Hey All,
Longtime lurker, first time poster.
I've broken my phone screen on my Redmi 4 and been keeping an eye out for a good priced Nokia 7 Plus.
Most prices I've found are over $400, there are some under but they've been from dodgy looking sites like TobyDeals.
Ideally, I'm looking for one under $400 with Australian warranty.
I'd welcome anything the brains trust here can dig up, as my own ability has been pretty lacklustre over the past month or so.
Alternatively, I'd also take advice if you'd recommend a similar phone, generally look for battery 3800mAh or higher, stock android (newer version is better),a headphone jack and priced under $400. Looking to stay away from sketchy sites and feeling uncomfortable with Xiaomi in regards to privacy/tracking.
Thank you in advance for any input, it is very much appreciated.
price beat toby at OW for 8.1.