This was posted 13 years 9 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Game Trade In Deals at GAME


GAME are running a promotion for trade ins at all stores… The more you trade the more you save!
Make the most of:
- $10 extra when trading in 2 games
- $20 extra when trading in 3 games
- $30 extra when trading in 4 games

T & C —>
*For official Terms & Conditions for this offer - please see in store.

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closed Comments

  • How long does the promotion last for?

    • Until June 4th

      • Thanks :)

      • I went to Game today with all my games i was looking at trading in, i was advised by my local store it expired 31st May 2011.
        What a waste of time…and you call yourself a rep??

  • Least descriptive title ever. Would you please at least put "Game Trade In Deals at GAME" or some such

    • Done!

      • Cheers!

  • Are there any exclusions?

    Do I need to trade like for like (ie PS3 for PS3 games) and can i use the credit to buy anything?

    Also is there a limit? (ie can i trade in say ten lots of 4 and get $300 of credit)

    • The only exclusions are those which already apply to normal trade-ins, and you can put it towards anything in store. There is no limit, trade in 40 games and you'll get an extra $300 credit =)

  • But you've said there is an exclusion list, so you should include a link to it in the first post. If it's anything like the JB list, it's so long, it covers almost every game older than 6 months.

    And if I'm correct, you should also note that some stores will refuse games if they have too much stock of it already. It's happened to me before anyway.

  • What happened to the online specials game use to have where you could get games for anything starting from $6

    • Our online specials can be found ->

      • Thanks but I meant the good speicals GAME use to have.

        • We're putting all our efforts in bigger and better campaigns (both online and instore). They do come and go and change over to a new promotion every month or so, i generally blast all specials and updates on our Facebook and Twitter sites if you're ever interested

    • I think they've stopped doing "great" deals since the business overhaul that saw a bunch of stores closed, and a drastic reduction in overall inventory levels (hence the clearances). Don't think it's likely we'll be seeing many more of those kinds of deal from GAME for a while.

  • Thanks for that

  • Does GAME accept imported games?

    • 12.Items purchased overseas may be refused trade in

      • Yeah saw that but it says "may" not "will" :)

        • If you speak to your local store they will be able to clarify for you =)

    • GAMEAus beat me to it

  • Do you accept hardware, such as Guitar Hero controllers (with the game of course)

  • I was trying to find some cheap games for my XBOX 360 so I sorted Price - Lowest to Highest and almost everything is "Availability: Currently out of stock online"… :(

  • -5

    FALSE ADVERTISING!!! Any moderators here please ban these guys!!! Just drove all the way in with 40 PS2 games….was told NOT PART OF THE DEAL……your terms and conditions ONLY exclude PC and XBOX from the link provided by YOU. Anyone have the phone number for ACCC or Consumer Affairs????? Not happy wasted petrol and time. I even told the guy about this post and he said the terms and conditions are outdated?? The post was put up TODAY!!

    • did you get excited you could use the ps2 games to get yourself credit for a ps3?

    • +2

      "GAME reserves the right to refuse any item at its discretion."

      come on, you really thought they would give you an extra $300 for 40 ps2 games?

      If it sounds too good to be true, it probably isn't true.

      • In all fairness the rep did say "…There is no limit, trade in 40 games and you'll get an extra $300 credit…" and the T&C said nothing about PS2 games.

        I think it's a bit much to ask but it was stated. Though the wording of the T&C lets them get out of it anyway.

      • I dont think it is fair that it applies to ALL 40 of my PS2games. If PS2 games as a whole are excluded, then it should state on the general terms and conditions that they are excluded, as it states this for PC and XBOX games. Why does it not state it for PS2 games? Game does trade in PS2 games stil.

    • Those terms and conditions allow them to refuse anything they want, really. But it's poor form

    • That should have been done last month when EB gave you double value for PS2 games trade in.

