These popular sweat-resistant headphones are on sale again, cheaper than before. They're only available in white though.
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Looks like the coupon code might be generic!
These popular sweat-resistant headphones are on sale again, cheaper than before. They're only available in white though.
You'll need to sign up for the newsletter to get a coupon code.
Looks like the coupon code might be generic!
Hmm, that's the same as mine. Must be generic then. Great!
Do these drown out loud background gym noise?
If you turn them up loud enough, they should!
I have the X2 which I used to use for cycling, one ear only of course. It was loud enough to overcome wind noise.
Hmmm at 75% I start getting headaches… Usually I keep my headphones at 50%.
I had another pair of wireless earphones and the noise cancelling was horrible. I could hear the gym music louder than what was playing!
i emailed Sennheiser regarding lack of noise cancelling for noise cancelling headphones and they said noise cancelling are for background mechanical droning noise, nothing on market does cancellation of people talking or other music….I think there is alot of misrepresentation on marketing materials from all brands. Go for a pair of good noise isolation instead of cancellation.
Yet another pair of Bluetooth earphones that get a bad review from owners. Why is it so hard for companies to make a decent pair?
I think it's because people usually complain more than they praise, so you'll read more bad reviews than good. I'm satisfied with my Jaybird X1 and X2 earphones, but I never bothered to leave a positive review. So there could be 10,000 satisfied people and 100 unsatisfied ones - we'd hear a lot more from the 100 unsatisfied people than the 10,000 satisfied people.
I also think people doing research tend to focus on the negative. i.e. if they read 10 positive comments and 2 negative ones, they'll remember the negative ones more than the positive ones.
Your explanation can also be applied to why all reports pointed to a labor win、 but the coalition won. There are often a lot more satisfied quiet than noisy disgruntled. Same goes for consumer products.
I don't mean to be argumentative, but would like to clarify why I down voted your comment.
eug's points:
1. sometimes lots of people can't be stuffed leaving good reviews
2. neg reviews seem more vocal/obvious
3. researchers tend to focus on critical points, including negative ones
I find little correlation to your point Ninjassmileinthedark:
1. all reports pointed to a labour win because of noise, = therefor more people are satisfied coalition customers
:1. you present "All reports", that's factually incorrect, there were many, but not 'all'.
2. you assume more people voted for the coalition rather than labour because of 'satisfaction' rather than fear.
3. you presume 'satisfied quiet' people voted coalition and 'noisy disgruntled' voted' labour, in order for your analogy to be similar. and, is why some pre-poll reports suggested a labour win. It is more likely that in the case of the election (given the results, per electorate/demographic)it was the 'noisy disgruntled/old and afraid' who voted for the coalition. while it was (more often, but not always) the satisfied/self-secure, who voted labour.
..just arguing the points, not trying to start a war about politics/religion.
(FWIW, I didn't vote for either of them) :)
I've had the x2 and now x3 for while, they're really good. Sound great to me with punchy sounds and good amount of bass, battery life is pretty good too. the Comply memory foam is the best, just be prepared to buy new ones every few years due to the nature of them breaking down.
I’ve had the x3 for about a year. No issues and I use almost daily.
When it’s time to upgrade I’ll happily buy the x4 or the x5 when it’s out
Love my original jaybirds. Stil going strong after 5 years.
Took a while to work out how to get a good fit though. I think some people stop experimenting after too few attempts.
Some people would leave a bad review for powerball since the million dollars they won is not enough to buy their dream home
I had an original pair of Jaybirds Bluebuds X which I purchased from the US ~4-5 years ago after reading some rave reviews, I was thoroughly disappointed, and they developed intermittent sound issues within a year of solely gym use. I'm personally unable to switch to any headphones that don't pair as seamlessly as AirPods/Beats do.
I'm personally unable to switch to any headphones that don't pair as seamlessly as AirPods/Beats do.
Hmm to me, it doesn't seem very difficult to press and hold one button on the earphones, long-tapping the Bluetooth icon on my phone, then selecting the earphones from the list. Are you really unable to do that?
In this day and age, you shouldn't have to manually toggle/pair the device.
Even cheap SoundPeats connect as soon as you open the lid of the charging case. I have a set of gen 2 AirPods but bought a pair of Q42's (with dual dynamic drivers… possibly old stock on Amazon AU cos it has the old SoundPeats logo), and aside from loudness, the SoundPeats are more comfortable and block out more outside noise/as well as prevent others from hearing what you're listening to (which the AirPods fail to do when you crank up the volume).
