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Seagate Expansion Portable 2TB Black - $69.99 (Free C & C Sydney) + Delivery @ Mwave

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Decent price on this portable . Price beat at Officeworks which is listed @ $88.

Product Features

The Seagate Expansion portable drive is compact and perfect for taking with you on the go. Add more storage space to your computer instantly and take large files with you when you travel.

Setup is straightforward, simply connect a single USB cable and you are ready to go. The drive is powered from the USB cable, so there is no need for an external power supply. Plus, it is automatically recognised by the Windows operating system, so there is no software to install and nothing to configure. Saving files is easy — simply drag and drop.

Take advantage of the fast data transfer speeds with the USB 3.0 interface by connecting to a SuperSpeed USB 3.0 port. USB 3.0 is backward compatible with USB 2.0 for additional system compatibility.

It comes with a 3 year warranty

Edit: Still available for $79

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closed Comments

  • https://www.officeworks.com.au/shop/officeworks/p/seagate-3t…

    THis is still going for months.

    I believe its also shuckable.

    • +1

      2tb is the largest size where it is still 9mm and can fit into standard devices, ps4/laptop.

    • +2

      THis is still going for months.

      You mean out of stocks for months?

      • The $99 deal for Seagate 3TB Portable at Officeworks has been going for months. That price there is every day.

        The problem with that drive although it is shuckable that the internal drive is 15mm and not the standard 9mm as found in other 2.5" drives so it can't be fitted into a ps4 or laptop.

      • Item is purchased from the counter not on on display in the stores I've seen it.

        • The local OW has all the hard drives in a storage cupboard behind the counter. The boxes on the display shelf are all empty dummy boxes.

  • +1

    Good price, OP. I use a bunch of these and am very happy with them.

  • Will Officeworks price beat this?

    • +1

      They should, but they may add mwave's p&p costs.

  • Mwave just changed their price to $79.. geez.. still managed to PM at officeworks.

    • How did you manage to get PM after price change ?

      • +1

        Showed them Mwave screenshot.

        • Strange that they would accept a screenshot alone as you know a picture file can be photo-shopped to make any price you want it to be.

  • Just a word of advice on this particular drive, my gf had one, about 4 months old, completely failed. Had the choice to get a replacement or remove it from the caddy and see if I could retrieve the data (which was more important). So complete write off. Some research shows that this wasn’t in uncommon occurrence.

    • If the data was important then it should have been backed up to 2 or more hard drives. Having a copy of the data on one hard drive alone is not backed up.

      • I told her that. I gave her drop box, we have a NAS. Some people just don't listen.

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