      • +1

        they will give you $1 instead of $0.50 lol

    • +2

      Oh no, a business didn't pander to your little scam trying to exploit a loophole to get more than you deserve! Bring out the lawyers! Ready the strongly-worded passive aggresive forum posts! Call the waaaaaaaahmbulance!

      • He did exactly what the rep said he could do, how is that a scam? Or even exploiting a "loophole" for that matter?

        Yes he may have overreacted but that hardly warrants him being demeaned because of it. That was rather uncalled for.

        If a rep said I could redeem a particular offer, I'd expect them to honer that offer when I went to claim it. If once I get there the clerk refuses to honour that offer, I'd be a bit pissed too.

        • +2

          I beg to differ. His overreaction was virtually an invitation for mockery, with terms such as "false advertising" and requesting numbers for the ACCC or consumer affairs - typical of the type of outrage usually invoked by a netizen when something hasn't gone the way they thought it would, when even an ounce of common sense would've told them that no business would likely allow themselves to be exploited that way.

          It doesn't take a genius to figure out that only games from current generation consoles would be accepted. Hence he was attempting to exploit a loophole by attempting something that isn't explicitly forbidden. Gee, why not take your old Atari 2600 games in while you're at it? That's not mentioned either.

          I seriously don't understand the sense of entitlement that some of the bargain hunters have around here. It's as if the world is somehow broken if it doesn't kowtow to their personal values.

        • So you had to take the "invitation" to mock him did you? Does that makes you feel better about yourself?
          If that's how it works, you're a lesser person for lowering yourself to that level.
          A better person would have ignored the overreaction and stuck to the facts of the matter.

          My point is, the REP said he could do exactly what he tried to do and didn't provide any T&C regarding THIS deal. The T&C provided by the REP allowed him do trade in 40 games for $300 credit as the REP stated him/herself. The REP actually said that him/herself! The REP gave no indication that there were "other" T&C attached to this deal.

          If you want to argue legalities;
          Keeping in mind my two comments below this one;
          The REP later said there are T&C for THIS deal but didn't provide them. From a legal POV, not providing access to the T&C equals no T&C. Simple as that.

  • +1

    I wasnt trying to scam them - I read their terms and conditions as posted by GAMEAus whcih clearly states they excelude PC and XBOX games. Not PS2 games. I thought it was a good opportunity to upgrade - if they aren't taking PS2 games - why doesnt it say that on the trade terms?? I think $340 for 40 PS2 games (they only offered roughly $1 a game!) isnt exactly scamming them - its good value but that is the whole point of this website??? We are hear for bargains but this was a waste of my time becasue GameAus didnt clearrly state the terms and conditions. The whole point of the "GAME reserves the right to refuse any item at its discretion." is to allow them not to take something that is say unsuitable - not to allow them to say "Im sorry but this deal does not apply to PS2 games" - they still trade PS2 games by themselves - not PC or XBOX original which is why they are excluded.

    Thankfully the local Gametraders store was a lot more generous (got $250 trade for my games there) While they may have only been PS2 - some of them were really good games like Shadow of the colussus and Metal Gear Solid. I got $100 just for these 2 games alone…….

    • if your such a bargain hunter, why didnt you call your local store first, it would of saved you time and money, not to mention credibility

  • Yeah, GAME will not take some games for this deal like FIFA 08- they say they cannot alter the trade price for these games as the value is very low. Also, 3DS games are not accepted either.

  • This created a lot more contraversy than intended.

    Unfortunately this offer is not being featured on our website, and only appears in store, due to this, the stores get more up-to-date information about this.

    If i have created any confusion i do apologise. The only Terms and Conditions i had available to directly link to are for our general trade in agreement, and does not totally outline the specific details of this exact offer. We do outline conditions to a very similar trade offer (found directly below the Trade In terms on the link) which you can use to get a better understanding. During specific trade offer promotions we aren't able to include older generation games, in this case the PS2.

    For future promotions, we do intend to have a lot more information available for everyone and i'll make sure to let it be know here, and on our social media outlets.


