Hi, we are traveling to NZ. Currently with Belong and wondering if there’s a better choice for international roaming. Alternatively is it better to purchase a SIM over there? Any recommendations please?
Traveling to NZ - What’s The Best Mobile Plan?

What do you need the sim for in NZ? Data or calls+text?
First time I went I bought a voda sim there for $40 which had 3Gb of data and txt + calls to Aus
Last time I took a Sims Direct sim with me, which I found through OzB. Had calls and text but didn't use it.Call back to Australia mostly. Thanks for the info
I used Vodafone when I went a week ago. I bought a 10gb travel sim at the duty free for $51 https://www.vodafone.co.nz/travel-sim/
You can buy a sim when you land at the airport
This. Easiest way by far.
Ask at the counter what deals they have running. Sometimes Spark will have better data promos than Voda
Get the cheapest 2degrees Sim and use data clock
I bought a sim card at the duty free just after arrival and it was perfect. I can't remember which company it was with now though.