Hi all,
I'm looking for a microwave. Can someone find me a bargain please.
Hi all,
I'm looking for a microwave. Can someone find me a bargain please.
Hi OP, Thanks a lot for replying here this soon. I just started to lookout for one now as the place I'm moving to next week doesn't have inbuilt like the one now. Maybe 32L would do. Thanks
Or, you know, you could tell us some info of what you're looking for, with size/wattage requirements, budget, colour etc.
$200 on tops..Not sure about wattage didn't get to find one before. Is it mandatory though?
Any mauve options?
Have you done any looking
Sounds like a solid no.
or expect this community to do it for you?
Yes, duh
Yes I did..https://www.google.com.au/search?q=flatbed+microwave&client=ms-android-samsung&hl=en&prmd=sivn&source=univ&tbm=shop&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwi5hcn1lf_hAhWWfisKHWvOCdcQ1TV6BAgKEEk&cshid=1556880365245&biw=360&bih=612
Great. Pick one in the ads at the top.
@anveshreddy: Wait, didn’t you say you wanted 32L?
For what it’s worth I have the Samsung 34L 1000W Stainless Steel Microwave and I think it’s been fantastic. RRP is over $200 but I waited for a sale and got it down to about $170. Could always just ask for a discount.
It’s pretty old tech - plenty of basic microwaves available in any small appliances seller and not hard to find something.
Check your kitchen
I bought my LG stainless steel 21 litre microwave off ebay for $1 8years ago. Still going strong
$48 - Bargain! A whopping 18L!
Or, you know, you could tell us some info of what you're looking for, with size/wattage requirements, budget, colour etc.
What microwaves have you looked at? Have you done any looking or expect this community to do it for you?