    • From a legal POV, I'd suggest making the T&C for this deal available where you advertise (this is considered advertising as you are posting as a representative for GAME on a public forum) rather than just something "similar". It will help you in the long run…
      Posting them here (while may annoy a few people due to length) or a web link would really cover your butt.

    • report your post to the mods and have it removed, then repost it with an acknowledgement of the error in terms and conditions, that way there will be no more spilt milk to cry over

  • Sorry GAMEAus - thats just not good enough. You can't promote something on the internet to try and get customers into your stores, and not honor what you have promoted when they get there just because "The only Terms and Conditions i had available to directly link to are for our general trade in agreement, and does not totally outline the specific details of this exact offer" what you have done is illegal and negligent. If you cannot post or do not have access to full terms and conditions - then don't make a deal based on them.

    • You're completely wrong, there is nothing 'illegal' or 'negligent' about what they've done. Go and actually read the terms and conditions they gave us.

      "Game reserves the right to refuse any item at its discretion"

      When you trade in a game the store becomes the customer in the sense they have every right to pick and choose what they want and refuse any title for any reason. I don't think GAMEAus should have apologised at all, they gave us the terms and conditions which apply to this deal. I wanted to trade in some old xbox 360 games so I rang my local store and found out most of them wouldn't be accepted because the store either has enough of them or will not be able to sell them. It isn't Game's fault that one idiot went rushing down there with old games without calling ahead because they misinterpreted the deal.

      • Other than the fact the T&C provided were not for that deal (, the rep stated that him/herself), where does it say PS2 games won't be accepted at all like PC and Original Xbox?

        • GAME reserves the right to refuse any item at its discretion.

          They can accept or refuse whatever the hell they like! With any trade in deal at any store (EB, JB, game) it is completely up to the store and its staff which games they will and will not take. If they say they wont take ps2 games that's completely up to them. What people overlook here is that when you trade in the game the store is buying stock. If they don't think that it will sell why in the world should they have to take it?

          Also, those terms and conditions provided DO apply to this deal. Read carefully "The only Terms and Conditions i had available to directly link to are for our general trade in agreement".

          This means that they provided us with the basic trade in terms and conditions and any other terms and conditions would be in ADDITION to these.

        • There are terms under the trade practises act that continually refer to what is "reasonable" and what a reasonable person would expect. A reasonable person would expect that "Game reserves the right to refuse any item at its discretion" means that SOME of my 40 PS2 games would not be accepted. Not all 40 - by advertising to get people into the store and not honouring the deal they have put up - this is against the law. Just like Big W advertising stuff in their catalogue each week for a crazy price, then they run out 10 minutes after they open and dont have anything for the rest of the week. By law they must have supply for a reasonable period of time. 10 minutes out of a week long catalogue surely isnt reasonable. These big companies continually screw us and get away with it - and it has a massive impact on small businesses who get the brunt of too - 1. Price match these items that Big W dont have that is advertised below the small businesses cost price, and 2. Big W create the perception that they are really cheap for everything

        • I guess it comes down to what we both perceive as 'reasonable' in this situation.

          Going by their terms and conditions I don't believe they've breached the trade practices act, I'm no lawyer but from my understanding they can refuse any game they like as stated in their T&C

          I traded in about 15 ps2 games at EB about a week ago and got $70 for them. with the extra credit that would have been about $110 more, bringing the total up to about $180 or about $12 per title. I don't think they would be able to make money if they bought those games off me for $12 each, because I don't think anyone would pay more than $12 for any of those games, let alone all 15 of them.

          I see your frustration in the fact you thought you were going to get an awesome deal but $480 for 40 ps2 games (going by our $12 a game) is not what I consider reasonable. At the end of the day they could've been a bit clearer with the fact that the store reserves the right to refuse games, but it probably would've been just as smart for you to call your store in the first place.

  • If you have old games this deal is worth it, I took in 19 ps3/wii games last week and got $370 for them

    • Even better than the 40 for $300, good work!

  • +1

    I never knew there were so many lawyers on OzBargain…

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