In this day and age, you shouldn't have to manually toggle/pair the device.
I do see the convenience and would happily use Fast Pair if it were there, but to me, pressing two buttons really isn't a dealbreaker for me as it only has to be done one time.
Anyway, these earphones were developed before Android supported Fast Pair in 2017. It's only a matter of time before new devices are released with Fast Pair support. I'm guessing everyone's waiting for chipset prices to drop first.
It’s more difficult than just putting the earbuds in and getting on with what I want to do, and because of that seamlessness, I’ve used my AirPods way more than I have ever used any Bluetooth or wired buds.
The whole process you outlined is a best case scenario which in that case is still consistently 10x slower minimum than simply putting the buds in (AirPods in my experience).
As I said, any wireless headphones that don’t offer seamless connectivity, I personally would not consider, I couldn’t go back.
The whole process you outlined is a best case scenario which in that case is still consistently 10x slower minimum than simply putting the buds in (AirPods in my experience).
Not sure what you mean - once the earphones have been paired, you just turn them on and put them in your ears like any other Bluetooth earphones. You don't have to pair them every single time you switch them on.
@eug: I’m giving my personal experience with the Jaybirds Bluebuds X, which I used fairly regularly as my training buds (multiple times a week) for about a year. They weren’t great, and I found them very tedious to use (with an iPhone).
@Chewiebacca: Yeah, but what do you actually mean? You have to pair the Bluebuds X with your phone (press and hold the power button, then tap on it in your phone's Bluetooth menu) every single time you want to use it?
@Chewiebacca: That's odd. Must have been something going on with your phone. I had the original BlueBuds X too, and I definitely didn't have to do that with my Android phone. I just turn the earphones on and it'll automatically connect to the phone like you'd expect.
None of the reviews I've read or watched mentioned what you experienced either, and that's something reviewers would definitely point out as it's just not how Bluetooth earphones work normally.
Yeah, I agree. I had a set of X2s that were great except for signal drop-outs, so bought a set of X3s thinking they'd be an improvement. In that area they are, but in so many other areas they'd a major step backwards - the most significant being the silicon buds that just won't stay on the actual earpieces at all and keep getting nearly (and eventually) lost.
Worse though is Logitech's support (They bought Jaybird) - you can't even find these products on their website, and good luck trying to actually get a response to any support queries. I've been trying for nearly 9 months and the best I've got from them is "try calling" - where I've been on hold no less than 45 minutes every time before giving up.
Worse though is Logitech's support (They bought Jaybird) - you can't even find these products on their website
Why would you look for them on the Logitech site? They're not hard to find on the Jaybird site if you Google them. Don't forget they're a discontinued product.
Because Jaybird directed me to Logitech when I contacted them.
I have these - they're great. Don't even fall out when I run.
I've got these and find them excellent at double the price
Owned previously, the silicon tips fell off after wearing them around neck after some time.
The memory foam tips disintegrated after a few months.
The rubbery skin disintegrated after some time.
Sold the charging clip second hand for $60.
the foam tips are mean't to disintegrate, they're made by Comply and require replacement a few times a year.
what do u "meant to disintegrate"?
They wear out just like tires on a car. Up for debate whether its a tactic to get you buying more, nonetheless its how they are.
I had the problem with silicon tips fell off too or left in your eardrum when you take off the earphone.
I had that problem before, turns out I changed the tips with sweaty/oily fingers and made the nozzle/tip slippery. Cleaning the earphone nozzle and the inside of the tip worked for me. Might not work for everyone though, maybe some tips were just made a bit too loose.
I did clean them and it doesn't work on my unit. In the end, I just ordered some ebay X3 silicon tips and they are actually better than the original one as they have better grip. So I don't have an issue with tip in eardrum again :)
Yeah I'm sick of comply disintegrating also
Any cheaper alternatives that can do the same thing?
@G Wok: Take a look on AliExpress. Years and years ago I made my own out of some 3m ear plugs and tubing from an aquarium store. Bit of effort but it worked. I wouldn't bother now that you can buy cheap ones from China though
@G Wok: Grab the New Bee foam tips on Aliexpress/Amazon. They are the best alternative to Comply that doesn't break the bank
@Fishdog: Does the new bee brand make 3mm internal (equivalent to comply 100)?
