This was posted 13 years 9 months 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Domain Name (Yes, It's Transferable, You Need an ABN)


Before you flame me…
No. There doesn't appear to be any catches.
Yes, you can transfer it.
Yes, I had a glitch when i tried to register, but a 1 minute call and it was fixed over the phone.
Yes, as always, you need an ABN to register a .COM.AU (irrespective of whether it's free or paid)

== IF YOU WIN THE IPAD AS A RESULT OF THIS. PLEASE TELL THEM I REFERRED YOU!! (Gish on ozbargain, loughlan (at) gmail (dot) com)

** edit: Apparently the draw for the iPad will happen over the next few days (probably Thursday)

-Details below-

Celebrate our new website launch with FREE Domains and iPads
We have just launched our brand new shiny website which we are super excited about!! To celebrate we are giving away FREE (or domains - no catch, no small print.

"…lots and lots of domains available for free until next week Thursday, you've got to be quick quick quick!! We think it's a pretty good estimate, but if it all goes crazy…this may end much sooner and unfortunately we don't know exactly how long it will last…"
Feel free to let your friends know.

If you like someone else enough, invite them to the giveaway party! There is a GREAT reason to let them know…
If someone you tell, successfully claims a FREE domain during this very limited time - both them and you will automatically go into the draw to win an iPad.

In other words - you can claim a free domain - your friends can claim a free domain - and you can both win an iPad!

The 1st iPad winner will be someone who gets a domain and found about it from a NewSprout customer (hopefully that's YOUR friend). The winner of the 2nd iPad is that customer who referred them (hopefully that's YOU). So the more of your friends that claim a domain, the better the chance you have of winning an iPad with them.

That's 2 iPads up for grabs, one for you and one for your friend! Hopefully you're as lucky as our previous winner from our "New Logo Competition".

Please feel free to forward this link on to any colleagues, friends or family, TWEET it or post this link on your Facebook wall. Here is the link to this page:…

And here is the Promotion Code to add during your order to get the domain for free: ipadupforgrabs
It also applies to Transfers. So if you or your friend have a domain registered elsewhere, you can transfer it over to us to benefit. You may be thinking to yourself, "Hey, but .au transfers are free anyway!" That's correct and that is why we will cover the cost of the next renewal - please remember to add the code above.

As I said, absolutely no strings!

You're free to do with it as you please over the next 2 years, whether you want to keep it with us and point the DNS elsewhere to another site or location. Or add a web hosting package to it. Or transfer it elsewhere at no charge. Or let it expire once it comes around for renewal again in 2 years time. No strings - No catches. It is entirely up to you.

See you soon…the only requirements are that the Registration or Transfer must process successfully, so you will need to ensure you have your VALID business Name and ABN (or ACN or Business Entity number) ready and the CORRECT domain transfer key if it is an existing domain you will be transferring. Please double check these, as it will need to process successfully during the timeframe in order to claim your domain. This is a requirement by the Australian Domain Administrator to be eligible for .au domain names ( Also, if in doubt, you can read about it here and grab the correct Domain Transfer Key (or Password) from the link on this page:

Why are we doing this and how long will it last?
We've considered various other marketing methods, and rather than spending our marketing budget on various methods - we thought it would be much better spent offering our clients something for free. We would love to offer this for a longer period, however we seriously don't know how long our budget is going to last.

For anyone who has just registered a or through us, not to worry, we will back date this giveaway to the 1st April, so if you just paid for one there will be a credit applied to your account over the coming week for one of the or domains you have already registered or transferred.

No strings but a few Conditions:

• One domain each (a or only)

• The competition closes next week at 5pm on Thursday 2nd June 2011 (but may end sooner, we don't know when it will run out)

• The Apple iPads up for grabs are the 16GB iPad 2 with Wi-Fi

• They will be delivered to your door depending on how quickly we can get it delivered from Apple

• If you are the winner - we require a photo of you before sending off the iPad and then another one with you and your new iPad emailed to us within 2 days of receiving it so we can put it on our site :-)

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closed Comments

  • Don't we need an ABN ????

    • From the description…

      The only requirements are that the Registration or Transfer must process successfully, so you will need to ensure you have your VALID business Name and ABN (or ACN or Business Entity number) ready and the CORRECT domain transfer key if it is an existing domain you will be transferring.

      • does anybody check on the ABN ???

        ie. can you just use someone elses? with their permission ???

        • +1

          The domain name will be bound to that person's ABN. You'd be best using your own, unless you really trust that person.
          The ABN owner owns that domain name.

          These are generic questions that will apply across all .COM.AU registrations. Not just this deal.

        • how do i get an ABN?
          Cant we get some personal domain names?
          Is it only for business people?

        • @jrt. is for business. Correct. You might want to try for a .com. Otherwise there is for personal people.

    • Yes. All .COM.AU domain names require an ABN. (Free or otherwise)

    • When I registered a, they don't ask for ABN… Is there something wrong here?

