What is DailyEscape.com.au?
www.dailyescape.com.au is the only dedicated travel Daily Deals website, we will feature one travel deal every weekday at midday, that’s 5 each week.
We will feature Hotels, Resorts, Motels, Caravan Parks, Bed & Breakfasts and anything Travel related. What’s more you can save up to 90% off the original price making your next night away affordable.
Most of our deals will have limited numbers so make sure you get on and check out the deal to avoid disappointment.
When can we start seeing deals?
We are launching very soon , currently www.dailyescape.com.au is developing some great deals with Australian travel businesses in order to deliver you some of the best deals. We have already signed a major hotel chain as our launch deal.
Sign up at the website & Find us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/dailyescape),the more people who become members the better deals we can offer you plus you will be given advance notice of upcoming deals and specials.
We are also offering Refer a Friend discounts of $10 when your friend purchases a deal.
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