Trick up your Xiaomi system with this great buttons, you can press them and hook them upto you MiHome, and your new Google Mini.
(Note: This device needs to be paired to a Xiaomi Mi Smart Gateway)
Trick up your Xiaomi system with this great buttons, you can press them and hook them upto you MiHome, and your new Google Mini.
(Note: This device needs to be paired to a Xiaomi Mi Smart Gateway)
yeh, $1.40 cheaper, good find will cancel my other order
Bow do you hook these up to Google Home?
Which one is the smart gate way? Will that make my not so smart xiaomi Phillips light smarter?
Yeah the switch/gateway.
Does this connect to the Xiaomi Aqara gateway…?
Answering my own question, I think not because Aqara is signee and this switch is bluetooth
pretty sure its zigbee
Yes it’s zigbee and I hooked this up with Smartthings
I hooked up the Aqara vibration sensor to the Mi Smart Gateway. So I'm not sure if it works vica versa.
Been on the lookout for a second one but bought my first one for US$3.85 at the time, so this doesn't feel like much of a deal at all at almost three times that.
not sure that you can actually do anything with a google mini via the mijia smart switch - you can turn on xiaomi/mijia switches/lights/other switchable devices via google if you link your mihome account.
the switch just allows you do things like "turn everything off when I press the button" or "sound an alarm on the hub if I long press"
(zigbee - but of course only guaranteed to connect to a xiaomi/aqara hub rather than a third party zigbee hub - ymmv)
Cheaper here