I bought a refurbished phone from Certified Tech Direct recently, and am looking to make a TRS claim on it. The tax invoice provided does have an ABN, but the address of the seller is somewhere in Hong Kong. Just wondering if I will have issues with my TRS claim if the address of the seller isn't somewhere in Australia, or it doesn't really matter as long as the seller has an ABN?
Address of Seller on Receipt for TRS Claim

How do I do that? Can't possibly alter the tax invoice myself, can I? Besides, the only thing that came up from the ABN lookup is NSW and the relevant postcode..
Oh the address is actually printed on the receipt as Hong Kong, not sure if it will have an effect on the claim in that case, sorry.
is there any GST component on the receipt?
Yes there is..
A traveller may claim a refund under the TRS if the purchases meet the following requirements:
the purchases are from a single business with the same Australian business number (ABN) and total AUD$300 (GST inclusive) or more. For example, if you bought items from one business, even on separate invoices, that together total AUD$300 the goods were purchased within 60 days of departure from Australia the traveller has original tax invoice/s for the goods the travelling passenger paid for the goods carry or wear the goods on board the aircraft or ship as cabin baggage unless they are oversized or subject to aviation security measures and the airline requires them to be checked in as hold luggage present their tax invoices (in English), goods, passport and boarding pass to the TRS facility when departing Australia make the claim at the TRS facility at an airport at least 30 minutes prior to the scheduled departure time or 60 minutes if travelling on a cruise.
I've looked into it, and there's nothing there that says that the seller's address has to be somewhere in Australia, only that the tax invoice needs to have an ABN. So think I should be ok? Don't wanna get done on a technicality…
Anyone had any experiences with this?
@Quiexo: I guess. Looks grey import website. Probably have an Australian PO Box.
Good luck getting them to re-issue a tax invoice with a new address…
@Randxyz123: No luck with that…managed to save the Live Chat transcript which says that their warehouse is based in Sydney, wonder if that along with the fact that it has "Australian stock" on their website is enough to appease the TRS officer should they get nitpicky..
@Quiexo: Any idiot can put “Australian stock” on their website.
If the invoice has GST it shouldn’t be a issue. It’s more whether the officer at the airport thinks you’re trying to use a fake invoice.
make your own invoice……………………..
Search for the ABN registered office and use that address.