    • not for :)

  • link dead already

  • High traffic? Appears to be struggling

  • +1

    website is down for me =/

  • +1

    Free domains very popular…. server crash.
    Renewals are a bit expensive at $55 (2 years), even Netregistry is only $35 for two years.
    best to get one then transfer out i guess as OP states

    • Just transfer it out when you're nearing 2 years. That's what I'll do. (coughs

      • $40/2 years isn't that much better…

        • Check Melbourne IT pricing. Then you'll know what expensive is. Lol
          Free is free. Would you rather pay??

  • +1

    Ozbargained with 2 +'s LOL

  • Goddamnit… Grr. Sorry guys

    • I hope that doesn't represent the uptime of the domains.

      • It's not the domains that are subject to 'up' or 'down'… that's the hosting.

  • +2

    I love when hosting companies can't even handle their own traffic!!

    • Well, what companies CAN handle an ozbargain?

  • +1

    10 minutes to kill it. feel the power!! Who needs to infect computers to DDOS a site.. just ozbargain a freebie!

    • I know. Seriously, that was like 10 minutes, literally. Poor bastards.

      • Maybe the "downtime" was them fixing the glitch you ran into earlier.

        • +1

          Nah. It was me clicking back and next 8 times… ;)

  • UPDATE: I've just gotten my activation email, and it's got a 2ndary domain management console (looks like their parent company) that you can still access (in case their mainsite gets slashdotted/ozbargained

  • Back up btw

    • Cheers. They were quick to react.

  • Is there any Domain privacy available?

    • same here.. checkout.php is a white page.
      It created my account though, but i can't tell if it registered the domain.

      Edit: If you log in you can see that it creates your domain.

      • +1

        That's the problem I had.

      • me three.

    • No. Not as far as I can see. You can fill in a PO BOX but that's expensive. Sorry.

    • No you don't get Domain Privacy with domains. Doing a WHOIS will show up your ABN/ACN or your business number and there is no way getting around that.

  • Thanks, got my order confirmed

    • No worries. Remember who referred you if you win the ipad btw! (Yes, it was me)

      • So the website indicates that to even receive an entry to the ipad competition you need to have been referred by somebody who used the ipadupforgrabs code - how do you indicate to them who referred you? There are no entry boxes anywhere that I can see that allow for a referrer's email (so as to receive an entry to the competition).

        The way I see it, there is no logical way to enter the competition?

        • +1

          I answered this earlier. It confused me as well.

          As far as I can make out:
          The winner and the referrer get ipads each.
          I called them after posting it on Ozbargain, and they said that they would call a random person to be the winner.
          Whoever referred that random person (they'll ask the winner which person referred the winner) ALSO gets an ipad.
          In this case, the person that referred you would be me, so if you do win, please do the right thing and say that I referred you. :)

          If the person doesn't know who referred them, they'll pick someone else at random.

          Enjoy the free domain iaijutsu, and good luck on getting the ipad.

        • Nice one, Gish!

  • Where can I get free web hosting now that I have a free domain name?

    • keep an eye out on here. The domain works with most other hosting. Just set the nameservers, or transfer the domain out at no charge.

    • - unlimited space/php/sendmail/unlimited domain addons even email/ftp accounts, the downside is it's slow as a turtle. - was also up here not too long ago I think speed is great, but you can only add one addon domain.

  • So you guys chose "I will register later"? And that means we get the domain for 2 years free? Cause they have that other option "register for 2 years $55"

    • Enter the promotional code and $0 will be payable.

  • So how does the referral thing work? Would be happy to help you out if I score, but didn't see any referrer field in the sign-up form?

    • +1

      Thanks mate. I called them up and they said that they'll call someone at random, and ask who referred them.
      Both the winner and the referrrer get an iPad.

  • every kid fighting for an ipad 2 LOL

    • Yep. Definately!!
      Call it karma if you win, do the honest thing and tell them where you found it (and by whom)

  • registered with the white checkout page, but seems it got through since I got the e-mail. But couldn't change the name servers at the moment, getting "DIT API Error: 602,Domain," error

    • That's wierd. I called support and got an Aussie who was very helpful.

  • Good bargain comes at right time. Thanks and I will renew your service after two years time.

    • I DON'T work for them btw, but good to hear.

  • +3

    so Happy! I can take my pants off

    • +1

      The sign of a good bargain!

    • Please, for the love of god don't… ;)

  • if any one wants a good cheap domain company to register with I suggest:

    • +1
      1. Don't do
      2. Not really cheapest
      3. Okay, at least it's some sort of "good".
      • I agree. If I wanted dirt cheap, with no and the possibility of getting locked in for hosting, I'd choose godaddy

    • has for $24/2years. Never used them before though

      • Crazydomains isn't that bad. Great price though. You can always transfer it out to CrazyDomains as its nearing expiry (not too close to expiry though) at no charge.

  • Registered a domain, and got it within minutes. Its WHMCS is quite slow though — probably flooded with people trying to get a free domain.

