I have a Asus RT-AC86U router connected to a Huawei E3372 usb dongle modem (bought from officeworks, optus brand)
I want to use this with the Spintel 250gb 4G wireless broadband internet plan
When I put everything in its not working
Does anyone have any tips?
Modem does not seem to work when plugged into laptop too
I have tried to change the APN already…
Thanks in advance
Asus RT-AC86U+Huawei E3372+Spintel

It's not locked…
Make sure you plug it into the usb2 port on the router, not the usb3. Then enable the usb dongle function via router settings. I have the exact same setup running data aim from optus, should work for you. If not, could be an issue with it being a spintel sim somehow
this is good advice - ive used a similar setup with an ASUS DSL-AC68U, same modem but with Optus Sim.
I found the USB modem to be pretty unreliable with regards to maintaining the connection if your modem is unlocked - check the USB modem works with your mobile phone sim - which would exclude a USB modem issue.
You might need to double check that the Spintel sim is seated properly if it not the case then its a SIM issue and order a replacement
Update the firmware on your router and it should work. There is a list of dongles on ASUS website which says whether they support that particular dongle.
It worked when using an Optus Sim card, but not a Spintel Sim card (i think it actually is locked to Optus, can't see anyway to unlock it). I ended up returning the Huawei E3372 and going with the modem provided by spintel. Thanks everyone.
So the USB modem is locked to Optus Sims Only?