Small Dent in Car Door- Can You Fix It with Success?

Hi, my newer model car was hit by a door on the side because obviously they parked far too close. I have full insurance but obviously it isn’t worth making a claim.

I was wondering, have you ever removed a small dent from your car with a plunger/suction cup or other methods with success? Would you recommend doing it yourself or seeking help from a repairer?

Any help/advice appreciated. Dent is small, no more than 5cms but noticeable and I hate it. I just don’t want to make it worse.



  • +1

    Poor hot water over it.

  • +2

    Best advice is to contact a paintless dent repairer. It sounds like one they'd be able to handle.

  • +2


    (… and obviously, include scale).

    • Bananas are good for a scale reference.

      • What is this, Imgur?

        • Ozbargur

        • +1

          If it was imgur, we would want photos and bananas… but this is OzBargain… and we demand MSPaint.

          • @pegaxs: Make sure you include the other car door so we can see the strike angle

  • Go to one of those dent removal places

  • mobile panel beater

  • +1

    Does the dent have any creases or ‘sharp’ lines in it. If not the hot water trick might do it, if so it’s going to need more serious intervention.

    • No its a dimple bump is the best way i can explain it and no scratches. Thanks for your help, it is appreciated. My location means that I cannot do all the get help options which is why i was looking at doing it myself. It is also very expensive here. I figured some one may have tried it and been happy to let me know how it went.

      • Dimple bump doesn't sound good. Boiling water mainly works on larger evenly curved dents. You might need a panel beater would would bog and paint and replace door skin and paint.

  • Pics?

    Only way without replacing it would be a detailer who specialises in popping out dents.

    They'll have to remove everything that's on the other side of the door and hammer out the dent. Pretty difficult stuff and I'd imagine it won't come cheap either.

  • +1

    Try GPS/ phone mount, has worked for some dents for me. Just clean the surface well using soapy water.

  • PDR is a pretty standard service nowadays, most mobile paint repairers will offer it…

  • I am aware of that but not in my location, hence looking for another solution, thanks.

  • Some mongrel hit my brand new car with a door and left two large dents.

    I see that you are in SA, as am I.

    I went to DentRevolution ( in Norwood and they did a great job.

    It had to stay in overnight, however.

  • put a dent in the other side door so they match.

  • this will need paintless dent removal
    have alook at some similar repairs done at
    perth mobile dent repairs website

  • How does the hot water trick work?

    • -1

      Did you skip your year 4 Chemistry classes?

      • Chemistry?

      • Simple question, no need to demean me. Hope you feel good about yourself.

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