iPhone cover. Cute cartoon rabbit, complete with ears and fluffy tail! Fits iPhone 4G/4GS. Value is $29.95, now on Wimzy for $14.95, that's a 50% discount, with FREE shipping!
Mod: Added price to title
iPhone cover. Cute cartoon rabbit, complete with ears and fluffy tail! Fits iPhone 4G/4GS. Value is $29.95, now on Wimzy for $14.95, that's a 50% discount, with FREE shipping!
Mod: Added price to title
Is that an iPhone with a cute rabbit cover in your pocket… or are you just happy to see me?
Carlenet has provided evidence.. that this is not a bargain.. lol
I am so sick of REPs posting EVERYTHING they sell on this site.. 6 months ago every post was a bargain, now its full of advertisements…
I note that you say the value of this excellent, doubtless highly useful and beautiful piece of objet d'art is only $29.95.
I would estimate that the product contains at least $100.00 worth of pink dye and $50 worth of high quality plastics.
This basically means that you, the potential consumer, are being paid to have this piece of art in your life.
Can anyone afford to turn down an investment opportunity like this?
Overpriced tacky spam.
neither iPhone 4G or 4GS exist, so it is aimed at 2 non-existant phones, nice! should have have a big audience… gl with your sale
as noted above, cheaper elsewhere, spammy post. rep should be banned.
Overpriced useless crap
I can't believe 103 'suckers' have already bought the deal!!
I hope that the counter is fake to make people think others bought it… if not then those people are literally burning their money…
3 out of 4 posts made by the rep have 0 positive and more than 1 negative votes… the other post has 2 positive and 0 negative…