Seems all their tips are for 4-5 mm nozzles.
I went with some no name China brand for now.
Previously had the same issue with other silicon ear tips
A drop of super glue 5o fix the tips in place resolves this issue for good
I had the X2 with same issues. The foam tips on mine disintegrated after a week. The silicon tips need to be cleaned out thoroughly after a few days of usage to wipe away all the oils and crap it picks up from your ears. Only use them during the warmer months and stick to headphones for the cooler days.
I really hated these. They’re a real pain to get a good fit with.
My pair died within a week.
Imo not worth this price, certainly not worth full price.
Had these as well and they fell apart after less than six months. The right ear piece broke away from the mount and was only hels there by the cable. Contacted jaybird who replaced them for the x4 as these are discontinued but I sold those as I did not trust them. I moved to the bose soundsport and have no regrets at all
Yep had a pair of x2s and they died after a year. Controller unit in the middle died and they fell apart and cracked (common fault)
Wouldn't go with jaybird again.
Recommend getting the soundpeats wireless headphones on amazon over these, better sound quality and half the price.
100% yep
Why are these so cheap. What's the catch?
And why are they the only headphones with so many positive reviews?
I'm still waiting for the soundpeats Q30's to go on sale.
I bought a pair of soundpeats as a backup. The sound quality is not as good as the bose soundsports I have but that is expected. They are an awesome pair the only negative for me is you can only pair with one device.
They are garbage don't waste your money.
Work great for about 1 month then failure.
I own the x2's and have been using them for running for the last few years. Is it worth the upgrade?
My X2 is still going strong , and I would suggest hold on your X2 as the X3 is charged with the docket which creates extra burden when you need to worry about the charger a downvoted for me.
My friend who has the X3 says he likes how the charger just pops on easily. No need to open a cap and insert the micro USB plug the correct way up, then making sure you fully pop the cover back on after charging. He doesn't travel much so just leaves the cable in the same place so has no worries about the charging cable.
To sum up, jay bird X is good exercising earpiece ,
Was just waiting for these to go on special! Thanks!
Soundpeats are way better than these
Which model?
Soundpeats Truefree+ are the best Soundpeats ones (ones with the bumpy lid).
If you don't mind spending a bit more, the Sabbat E12 are also very good.
Soundpeats Q30. If you want true wireless, Sabbat E12 is the way to go. It beats Galaxy buds and Soundpeats truefree. Cant beat 6-7 hour battery life, USB C and wireless charging
But they have wires!
You will be disappointed by the sound quality in these. They are utter trash and sound like a hollow pipe no matter what EQ you set it. Battery life doesn't last more than 4hrs which is annoying. And the tips provided are not the best.
My battery life is > a day continuous, I find sound quality excellent, you get silicon and Compy tips in 3 sizes.
Considering Comply tips themselves are $20-$30 I found the overall package great value (I paid $149) and they have lasted me 3.5 years so far, mostly cycling and running but they are used for two hours a day!
I agree, the wire keep me awareness of no losing the earpieces , and the battery life is good, in term of the sound quality, it is pretty good, although I haven’t tried Bose or Beat, but with the price point and it durability, it is really worthy!
If they sound like a hollow pipe, it's because you don't have the right fit.
I overall liked these, but after 1.5 years the right ear has stopped working - noticed the cause is an exposed wire (ie break in the casing) near the remote.
For the original price would not recommend, but for this price it might be a more reflection of the quality
Personally, I'll just buy 2 pairs of wired chifis. These weren't that fitting in my ear anyways to make it anymore comfortable during my runs. Atleast with 40 bucks chifi, the sound quality is great.
Yeah, if you're not after wireless earphones, you might as well get wired ones.
I haven't been impressed by the two KZ models I've tried though. They were very smiley-face EQed.
Most budgets like Vshapes. The xiaomi one is surprisingly balanced. There was also 2 brands that make knocks off of synnheiser ie800s, and they quite balanced too.
Great, I'll keep those in mind for next time! It shouldn't be that hard to make decent-sounding earphones… although I suppose there would be many different definitions of 'good sound'.
@eug: Well, they're usually cheap enough that you can just use them as backip if they're not great lol. Iirc, Xiaomi Pro HD2 is about 40 bucks delivered.
Any recommendations on waterproof wireless headphones 🎧 for swimming 🏊?
Dunno how well Bluetooth works in water
I don't think it does.
