Enjoy from this Wednesday :)
Reese’s Peanut Butter Choc Cones 472ml Pk 4
Enjoy from this Wednesday :)
Reese’s Peanut Butter Choc Cones 472ml Pk 4
$5 regular price too
Awesome. Love Reese's!
What didn't you like about them?
Australian made by Bulla, 9% peanut, 25% cocoa solids (Cadbury block is 27%). Not too bad, worth a crack.
Easily the best supermarket icecream cone in the opinion of everyone in my house.
This product is $3.50 nearly every other week at both Coles and Woolworths. Wait til then to buy it.
I don't think I've ever seen them for less than $4? (Which does happen very often, for both good and ill.)
Hmmmm, I'm almost certain I've bought it for $3.50 before and have seen it many times for that price as well. The full price for this was $7(which it seems has increased to $8) and when it went half price it came to $3.50.
I could be wrong about this but I'm 99% sure.
You’re wrong.
@elcheapo1: https://pricehipster.com/product/4wuyE0T4owLHxz9CpZadyw~HJA-…
Never hit $3.50 according to price hipster.
I’d love to see your proof.
@ihavecentsnotsense: Fair enough.
Don't have proof, wishing I kept one of my receipts now.
I just read this thread as well where a commenter is saying they bought it for $4 as 50% off introductory price in February.
Definitely seems I was wrong. Soz OP
Love Reese's, tastes amazing totally recommend
Good thing I decided to go shopping today, only two left, almost didn't see them!
Good deal, thanks.
Bought this yesterday from Aldi. Tastes great, can recommend.