Kogan 20% Voucher - Order Cancelled Due to "No Stock" but Item Still for Sale

So I received a one time 24 hour 20% off voucher to use at Kogan.

I bought a couple of Mavic 2 Pro batteries that were on sale $209 down to $189, less the magic coupon bringing them down to $170ea in the cart. Thats pretty darn cheap for Mavic 2 batteries. Order accepted.

Two days later 'sh!t sorry mate we can't fulfill your order, do you want a credit or a refund'.

The item is still in stock & for sale & they blame 'lag in the system'. So I ordered 2 more at $189ea (no voucher) order accepted.

I feel they just saying 'no stock' because $170 is likely below cost. Anyone else experienced this?

Poll Options

  • 3
    No, low stock is low stock, too bad you missed out, suck it up.
  • 26
    Yes, there probably is stock, they just dont wanna lose profit from a coupon deal.
  • 1
    I don't really care!
  • 1
    Where's the cheese?

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  • I think you should speak to them and catch them out on that, I'd love yo hear what excuse they'd give to try to weasel out of that one

  • +3

    If you have lots of time on your hands, and wanna prove your point, I reckon submit a complaint NSW Fair trading and put all that evidence together and ask for Kogan to do the order at the cheaper price. I put all my evidence like this before when I took Kogan there cause of bait and switch

  • So I ordered 2 more at $189ea (no voucher) order accepted.

    Don't count your batteries before you've them in your hands. You may get a cancellation at any moment.

  • +1




  • seems about right.

  • +7

    i still don't get why people buy from kogan

    • Because if you can get Mavic 2 Pro batteries for $170 it’s damn cheap, read the post :p

  • So in both cases the order was accepted, but in the first case where you use a coupon they cancelled, have they sent the batteries paying without the code? If not, how do you know they have stock?

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