Cheaper Lastpass or Dashlane Subscription

I am currently with Lastpass and have been so for a few years. It's one of my favourite and most used apps/services behind Directory Opus and Listary.

My yearly sub runs out in 6 days and having looked at my billing history I've realised the fee jumped from $13USD to $26.40USD last year, and found here on OzBargain the fee is going up yet again - so if I can't get it cheaper I'm going to bin it.

I've also had a look at Dashlane - stupid me didn't sign up for the 1 year free a few weeks back, so I wouldn't mind giving it a go if it can be found cheaper.

I've had no luck so far - does anybody know of a cheaper deal?

tl;dr Want Lastpass or Dashlane yearly sub for <= $26.40USD

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  • there's a few for sale on redditbay and other "forums"

  • +6

    Lastpass is free.

    I wish I had signed up for the annual in a recent deal, not because it has anything useful, but just to give back a little.

  • +7

    Try Bitwarden it's a free Open Source alternative.

    • +1

      I jumped ship from LastPass to bitwarden after the last price hike, best thing i did, it's a much slicker system. I choose to pay the 10 Bucks a year to support them even though I don't use the features of the premium

    • Thanks, I ended up changing to Bitwarden on your suggestion. So far every bit as useful as Lastpass.

      The only thing that bugs me is the uneven logo, much like the original Windows 10 defender icon. I should submit a bug on their Git…

  • Try promo code keepassxc. ;-)

  • I use 1Password which is free for much of what I want to do with it. For everything else nowadays I use MacOS so I fine the built in credential store is good enough for auto-completion and randomising new passwords and allowing me to find previously used credentials.

  • I find PasswordSafe and Dropbox does everything I need it to for free.

  • Social stack have a deal at the moment for Password Boss which is a life time subscription offer.

    I am currently a Dashlane user however with their constant price increases and adding features I don't need (eg. VPN, which is why it has gone up to pay for the 3rd party provider). It has lead me to a somewhat similar password manager.

    Give them a try as you can get a trial and see if it is a password manager you might consider switching to.…

    • No way would I trust my passwords with a "lifetime subscription" from StackSocial. Whether they're the Password Boss or not.

      • You don't have to do a lifetime subscription offer with Password Boss and if you prefer to sign up for their monthly or yearly plan you can via their official website.

        Logically, after 1.5 years the 'one-off cost' of a lifetime subscription is paid off and future years the value is multiplied since all companies will eventually increase their costs (due to extra features and inflation).

        Even if you had doubts on any company closing within the next 10 years you have got the value of the lifetime subscription many times over.

        As an individual you choose whether these deals are right for you and your circumstances.
        I'm neither affiliated with either of these two companies however I have used both password managers and find that they are similar in functionality.

  • If you can find a few people to split a LastPass family pass with works out incredibly cheap - I think 6 is the limit. I share mine with some family and friends.

    Each account is still separate and you only share folders you specifically create to share and pick who has access

  • You can get a lifetime subscription to StickyPassword for $150 USD…


    US$24 for 12 months. i.e., $2/month

  • LastPass actually went up to USD$36 per year this year. It originally was USD$12, then USD$24, and now this.

    But pissed that they didn’t “grandfather” early adopters, freezing their rates and allowing up to renew at the same price year of year. The fact they now charge 3x what they charged originally, when all of their hardware costs would have dropped over time, and the functionality hasn’t really changed a great deal.

    AppSumo are offering a Lifetime Account for PassCamp. Not as fully featured as LastPass as yet, but has a solid roadmap.

  • Thanks for the help everybody, ended up with Bitwarden per @bargainr's suggestion. :)

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