Telstra 5G Launches in June, free for first 12m then $15 per month after that

So Telstra launching its 5G service to those with a compatible device from June
First 12m access is free then will be $15 per month (unless on highest plan where it is included)

I guess the value will be dependent on how many towers are active after the 12m is over.

more info here:…

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  • 0
    I would happily pay $15
  • 77
    $15 seems a bit steep
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    I will just stick with ALdi

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  • +3

    have you seen the maps?

    its useless for $15 a month

    • +5

      HAHAHAHAHA look at Perth

      If you were on a boat outside Fremantle you'd have a big patch of 5G… wtf?! And no that's not Garden Island, that's further down (below Coogee).

  • +2

    they are the test areas to see if its safe for the rest of us. see if the water in their brians start to boil.

    • +11

      Which Brian? Everyone alert the Brians of the world!

      • NO!!! this is the path the lord of light chose for all brians.
        they were sent here to protect us…

        • He’s not the messiah he is just a naughty boy.

  • +1

    the internet says 5g is bad for your health

    • +1

      Don't worry, the corporate-controlled media says 5G is safe. They assure us health fears are concocted by Putin. Real safety lies in being an obedient consumer.

      • +3


      • +1

        can't tell if you're joking or not…

        • +1

          Whenever big money or power is involved, then the truth will be manipulated to suit those who have or are seeking money and power. We've seen it with tobacco companies, oil companies, Monsanto, etc. and now we are seeing it with telecom companies. As they sponsor most mass media outlets, the information published will be aligned with their interests.

          One example is the New York Times claiming 5G health concerns are being pushed by Putin via RT America. The NYT are partially owned by Verizon if my memory serves me well. I would suggest being highly critical of any information published from sources that have vested interests.

          • @kahn: NYT are their own public company. Verizon doesn't own them.

            You're right that historically companies have shut down debate on health issues but I'm sure tobbacco, oil etc. all started with some scientists raising concern and then being told "lol no".

            Don't think 5G has any scientists coming out saying it's dangerous.

            • @Aweios: Regarding your last point, I'm pretty sure there are many concerned scientists. Even older wireless tech has bogus studies like the American EPA (I think) conducting a 20-year experiment on rats or mice with adverse effects observed, cancer perhaps. The study's finding were disregarded by the EPA because it was done on rats/mice and not directly relatable to humans. Why conduct the study then, you ask? Beats me!

              Regarding your first point, yes, you're right, and I just looked up the link between NYT and Verizon that I had forgotten. See below:

              "This January with Verizon support we’re launching a new journalism 5G lab at the Times. This lab will be based in our main newsroom and it will work very closely with Times journalists in New York City across America and around the worldand partner with Verizon’s open innovation group and get early access to 5G technology and equipment and we’ll use those resources to experiment not just in lab conditions but in the field with real reporters and live news."

    • And that lizard people control the world

      The internet knows all…..

  • Too expensive for the little service it offers. I guess they'll expand and improve it within the next 12 months though..

  • -1

    Telstra can suck eggs!

  • clientele would more likely adhere to traditional absorption pricing. Even if little more than the charge for one extra GB/[G].

  • Have a look at the Dawrin. Didn't even make the list!!!

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