Cheapest I can find for local stock.
519 at Jbhifi
Saw it at Costco Canberra.
PlayStation 4 Pro Console $497.99 @ Costco (Membership Required)

Last edited 24/05/2019 - 14:58 by 1 other user
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PS5 is at minimum 1.5 years away. I wouldn't define that as arriving shortly.
Games being announced are already confirmed to be PS5 only. You are paying near retail for a console that is nearing end of life cycle. If you only want the games released in the next 1.5 years, then that's fine, but really if I'm paying $500 for a gaming console, I would expect to play new games on it for many years rather than a year or so. Huge waste of money IMO.
I get that it's the cheapest at the moment, so is technically a deal…
But I wouldn't even wish that price on my worst enemy.
I feel that low $400s is the range where you should start considering to buy, $500 seems a bit excessive.
I am so glad I convinced myself to get mine for $380 last year. Can't believe I almost didn't buy because I thought the price would drop even lower…
Yeah, starting to wish I'd jumped on that deal. At this point I'm just going to hold out for the PS5 and put my money towards that instead, especially given that I still almost only play Rocket League lol, which has no benefit for me if I upgrade to the Pro.
I agree that this is technically a deal, but in saying that, EB Games is selling it for $52 more but with 2 games included. Granted one of those is Fallout 76, but Rage 2 is a good inclusion. Or if you're not interested in either, sell them both and you've made back the difference (and then some possibly) without needing a Costco membership.
Ayy same here, pretty much only play RL or GTSport if I get a chance. Bought the console to play the exclusives (UC, HZD, etc.) but once you finish them I always fall back to RL. Now I'm just patiently waiting for The Last of Us 2.
And that's pretty much what I did, I got a PS4 Pro + Far Cry 5 for $450 from EB Ebay store, sold the game for $70 (this was literally the week it released, hence why I got so much for it), bringing down the console to $380.
Im the same, keep going back to RL. Kind of kicking myself I didn't get a Pro when they were under $400 only benefit I can see for me would be the better wifi stability and speed really though. Might just wait for a not so horrible trade in deal with EB
You can get that same bundle for $299 if you trade in your PS4 and 2 games. I asked about it and there's no exclusion list as to what games you can trade in for that deal.
Thought it might be worth it for me as I have a launch day PS4 and 2 old FIFA games but in the end I'm not paying much less than what the PS4 Pro has dropped to on sale in the past. Plus I could sell the console myself for more especially as I upgraded the hard drive to 2TB.
498$ for a console that's going to be considered last generation hardware 1 year from now. No thanks I rather keep my money and wait for PS5. Not long to go.
it looks like the PS4 will be sticking around for much longer than expected.
According to Sony, the PS4 will continue to be positioned as the company's main console for the next three years!
"PS4 will remain the engine of engagement and profitability for the next three years," reads a post labelled 'The Critical Role of PS4'.
PUBLISHED: 09:46, Wed, May 22, 2019
It wouldn't surprise me if PS5 is a late 2021 release which is nearly 3 years away and they'll probably position the PS4 as a lower end model considering PS5 is supposed to be fully backwards compatible as well as games releasing on both platforms (Death Stranding, Last of Us 2, etc).
Lol of course Sony says this, what you expect them to say? "PS5 is coming next year don't buy our PS4s".They don't want to jeopardize sales of the PS4 obviously. It's their business.they said the same thing 1 year before PS4 came out about PS3. Sure the PS3 stayed relevant a couple of years after the PS4 released but that doesn't change the fact that it was last generation hardware. And people who say that PS5 will come out in 2021 are delusional and are trying to justify their PS4 purchase. PS5 will be out before the end of 2020.
Take this from me I have been following the gaming industry religiously for the last 15 years I have no social life but in exchange I know 1 thing or 2 more about the gaming industry that a regular person does not.
That's because the PS4 will be making a profit while initially PS5 will be sold below cost.
So to offset the loss of PS5 they will be hoping for strong profit from PS4.It would be suicide to claim a current console of nearly 100 million users is dead, there's still plenty of games that will be released on PS4, but a lot of the real big hitters will most likely also be on PS5 as well.
Buying a PS4 Pro now isn't a bad decision, it somewhat allows you to buy the PS5 a little later when it drops a tad in price as the leap is less that base PS4 to PS5. They are also unlikely to have big games like TLOU2 or GoT as exclusives on PS5, so you'll still be able to play them.
Or just buy a used one for 350 that works fine
getting towards end of life best way to go buying used, unless its priced at a more reasonable $400 with a game or two
JBhifi bigw think was both 519 … would think this console would be a bit cheaper by now
If you must play ps4 games now, pick up a used slim ps4 instead and wait for PS5.
I got ps4 pro last December and frankly, I would’ve gotten the slim if I knew ps5 was going to be backwards compatible.
Considering Sony has been showing off ps5 specs to the press everywhere, there’s a good chance the console will be released 2020 or maybe late 2019.
if it were 2019 i think there would have been leaked info random pics by now ….my bet is 2020
i got mine 3 years ago im considering selling it in jan/feb 2020 and keep a few games i want to replay
True. I said 2019 cos of the amount of info Sony has been willing to share already. I figured there's a small chance of a late 2019 release.
a pro is must with 2019 games. Games run like shit on slim
I bought my pro with rdr2 so I could enjoy a 1080p mode with much stable 30fps. But it turned out that was not the case since I frequently notice framedrops. I never owned slim so I can't say but based on the digital foundry videos I've seen and from my own personal experience, the pro drops frames just like the slim.
That's only game I had drop frames but that was mostly big towns. Everything else is fine rage 2 runs fine menu is laggy af but that's on both consoles and pc as well Bethesda crap doesn't run well but that's normal
Also helps handful of games do have their fps uncaped
Not worth it seeing $20 more at big w and you dont have pay yearly membership to even enter the store.
Me thinks its too pricey especially it can't play BD 4K.
Almost the price I paid for it nearly 1.5 years ago at JB. Good times. PS5 is already being talked about. Seems a huge sum of money to spend on a console that will be replaced shortly.