cheaper.

            And there are other benefits including encryption that you control.

  • +2

    It's not Dropbox Pro.

    It's Dropbox Plus.

    Big difference.

    • Too right!!

    • Thanks. Won’t let me edit due to “Store domain must be for a specific store, not a domain with multiple sellers.” so I have reported to mods so hopefully they can rename title.

  • The other way to get around the Dropbox 3 device limit is to create a second Dropbox free account and share each folder with that new account. Even works for 1Password vaults.

    • I tried that and unfortunately it won’t sync.

  • +1

    I would personally choose Office 365 Home ($129pa, 6 users, 1TB each, Office suite) or Office 365 Business Essentials ($82.80, 1 user, 1TB, hosted exchange, business tools, etc.). :)

    • +1


      Usually around $80 for OzBargainers…

  • Just came across this new 3 device limit the other day when I needed to relink my existing install, only to be greeted with the message that I'll need to remove a bunch of my other connections to do so..

    Decided to set up Nextcloud on my NAS instead.

    As already mentioned, if you need more than 3 device logins and want to persist with free Dropbox, multiple accounts with shared folders is the way to go.

    • Tried that and it won’t sync with multiple Dropbox account, this is for my 1Password usage.

      • I actually thought that 3rd party logins via the API didn't count towards the device limit. (Haven't used 1Password so not sure how it syncs)

        • Might just be because I also have the Dropbox app on those devices (since it used it to process my logins) but unfortunately with 3 PCs, 3 smartphones and an iPad, I was always going to exceed the 3 device limit even if I took it off the non-essential devices.

  • +1

    If Dropbox had a 100 GB plan for 2-3$/month, then I would have been game!

    • I agree. I think they created too big a gap in their pricing structure to appeal to the consumer market - unless this was a deliberate way to cull the low value customers.

      • Heck, even 200 GB for 5$/month would be nice. But I don't think they will offer any plan lower than 1 TB, because that's where the moneys at.

  • And they have doubled the storage of the Plus plan with price increase from today.

    A 100GB plan seems more relevant now…

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