For all my fellow balding brethren, Regaine is half price at Chemist Warehouse. Sale looks like it ends tonight.
Edit: still showing at discount price. I'm not sure when this ends.
For all my fellow balding brethren, Regaine is half price at Chemist Warehouse. Sale looks like it ends tonight.
Edit: still showing at discount price. I'm not sure when this ends.
I grow hair pretty much everywhere anyway
The price of this product is
just Another Reason men now:
Cut off all their hair, bald-
ing or not before the cut'g.
It may Not help 'em prevent
skin cancer, unless w/a hat
or 50+ sun-blocker…
but it saves 'em heap$ ;~)
Does this stuff even work?!
(My cousin & NYC Accountant
transplanted hair from legs
to head just before Winter!
He's yet to send a photo…
for some reason…)
My cousin & NYC Accountant transplanted hair from legs to head
She must be very insecure.
Is this meant to be a poem?
is it a poem?
but a haiku it is not
butter on bacon
Does this stuff even work?!
No according to Joe Rogaine.
snake oil on sale.
Friend, while it doesn't regrow hair it causes hair to grow stronger by increasing bloodflow I believe. Usually it's coupled with actual drugs and acts to boost their effectiveness.
What drug are we talking about?
Absolutely not snake oil, the effectiveness of Minoxidil is scientifically proven.
Agreed, its actually rather interesting reading up on it, theres a lot of people who can confirm that it works, but no one really knows how exactly (just has a fair idea). From my understanding they were trying to make blood pressure medication, found out it for some reason increased hair growth and bam new product.
Anyways, for a research paper on testing Minoxidil an interesting one is:…
The main part is:
Treatment of subjects with topical minoxidil for 4 months resulted in a statistically significant increase in terminal hair growth in comparison with placebo therapy. In addition, subjects initially treated with placebo, when crossed over to topical minoxidil, showed a significant increase in the number of terminal hairs. No subject had a net hair loss in the target area during the study. These results indicate that topical minoxidil can increase terminal hair growth in early male pattern baldness.
The sale price is still showing and it's close to 2am.
Anyone used this for their front hairline? I've started to thin, I started taking Finasteride but after 8 months no difference so gather it's just a maturing hairline.
Let it go man. Number 1 all over. Everyone knows when it is happening. Embrace it. No one ever said "wow, you can hardly tell he is thinning/receding".
Some of us aren't ready to be a baldy yet, especially when you can help resolve it easily.
I dont even bother with number 1, I go open clippers on shortest setting.
And Im not even balding. Starting doing it 25-ish years ago while at uni cos I was poor and never broken the habit.
It helped my front hairline and to thinning. The thing I don't like is that you have to apply twice a day, every day. If you miss out an application or two, it's a big set back.
Yeah, seems annoying.
I have alot of hair tho,so I just wanna buy a few years and then I'll get FUE to fix the front.
Finasteride does have some sides, so all the drugs are annoying in some way.
I sort of use it for both. The hard evidence is for vertex baldness but some people have anecdotally described success for frontal.
When I first started using it a year ago, I saw good results on the front-line but now after a year of regular use, I see no new growth. I am still loosing hair at a slow rate and definitely not maintaining all the hair I had a year go. I am now bit scared to let go of regaine as I may loose hair faster if I don't use it. I don't want to take Finasteride so this is my only option for now, until I accept "baldness".
I hear you on Finasteride doesn't look like many other options, maybe try derma rolling in combination with Regaine.
I have been using derma rolling along with Regaine. Very good results in the first 6 months and since then nothing special in particular. Still have a slow shedding. The natural process of hair shedding might be stronger than regaine's effect of saving them so the net result is still a slow hair loss.
First 6 months for me was like a miracle. I saw very good growth, new hair popped up where there was a thin patch. I wish I had that same growth again.
I have been using Finasteride and Minoxidil for 4 months, very happy with the results. Finasteride started working after 2 weeks, Minoxidil after 3 months.
My impression is Finasteride stops hair falling out and Minoxidil increases coverage so for me you have to use both. I have been applying all over top of head including front hairline and I can hardly see my scalp now. Still have a balding spot at the rear, guess it can't do miracles :)
I use a different brand of minoxidil that's cheaper but I think they all work.
Apply minoxidil twice a day, before bed and in the morning, takes 30 seconds, not a big deal. I have sometimes applied only once a day, I don't see any adverse impact.
Side affects for me: lower sex drive and initially very itchy scalp. Itchiness is much less now.
Finasteride takes 8 months + to work
Literally 90% of feedback suggests this, hair cycles etc.
