key, quite cheap considering the game only launched 2 weeks ago and much cheaper than steam. I have yet to find cheap steam keys and this is the cheapest I've seen it.
[PC] Rage 2 (AUS/NZ) AU $37.39 @ Cdkeys

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Is the game worth at this price considering its only 10 hours gameplay?
It's not 10 hours of gameplay. It's however many hours you want to make it (within reason). I haven't finished the story yet, but I'm about 18 hours in.
On the flip side, I heard someone completed the story within 2 hours, rushing through everything.I'm 14 hours in and still not finished the story. Open world games last what you make it last.
Same for many games, can wander back and forth checking out the scenery in many games.
Giving a time value to the main campaign is quite a common way of measuring the time you'll spend on a game.
I did a moderate amount of side content (not very exhaustive, just getting the cool weapons and a few things I ran into randomly in the world) and it took me about 14 hours. I don't regret paying full price but if 12-15 hours sounds like not enough content for you, then don't grab it. There's plenty of huge enormous 60+ hour games out there if content per dollar is the main metric you're interested in.
Great game 100% worth the price. There's tonnes of content if you don't just rush the main story.
Agreed. Playing through on hardest, some areas are way to hard until you upgrade. Enjoying the leveling and upgrade path options.
It's an ok game, but really I'm waiting for doom eternal as the the end of the year. People that like mad Max may enjoy this one.
Dont think Steam version will get this cheap for a while (no keys anywhere), so might pick it up! Cheers OP
I heard it was a snore fest and the first one was terrible IMHO. I guess that’s why it’s dropped so fast.
I picked this game up from this store a week ago for $60AUD. Pretty bummed about the price drop. I'm very much enjoying it thus far, it feels like a mix of Doom (2016) and the Mad Max (2015) game.
damn that's dropped in price a lot.
Decent game. Starts off slow, which is a problem, but does get better later on.