What Does This Question Mean on My Job Application?

Good day to all.

I’m just about to submit my job application but there’s one question on there that I don’t understand and whether I should be ticking yes or no to it.

The question/statement is:
I believe there to be a real/potential/perceived conflict of interest or commitment

And underneath is just a “yes” option.

Can somebody explain to me in dummy words what this means? Thanks


  • +2

    Are you doing anything that might go against whatever it is you’re doing now?

    For example if your side business is selling donuts and you’re about to work for Donut King, that might be a conflict of interest.

    • +21

      Or a conflict of deliciousness

    • Why would that be a conflict of interest, in case you steal all the donuts or learn all the donut king secrets?

      • +1

        Yes, you would be conflicted that making them more successful would likely come at your donut places’ expense.

        • spit in all their donuts and tell them the donuts are better at AustriaDonuts

  • +4

    It's them putting responsibility onto you for potential future issues (lawsuits).

    PS weather is stuff like rain. Whether is the word you are looking for :p

  • +5

    Will hiring you disadvantage the company through your affiliations with other companies or external interests?

  • That's a strange question to have on a application though, no one is going to answer yes to it as it'll automatically take you out of the running

    • +3

      But if you declare that you don't, and it's later found that you do, it'll likely be grounds for instance dismissal without them having to go through any due process.

    • There's probably a precedent that has previously caught them with their pants down, and hence this is an ass covering clause for future conflicts of interest.

    • I don’t think this is necessarily true. If I was the child of Scott Morrison, and was applying at a job where most of their contracts were from the government, that could be a perceived conflict. In most cases, however, the employer would likely see having a family member of the prime minister working for them as an asset. So they would put processes in place to manage the conflict.

      Most people don’t ever have any conflicts of interest, and they are usually best summarised by saying “would it look dodgy if I got this job/did this deal?”.

  • You may have answered a previous question that results in this scenario. Review all your answers again and specially pay attention to questions that asks for your part time job / business / commission work/ study?

  • It’s hard to answer without knowing the context but my assumption is that your potential employer wants you to define what a conflict of interest is. If you are unable to define what it is in one or two sentences it may indicate that you are unable to seperate professional/personal boundaries. Could you contact the employer and see clarification but communicate your understanding of what you think it means so that you can show that you have thought about it?

  • Do not tick the 'yes' option
    Good luck getting the job

  • There are some examples here

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