Ninja Gaiden II on sale for $12.99 from OzGameShop with free delivery.
Not sure when this deal expires.
Ninja Gaiden II on sale for $12.99 from OzGameShop with free delivery.
Not sure when this deal expires.
Same seller. Either way though its good price for the game.
Funny how they offer it cheaper on ebay with all the additional selling costs they would be incurring.
This game is cheap now but I don't know if I will like it - read some mixed reviews.
you call that "mixed reviews"? it is one of the best action games, just not as good as the ninja gaiden 1.
Excellent price! This is the "must play" game on Xbox360 - I bought my Xbox for Ninja Gaiden 1 (which is perfect IMO) and X360 for this game (not as good as the first one but still 9.5/10!