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Intel Core i7 9700K 8-Core LGA 1151 Unlocked $615.20 Shipped @ Futu Online eBay


Found this literally just then!

As far as I can tell it's the cheapest it's ever been, at least from what has been posted here.

Cheapest on OzBargain @ $629 + Shipping
Typical Australian Retailer @ $699 + Shipping(pccasegear.com)
Umart @ $629 + Shipping(umart.com.au)

They also have other deals too, hard to say that the 8700k is a "Deal" but it's cheaper compared to other stores nonetheless.

9600k @ $382.20(ebay.com.au)
8700k @ $583.20(ebay.com.au)
9900k @ $777.60(ebay.com.au)

Original PMUM20 20% off Selected Seller on eBay Deal Post

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closed Comments

  • -2

    So you save $15, $629 at umart no price jacking(umart.com.au)

    • For most people umart will require shipping so you'd be saving $24.80 as shipping is $11 to me at least.

      Of course the original price was higher then the original price on other stores. It is Ebay after all.

      • +1

        Apparently Umart support is awful to. Ebay'd be much easier to deal with (futu as well probably)

        • Honestly, I'd just deal with Intel for warranty. International with apparently rather fast turnaround, but yeah, wouldn't want to buy from Umart after the things I've heard.

          • @TheContact: Last time I purchased from umart were my Micro Lab speakers.. Two weeks of delay and they didn't even consider any other options just a "deal with it" attitude..

            But a deal is a deal.

  • +3

    OMG 8 core i7 without HT for 615$ while I bought my 2700x for 380$.

    • Out of interest where’d you get 2700X from for $380?

    • +1

      Was going to do that but single core performance for gaming is still too poor for my liking.

    • Congratulations for being that person.

      • -1

        It's tradition. It's just not an Intel deal without those comments.

    • Can definetly see where you are coming from. The 2700x is a good CPU. A lot of people still have Z370 boards that support a 9700k for example and would want an upgrade path. The other side is the IPC gains and pure clock gains, Intel is still better for gaming computers and also ram compatibility.

      For a Z390/Z370 board Intel is pricey to start off with, but there is a lot more choice. The AM4 platform has less boards and also higher end boards are a bit more lackluster I guess.

      Anyway, long story short there are pros and cons for both. With AM4 it's biggest pro is that it's close for a fair bit cheaper.

  • Damn. I bought my i7-8700 last year. No HT though, but you get a true eight core.
    How does the 9th gen compare to the 8th gen?

    • At stock speeds, not much difference between the 8700 and 8700K, and not much difference between the 8700K and 9700K. Latter comes out on top overall but only by a small margin. Some workloads like the extra threads and others like the extra cores, but there's not usually much of a gap.

      • Yeah if you've got a 8700 unless you want to overclock desperately or need the extra cores for a specific application. I'd say wait and see.

        9700k is better for a pure gaming build
        8700k is better if you are literally doing almost anything else. Especially streaming.. However I'd say if you are dedicated to steaming the 9900k is what I'd get if it's in budget.

        You also need a really strong board in terms of VRM's to get much of an overclock on the 8 cores. Even the 8700k requires a mid tier board to get 5GHz on all cores (and above) safely.

        I paid way too much for my Z370 Gaming 7 but it's on water and I do 5.2Ghz daily without issue on an 8700k

    • Threading is actually better for gaming than cores, generally all games are multi-threaded. Gaming engines are only just starting to take advantage of multiple cores, as it is technically much harder to manage (the OS should be doing a better job of this for a demanding game instead they leave it to DirectX implementation.)


  • I really want to upgrade my i7-8700 non k to that i9-9900k.
    $777.60 is a great price and 777 is my lucky number.

    • +1

      There's a i9 9900 coming out soon I hear. If you aren't overclocking/can't it may be the better choice.

      If you've got a board that can overclock and a decent board at that the 9900k is better value mainly because resale will be higher too.

  • +1

    Seriously, just imagine what a shitstorm the DIY market will be right now if AMD didn't come along with Ryzen just in time. Damn.

    • what….
      are you even talking about?

  • +1

    still price jacked though…not even subtle!
    most of their other PC parts come down to the exact same price as Mwave once you apply the code

    I reckon this one is a better deal, 9700k is mediocre to begin with, the less you pay for it the better

    • That is a KF, fine if you don't need the intergrated but having it may be useful for someone that uses quick sync, or plans to run no GPU (most people).

      I wouldn't say that the 9700k is bad, it's just not a 9900k..

  • I believe the Intel CPU shortage is ending so these will come down in price.

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