Dental Procedure with Super


I need to get my son a set of braces and I was thinking of using my super. I saw Access My Super on Google and wanted to know if anyone has tried them out ( They say they can help with accessing my super for dental procedures.

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  • +16

    This seems like a really stupid idea.

  • +3

    What about a payment plan from the dentist?

    • +4

      Dental plan!

      • +5

        Lisa needs braces!

        • +2

          And we march day and night by the big cooling tower, they have the plant but we have the powerrrrrrrr!

        • From now on the baby sleeps in the crib

  • +4

    Acess denied.

    Good luck getting some of your super for dental. It will be like pulling teeth

    • +5

      You should've warned me I had to brace for your pun

    • +4

      That joke fluo-ride over my head.

  • Most orthodontist do staggered payment plans - e.g. 30% upfront then the remainder over 2 years.

  • +1

    Also check out the fees on that access my super website. Ouch.

    • +2

      Wow. $599 deposit.

      I wonder what exactly do they do. I have on multiple occasions obligingly assisted patients with filling out forms to get early release. It is always rejected for reasons I can foresee and agree with.

      Super is to ensure future retirees are not dependant on the taxpayers to survive, ie. forced savings. I don't see how paying for someone else's elective treatment is going to be consideration for exception.

  • +1

    I get people asking me to help them access their super for all sorts of very elective procedures for chronic conditions.

    Success rate - 0%.

    Orthodontics (much less for someone else) falls under the criteria of elective and chronic. Don't waste your time.

    • I only know of 1 case personally that someone could access their super early. They were about to be made bankrupt and lose their house.

      • Hmmm… Yeah, I think that is reasonable grounds.

      • Craig Thomson accessed his to defend allegations of embezzelment. Given he was obviously guilty as sin, I wonder why that was allowed.

        • +2

          Until a verdict is made, he must be assumed innocent. If he is unable to defend himself, he may suffer financial loss that will be detrimental to his financial position now and in the future.

          It's fair.

          Him losing is also fair.

      • I didn't know you could access your super to pay your mortgage. I only know of 2 cases personally and both had terminal cancer.

  • +4

    Sorry super is for your retirement not dental procedures

    Is this even a serious question

  • +1

    I had a friend that used his super to fund his dental treatment, not sure how he did it though. I guess it is a two sided blade with taking the money out for braces, and saving it for retirement.

  • You don't have to pay first up (only a deposit) for braces. They always have a monthly payment plan. You get many years to pay it off. The one used was $1000 deposit, then $100 a month for however long until the whole amount ($7K or so) was paid off. You keep seeing the orthodonist well after (years infact) after you have stopped paying.

    It's really not that bad at all.

    If the one you have seen doesn't have a good payment plan, just ask around other parents. Other parents will definitely know the best orthodonist in the area.

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