Kuala Lumpur to Singapore: bus or plane?

What's the best way to get from Kuala Lumpur to Singapore?

We have 4 days to spend in Singapore and want to minimise travel time.


  • -1


    • Can you elaborate? I read that train is the least preferred way.

      • I did it about 10 years ago and enjoyed the journey.
        But i did a quick search and looks like there is no longer a direct train so maybe not the best option.

        • Yeah I went on it from Singapore to KL a few years ago, I caught a bus from Singapore to just across the causeway to Johor Bahru and then you get the train from there.

        • i did the train 5 years ago and regretted it. it was slow. stopped regularly.

          maybe it was my projected expectations of travelling quickly through beautiful country (my previous long distance train journeys had been in Japan - even their worst trains are decent). so the reality was so far below my expectations.

          also the timetable had said 3(?)
          hours travel but it ended up being closer to 7.

          unless you dont mind spending extra time on a worn out train with poor airconditioning then go the alternatives.

          the difference in prices was (when i travelled) very very minimal.

  • +1

    The best plan is to start in Singapore.

  • +4

    Considering KL airport is a long way from the city plus the need to be at the airport a couple of hours before, the bus takes about the same time.

    The bus is far better as you have more space, comfier seats, food, wifi and on some of them a lounge downstairs. Plus they leave from all the major shopping centers so your travel in KL will be less. I took the https://www.aeroline.com.sg/ and have absolutely no regrets.

    • Good to know, thanks!

    • The airport in KL is a long way out of the city, but with the KLIA xpress train, it’s only about 30 mins away. If you were being dragged by your balls, sure, it’s a long way, but the express train is great.

  • Plane if you just need to get there. Or train/bus if you want to sit back and enjoy the scenery…

  • Plane. Bus was horrible.

  • Unless you're traveling on the 23rd of January 2020 it seems fairly cheap to just fly?…

  • The turbo van taxis fanging along at 150kmh are pretty cool.

  • I would say Bus due to not that much slower than flying when you consider Door to Door, and it is cheaper and it is roomier.

    But the great unknown is the Causeway….if its a weekend AVOID.

    • We’re going mid-week so hopefully bus is the way to go.

  • +1

    Bus, get the "first class" bus, so spacious. and cheap.

    • I could vouch for this.

      Cheaper, less hussles, convinient. But again it depends how much time you have.

  • I considered this very question a couple years ago.
    I liked the idea of a scenic drive or even train ride, but thought flying might be the better option.
    The decision was basically made for me when I looked at the prices of flights between the two.
    It is such a short trip and so cheap flying was just easier for us. Also people told me the bus ride is just motorway so not exactly a scenic trip.

  • Train from Woodlands in Sg to Johor - 10 minutes. Bus to Johor airport - 20 minutes. Fly Johor to KL 1 hr. Might cost $20 if you get a good deal. Pretty quick, and cheaper than flying from Changi. Done this and recoomend if you wanna save some money and don’t mind mucking around.

    • I'm going in the other direction.

      • Do this in reverse…i’ve done that too. Btw theres also a bus frm johor airport straight to Sg

  • Fly. I’ve done the bus ride and its not worth the hassle.

    • Now I'm confused.

  • Motorboat

  • +1

    I do this journey every few months or so and bus is the best way to do this. You get to see the countryside, it's very cheap and takes as much time as the plane when factoring check in time and KLIA's location. Just go to the KL South bus terminal (which is on the mrt line). Buses leave every 15 minutes to JB CIQ (make sure it's not JB larkin) and go across the border from there. It's also a good experience if you're not a regular traveller to those parts. It's safe too and heaps of people do it - just follow the crowd.

  • Can't vouch for this route but I took a bus from KL to George Town a few years back. The ride was scenic + comfortable enough and pretty cheap, although I think we flew to Kota Kinabalu after that and it was like $40, so flying is dirt cheap too.

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