I got sides from the very first dose. I was dosing .25m every other day. No improvement or less hair loss.
I started .5 everyday and the odd thing is my libido has jumped.
It definitely took a hit, I had bloods too. I gained 5kgs in 3 weeks, probably water etc.
I'll give it a few more months at full dose otherwise I'll stop.
FUE transplants are much cheaper these days, if I have to drop 3-4k I will.
I was always scared to use finasteride so I opted for topical finasteride. No side effects so far!
@ggmm2013123: Where from? Pharmacy said I need a script and they can make a shampoo for me $60. Can you PM me any information? Thank you
@[Deactivated]: I have posted link below.…
It is from ebay aus but product is made in India. The company which make them is reputable and knowm for quality products. (Based on my research) I bought from the ebay seller from India but had lots of doubts about quality so I opted for an Australian seller now.
It has minoxidil 10% and finastaride 0.1%
@BellaWii: Terry White
There isn't much research in tropical Finasteride, however a new Italian pharmaceutical has it in a product which is at human trials.
I figured you only need to use a little for the top, so a bottle should last you quite a while.
I wanna quit Finasteride, especially since I see no benefits. I'm still losing the same amount when I wash my hair.
@[Deactivated]: Sorry that it's not working for you. Finasteride 1 a day and minx 5% 1ml rubbed twice into the scalp has worked wonders for me.
@BellaWii: Maybe I need full dose? Take into account I just have some thinning at the front. I have thick hair otherwise, Finasteride is mainly known for the crown area of hair loss.
Also the sides aren't worth it, including studies on mice about neurological issues and birthday defects too! That concerns me too, I don't have kids yet but alot of Drs recommend going off it if you plan too.
@BellaWii: Topical finasteride is already on sale, I found about this one when I was frustrated as minoxidil was as not working for me and I was not ready for oral finasteride.
There was a post in one of the forum where I found about it and I did lots of research about side effects and so on as no hair is ok but no libido! No way!
@ggmm2013123: I don't buy medicines from ebay, it's not worth the risk.
I had my last child 7 years ago so i'm ok to use it.
Libido is different for everyone, you have to adapt your thinking and methodology to counter the side effect and it helps greatly if you have an understanding partner who can adapt with you.
I have used this one for last two years. i may not have lost more hair but I was not seeing no gain. Recently I have started minx 10% with finasteride from here…
and looks like a good progress. Still can’t conclude that it is the best product but so far so good. If you give it a go, give your self at least 3/4 months before you start seeing results. Although I was using 5% minoxidil for a while, I still lost hair after starting morr f 10% product and started gaining again after 2/3 months.
Not affiliated with either ebay seller or morr f product so do your own research. However, if you need more info re my research, happy to give some tips.
My mate uses 7% from advance hair! Where do you find 7-10%?
stick with the finesteride - it can take up to 12 months to work but when it does start working you will notice the difference (I was in the same situation as you). Good luck!
Just unsure if the sides are worth it
I haven't noticed a thing ATM, I sense I'm losing the same amount I have the last few years
I won't even be sure if it's working lol
Take the daily dose of 1mg for a few months to see if it makes a difference before giving up.
Minoxidil is very toxic to cats. Keep that in mind, if you got a feline friend at home.
that's a good note. cheers to you
Glad that I am not balding at this stage.
Yes, otherwise you would be ManWithNoCats
I suppose to say.
Thank you!
Probably better value to buy some Kirkland minoxidil from ebay. I think from memory a year supply is about $100
are they the same?
Active ingredients are the same minus the name.
Active ingredients are the same. I used Kirkland for almost 4 months after using Regaine for a few months. I didn't notice any good results when I switched to Kirkland so now I am back to Regaine. Needless to say that I am not seeing much progress with Regaine now either so it might just be my body reacting differently.
Yes, similar experience, somehow although same ingredients, hair again didn’t work for me. I went back to Rogain but trying another product now.
the norwood reaper does not have mercy
NW1 or worse? it's over for you.
Hair today .. gone tomorrow .. :<( .. !!
can women take this? or is there a women's version (thats also half off?)
The latter
Why are the treatments so expensive? Is it just high in demand or are the ingredients hard to come by?
Its 4 months supply
You can always use generic minoxidil. Its just the active ingredient you're after
All in all, you want to T this up with finasteride which will be a lot more effective.
Thanks OP, just bought 2. The store didn't have the updated price on the label so I wouldn't have known unless I read it here!
Has anyone received their order? It has been 4 days and my order is still "processing".
Mine is waiting at the post office