Hi all, I'm just at the early stages of investigating construction of a dualocc on my property. Whilst getting some prices a colleague of mine had mentioned potentially selling my property to a business specialising in relocating homes. I hadn't really thought about this but given my home has been recently renovated the prospect of recouping some of this whilst clearing the block sounds great.
I was wondering if anyone here has used a similar service? Do they actually pay for the home of is it more a "clear the site for free" type proposition. I'm not expecting to make a fortune out of it!
Selling home for relocation

drprox on 14/05/2019 - 18:24
Cheers good to know. I reckon 10k or so and a clear site is probably pretty good!
My cousin did this to their house (3 bedroom in South East Melbourne). The person who bought it came with a crew of about 10 people and they gutted half the interior and cut it (it was a weatherboard) It was eventually going to a site where a bush fire went through. They got like $11k or something for it
Thanks for the story. Mine is a modest weatherboard too but upgraded to a good standard so as much as anything would be nice to think of it existing somewhere still!
Post it on Ozbargain. "Cheap house, come get it."
Normally clear the site for you in exchange as it does cost quite a bit to cut the house in the middle and transport it.
Alternatively you can sell it on Gumtree with buyer to arrange transport etc. Depending on house you can make a few thousand to $10K or so