Gift Ideas for a Golden Wedding Anniversary That Is 50th Wedding Anniversary

Hi, can you please give me gift ideas for friends 50th wedding anniversary? I am happy to buy the gifts online or in shop. My budget is $100. If possible nominate gift shops both online and in Perth.
Many thanks in advance.


  • +5

    itunes gift card?

  • A bit hard to recommend a gift without knowing ages, interests, who they are (cousins, family friends etc)

    Maybe a bottle of wine ? Or a weekend at a winery in Margaret River or somewhere?

    • +2

      According to the original post they are friends of the OP and they have been married for 50 years which would put them around 70+ years old.

  • +1

    A nice Card and a bottle of good Champagne.

    If they don't drink, then a voucher for a nice Lunch or Dinner at a local Restaurant.

  • +2

    One of those rapping Santas.

  • +1

    Skydive vouchers.

  • Cocaine.

  • combine with others to get a cruise voucher, or money towards a cruise?

  • video message from big man tyrone

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