I bought these ages ago when they were on sale for $99 down from $159. About 2 weeks after buying them the battery life started getting worse and worse until I was literally unable to charge it regardless of what power source/cable I used. It turns out on their site they recommend you should not use a high power charger, because it could kill the product like I did mine. Thankfully, Jaybird were understanding and gave me a replacement and told me to use the cable they provided/only use a laptop USB port to charge it. I've been using them for months now and they are still running flawlessly since I got them replaced, so keep this in mind.
As for the actual quality, these are excellent headphones and I would highly recommend them. Battery life is excellent (8hrs) and they sound great. Would recommend.
I had these and would not recommend. Waste of money. I've since bought a pair or the $40 chinese wireless buds that often pop up on here, and they've been 10x better. My jaybird X3's stopped charging after about 5 uses. They would have cuts and drop outs every time I wore them. Battery life was terrible
From what you described, looks quite likely you have bought a fake one
Yeah they were so bad they seemed fake, but JB hifi said they were real
They woudn't be fake from JB!
My jaybird X3's stopped charging after about 5 uses. They would have cuts and drop outs every time I wore them. Battery life was terrible
Sounds like you had a faulty pair. If all of them stopped charging after 5 uses and dropped out every time with terrible battery life, everyone would be complaining about them and Jaybird would definitely be in big trouble.
Oh yeah and I forgot to mention the lame ass propriety charger that you better hope you don't lose or break as you can't get a new one from jaybird. Can't even charge wirelessly or with a usb. Lame lame lame. Buy something else
as you can't get a new one from jaybird.
Just get it off Amazon or eBay.
Can't even charge wirelessly
Is wireless charging for earphones really that big a deal?
or with a usb. Lame lame lame.
OK, but some people really don't find that a big deal. My friend has the X3 and likes the charging connector as it's easier to attach than a plug. My Plantronics headset uses a charging connector too and I find it more convenient than the previous micro USB model I had as it's easier to just pop a clip on than to plug in a little plug.
I have never lost the charging connector for my Bluetooth headset as I always charge it at the same place. I haven't lost the charging connector for my Fitbit either, as even when I'm travelling, I always charge it at the same spot.
Bought X4 recently for partner. Earphones are too big, as are the tips. None of the tips nreally fits either of us. Foam is uncomfortable. Proprietary charger is poor. Not really happy and definitely wouldn’t recommend them. I have sennheiser cx3 and sol republic shadow which both fit well and have decent sound.
I dont know why, but I felt compelled to comment.
I ordered these.. going by comments might be a good idea, might not lol
I had these. Initial fitting was trickier than expected, but once they fit they were awesome. Used for running and gym use. Stayed in ears, great sound, excellent battery life, worked perfectly… until the day it didn't. Just stopped charging. I guess it's just the 'built-in/planned obsolescence' of any device without replaceable batteries. Last bluetooth earphones I'll own I reckon. Maybe it's just me but I reckon binning an otherwise perfectly good device but for the battery seems wasteful.
YouTube teardown battery replacement video?
Nope. I can't find one. Shame.
This is because you're using a high powered charger. It says on Jaybirds site that you shouldn't use anything over 1.5 amps iirc. I was using the power cable that came with my Google home mini to charge it and it killed the battery too. I had to get a replacement and since I've been using my laptop to charge it, it's been working fine.
Caved and picked these up. Sounds like if I have any issues with the X3 jaybird will replace these with X4's.
Audio quality is pretty good! Noise isolation on the bus is better than my older sennheiser ear buds as well.
Found the fins a bit uncomfortable but might give them another go.
Another tip for the fins is they don't always have to stay behind the groove that Jaybird has design, personally I move them inwards (closer to the tips). That's how I finally find my comfort position after few days fiddling.
I just collected mine this morning. Charged it in the office for 2 hours, then tried in the afternoon, battery couldn't last 2 songs. Back home and charged it for 2.5 hours, couldn't last 3 songs. The app says 100% at the start, then drops to 80% at the 2nd song, 50%+ at the 3rd song and then dies. Sounds great though and after watching a youtube on how to fit it, feels great also. Pity the battery doesn't last. Gonna try and exchange this tmr.
Sounds like yours is faulty.
I havent used a full charge yet but im guessing I use a bit more than 10% per hour.
exchanged for a new unit. and everything's ok now.
Not sure if the code is generic or not but I won't be using mine so have at it.