This was posted 13 years 9 months 7 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free "M8-IT-CAN-W8" Thumb Bands!


A "Thumb Banned" is, well, a band for your thumb!

From the "M8-it-can-W8" campaign, you will receive TWO of these bands to help promote awareness against texting while driving.

Just fill in your name, address and email!

Forget about wristbands, thumbbands are the new craze! Enjoy!

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closed Comments

  • +27

    Well there you go, I thought this was another one of those don't have sex before marriage campaigns. My minds been expanded already.

    The things do seem incredibly impractical though…

  • +9

    Morons who do not realize that not paying attention while driving is extremely dangerous, confronted by friends, celebrities and family wearing ridiculous rubber rings around their thumbs are suddenly going to comprehend said danger?

    Idiots will always find ways to get distracted and kill others, as sure as bogans will always find the fastest way to wrap their car around a lamp post.

    • Oh, come on, it's just for fun…and to spread the word. :). It's just like wristbands from charities. I suppose the "thumb" part is supposed to relate to how texters use their thumbs to type.

      • +10

        I post a hell of a lot of nonsense on here, but, seriously, I hate this kind of crap.

        If people do not get the message that texting and driving is dangerous after both common sense and numerous education campaigns on radio and tv scream it from the mountain tops, not to mention the fact that it is an offence, I don't see what good a rubber ring is going to do. Unless of course the rubber ring is extremely tight and is used to constrict and, eventually, amputate the thumb of offenders.

        I just don't buy that people who make decisions like this can be educated out of it. If they had the capacity to think rationally about such decisions then they wouldn't do it in the first place, because there is already ample information and awareness around and about them.

        • +6

          Well said. I have a feeling these are gona end up in the bin or under the car seats after a few use, and as for 'fun', I dont really see myself wearing it around like a fancy ring… =\

        • +1

          i havnt seen or heard any campaigns for it. but this one doesnt do much. i rekon there should be some gruesome/heartbreaking ads on tv.

          i think its only going to get worse as more touch screen phones come out, cos people can no longer text without looking (paying half attention) and will look at their screens full while driving (no attention to road)

        • increase the no-warning penalty for texting while driving to suspended licence for 2 years and this nuinsance will stop.

        • It's moreso the fact that people who do believe that texting is dangerous, receive information to support their ideas - and, if confronted in the car with someone texting while driving, they can stand up and tell them that it's wrong.

        • +1

          I disagree. Campaigns like this are designed to consistently remind people about the importance of safe driving. I don't think this can be stressed enough. If this stops just a single young driver from losing their life I'm all for it.

  • +22

    They will get the message when you punch them in the face with it.

    • +3

      how else do you promote awareness? through sitting on the couch? of course it's an advertisement, except this time there's no commercial agenda behind it

      • -2

        This is a bargain site not an awareness promotion site. Neg all you want.

        • +4

          it's a bargin, it's free. What's your problem??

        • +6

          Imo, the item would have some kind of value to be a bargain. Although its free, are you going to use it? If you are and a victim of a very bad habit (texting while driving), fair enough. But if not, all it is, is just free rubbish. Plus, Id assume the process of making these have some kind of environmental impact… Dont order one just cause its free (and useless to you).

        • i concur, the + voters are probably the bunch that sold poverty wrist bands during the period when they were a craze, to raise "awareness".the only ppl who it had an effect on were aware to begin with, just made the manufacturers richer selling 0.001c sillicon bands for $2.

          theyre just false pariahs out to make themseles look like they care. looks great on resumes

        • +3

          A stupid sticker isnt going to solve the problem, its simply a waste of time , money and effort that could be better invested in innovative ways. Case closed.

        • -1

          Bargain=Freebie, etc. All that. Thumbband=free.

        • -1

          therefore FREE mouldy bread = bargain?

        • +1


          Sure, it you are willing to also post for free! :P

        • -1

          @ issh
          Hmm maybe, if it stops you from eating mouldy bread.

    • +1

      Okay, yeah it's pretty impractical…but teens and tweens these days seem to love wristbands, so why not thumbbands!! XD.

      • Yeah I know. Teenage boys wearing bangles. I'm getting old.

  • +1

    This website was down on Friday while the Ch9 commentators were promoting it live during their NRL call.

  • +12

    Forget texting while driving, instead ozbargain RSS feeds on the go.

  • +5

    it's just a ring that's free. i just don't get the negativity here.

  • +1

    Great find :)

  • +4

    How do you even text while driving?

    I find it hard enough to simply call someone in my address book so I can talk on my bluetooth headset…

    • I can't thumb text on my iPhone either lol

  • +1

    coming to a phone near you….."ThumbSwype"…one wave of your thumb and the text is composed and sent in the blink of an eye!
    ps this may not get through to all offenders(what marketing campaign does?!) but i suppose if it saves one accident/life it is effective in my books

  • +1

    These look cool :P

  • +8

    cool- another fashion accessory!

    to all those negative commentators - have a cup of lighten-the-f-up

  • +13

    Here's an idea for the negative people… think of someone you know that you have seen or heard of texting while driving. Heck even using their phone whilst driving will do. Then put their details in so they get the "thumb band".

    Just one life saved (usually the innocent party) makes this campaign worth it.

    • +3

      That's rather sadistic.

  • Good message, however it's ironic that the image is showing a thumbs up.

  • +1

    They should make these thumb "caps" instead of rings, that you put on before you set off making your thumb too fat to text :)

  • you know… it would be a better hit if it was made into another type of 'adult' ring for another type of appendage. ;)

    would be hilarious.

    "mate, that can wait." :P

  • +1

    Thought this was a purity ring

  • +2

    i wanna wear this while planking naked on top of my wheelie bin on garbage collection day

    • +8

      <imagined scene>

      Garbage trucks turns into residential street and spies a naked noob planking on their wheelie bin, wearing only a thumb ring. Instead of stopping, they simply drive past the house and keep collecting other people's refuse.

      Garbo 1: "Hey, aren't we going to empty the wheelie bin at that house?"
      Garbo 2: "M8, it can w8 until next week."

      • best response ever!!!

  • +1

    I think this is a good idea. Yes drivers, your SMS and even your entire phone call can wait until you're safely pulled over to the side of the road. However make no mistake about this community service from Telstra: it's cheap advertising and good PR for the company. That's all they really care about.

  • +1

    Firstly - after 40 yrs of driving, it still ASTOUNDS me how many people ride along in a car, instead of driving the car. As a bike rider also, we ride the bike, not get taken for a ride (yeah ok, that does happen too - but usually by the passenger behind a cars steering wheel).

    Second - this is ozbargain - tell me we're not going to find some obscure use for these things.

  • what does W8? mean? without?

    • wait

      mate it can wait

  • wait

  • anything free is good :)

    • +1

      I have some free bills for you.

      • +2

        Attached to ducks or platypuses?

  • got it today

  • +3

    mate it can…be mailed in a smaller envelope! it was huge!!!!!

  • +1

    I have small thumbs!

    • +1

      They are much bigger than our 18 year old's thumbs!

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