  • Just registered, got white screen but no email :(

    Does it take too long to receive the email?

    Edit: It's showing up as 'pending' if I click "my domains" in the client area, so I guess all is well :)

  • +1

    I registered a domain within 5 mintues… Great A great plus from me… Now, I am looking for a web hosting plan… Any suggestions???

    • +1

      Depends on what you want to do with it. If you don't have any great need or skill to build your own Website, you should set it up with Google Apps for domains (personal).

      • If we use google apps on the domain name, will it "lock" that domain to google apps forever, or can we change it anytime we want?

        • +1

          No webhost can 'lock' your domain, you have all rights to it and can do as you please.

        • Because google apps are a separate company, you'll find that you are able to transfer domain registration companies, and still keep google apps running (as long as it's pointed through correctly.

          The only restriction with transferring is (and will exist no matter where you go, free or paid) that you wont be able to transfer when the domain is ~30-60 days nearing expiry, or just registered). This is to avoid any last minute shuffles as the domain expires.

      • To get email working on the domain name, google apps wants us to change the "MX record" on newsprout, how do we do that? I don't see any button to do it…

        • That depends on where the nameservers are pointed to.
          If the nameservers are pointed back to newsprout, I think it'll be in the configuration there.
          If you've delegated your nameservers elsewhere (google?, or other hosting) you'll need to set it there.

          A thread on whirlpool might shed some light on the situation:

        • Say I leave nameserver pointed at newsprout - where in the newsprout settings can I change the MX records? I can't see the setting anywhere (by the way I didn't pay for any hosting, just the free domain name bare)

    • Try They allow you to build a complete website with a really simple drag and drop interface!

  • So, we got a blank (or incomplete screen on pressing "Checkout"

    Where to we go from here?!?

    Is our domain registered or not…? :-/

    Nice price, but you seem to be swamped with takers.

    • read the previous posts.. you get the white screen.. but it still registers

    • +1

      They send like 5 confirmation emails..

  • +1

    Got mine. Cheers! I'll probably transfer to Jumba after two years. They charge 10$/year. 55 is a bit steep but I'll have to see how their service turns out quality wise

    • Wow. that's cheap. .COM.AU's are usually more expensive than .COM's. That sounds a lot like a .COM price.

  • +1

    got the domain much appreciated!

    I feel a bit stupid but does anyone know if its possible to just make my new domain point to an existing URL? and set up emails to forward to existing email addresses?

    • Same here!
      At the moment I'm just fussing around with Google Apps, but would appreciate anyone else with a simple solution!

      • With google apps, I left the nameservers set to the defaults (newsprout), and used the following instructions (except, instead of godaddy, just search for the similar items within newsprout:

        Good luck.

        -edit- Or follow GreenRomeo's guide below. Great work Green!

        • Can't find those items on newsprout…

    • Yes… a guide on how to USE the domain name for free, would be nice!

    • +2

      OK here you are guys (just figured it out a couple of hours ago via Google :) )

      • Step 1: Change the name servers of the new domain to the SAME name servers of the existing domain.

      • Step 2: Log in to the control panel of your hosting, select add a new 'Parked domain' (or something similar)

      • Step 3: Enter the new domain, save it, and you're done.

      • Correct. That would be the simpler way.

      • Thanks for that, still having no luck though with a simple URL / email forward. (I dont use any hosting)

        will send newsprout support an email :)

        • Did you guys use the standard Google Apps or Google Apps for Business?

        • Hey would appreciate you posting what they tell you here, I'm trying to do the same thing!

        • Google Apps is the one to use. I think the difference for me is that the the guide GreenRomeo has posted applies if you already have another domain before getting this free one from NewSprout. From what I gathered, he is describing how to point the new free domain to your existing one.

      • Where do we get free web hosting?

  • got the domain also, thanks very much!

    • Good to hear french1e!!

  • -8



    Even though it is meant to be TOTALLY FREE & even though your Total Order = $0.00!

    • You input the promo code before you reach the payment screen mate…not a scam, you just can't follow instructions.

      • yeah, you're doing somthing wrong, credit card is not required.

    • I agree with the others. If you fail to put the promotion code in (on the right hand side), you'll be asked for credit card.

      I had a similar issue, and they were able to cancel the invoice, and fix it all up over the phone.

  • Not sure why others are having trouble, once you use the code the total comes to zero, Regsitered mine and was pretty smooth.

  • If i register a domain can I then get our website host to use it for our website? even tho its a different company then this one I am getting the free domain name from?

    • if your hosting plan supports addon domains just add the new domain as a parked domain and set the nameservers of the new domain to your hosts nameservers.

  • Looks like it's all over…. rats
    "GIVEAWAY IS NOW CLOSED. Much sooner than we thought! We had an unbelievable response and things are still crazy mad here.

    Thank you and well done to everyone who participated and managed to get your free domain. We regret that we couldn't continue it longer however we'll have some more exciting things and freebies happening in the near future."

    • Thanks. Edited.

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