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HIZERO Bionic Mop F801 $676 Delivered (+ Bonus Cleaning Kit Valued at $68.95 via Redemption) @ Appliances Online


Seems a pretty good price for the Hizero Mop. Get's really great reviews and normally retails for $799.

Wish I had this when my kids were younger. You can basically go over anything and wash it out - check out this extensive review:


4 Functions: Mop, Sweeping, drying and Self Cleaning all at once,

Rechargeable 19-volt lithium ion battery

Charge time: 4 hours

Wide angle rotating head

Charging Cradle

80 Minute run time (at full power)

Thanks to theearth:

Purchase an eligible Hizero Floor Cleaner, between 29/04/19 and 11/05/19 (inclusive), and be eligible to receive a bonus 'Maintenance Pack' for your Floor Cleaner, FREE!

Total value $68.95[rrp]

Redemption form: https://www.appliancesonline.com.au/images/opt/promotions/hi…

Referral Links

Referral: random (243)

Until 31/7/2025, $50 off minimum $500 spend voucher for referee and referrer.

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closed Comments

  • This thing looks awesome

    • Sure does. I am super tempted.

  • +3

    Hey OP,you might want to put a bonus offer in title.

    Purchase an eligible Hizero Floor Cleaner, between 29/04/19 and 11/05/19 (inclusive), and be eligible to receive a bonus 'Maintenance Pack' for your Floor Cleaner, FREE!

    Total value $68.95[rrp]

    Redemption form

    • Will do in a sec, cheers for the heads up

  • +1

    This mop looks great. If I had the money spare, i'd definitely try this out.

  • +2

    Damn. I never thought I'd consider spending this amount of money on a mop.

  • +2

    This is actually really good. I got one off TVSNlast week for $699 with a replacement roller. Floorboards have never looked so good.

    Just don’t use detergent in it, unless it’s theirs. But you don’t need it

    My only complaint is there’s about an inch gap when you use it against skirting boards

    • Good to know about the inch gap

    • Is that an inch when used side on the skirt or font on or both?

      • It’s probably less than an inch TBH. watch the linked you tube video & pause it approx 8 seconds in when it goes over the glass. You’ll be able to tell for yourself

  • +6

    pffft who would spend this much on a mop??

    watches video


  • Now just need robot mode and that sounds like the right price. I got the xiaomi electric mop but this thing looks like it do 100x better job then isolating pads.

    • Are you referring to the deerma Xiaomi mop? It's it any good?

  • The video only uses it on glass and melamine. They are very smooth surfaces.

    I'd be prepared to pay $700 if it worked on our shitty tiled floor (it's highly uneven, the grout between tiles is like 20mm wide and the tiles are nastily absorbent) but really I need a try-before-you-buy or a satisfaction guarantee.

    • TVSN have that I believe

    • +2

      There are videos on YouTube showing it on tiles. I think I'm going to buy one I have a 2 year old and newly born, time for gaming has declined and time I can gain would be great.

      • +1

        Bought one for the exact same reason

  • The good guys sell this also. They might be able to price beat but it's delivery only.

    • +1

      Ordered 8:30 last night, received 11:30 this morning…. can't complain about that.

      • From thegoodguys?

        • No, appliances online

      • Can you let us know how it goes? I'm quite keen after watching the video, but it is not cheap.

        • To me it looks very promising. Cleaning up a spill sauce or liquid seems to do it easy.

        • +1

          Im quite impressed, only cleaned the floor with water.
          5 bedroom, 2 storey house with 2.5 bathrooms.
          Downstairs has entry, kitchen and lounge that are also tiled.
          Seemed to take a long time to charge (I was impatient)
          Used a total of 3 fillings of water (3 glasses?) And got a whole heap of crap off the ground, very very easy to clean out and refill.
          I did notice that some liquid gets into the 'trash'
          Whilst it mops, it self propels, otherwise very light and maneuverable anyway

          • @azazal: So are you happy with the purchase? Is it worth the money? What do you rate it out of 10?
            Will it replace your mop 100%?

            • @Jklaro: Jklaro extremely happy with it. Not so happy with the amount of dirt that came out in the water lol. Did another clean this morning and it was still filthy (the water). So it's doing something right.
              2 storey house with a lot of tiled area spread out, it's very easy to shift the unit around.
              Next clean i'll put some solution in, apparently its only half a cap that you use, so sample bottle should last.
              My previous mop (steam mop) will still be useful for blasting grout where needed, but that's about it. The mats soak up all sorts of nasties then spread through house. Other than needing to refill the water (it's got a very small tank, so if doing whole house need to fill a couple of times) I can easily do the full house on a charge with hizero.
              I'd rate 9 atm, think it's mostly my method but it does seem to error out a bit, I then need to switch off and back on

              • @azazal: This thing doesn't steam does it? Wonder if it would help to use warm water?
                Also any idea what's in the solution? Someone said don't use detergent. Wonder what substitutes can be used? Eg. vinegar

                • +1

                  @marquise: Doesn't steam, it sweeps and gets the solid stuff in a seperate section, has clean and dirty water containers.
                  Uses very very little water.
                  Dries it.
                  Self propels.
                  Self cleaning.

                  You can use up to 50C water, doesn't seem to need it tho, I've just been using cold.

                  Not sure what is in the solution, says it's lemon scented, smells like lemonade apparently. directions are to use about 5ml of it, simple bottle is 100ml. The full one (which you get via redemption) is 946ml and they sell for $19.95

                  • @azazal: Cool thanks! One more question, how does it deal with hair? Does it end up in the used water or dry bin? Does some stick to the roller?

              • @azazal: What happens when you say error out abit?

                • @Jklaro: Jklaro it's not very informative, it goes red. Sometimes continues to work, sometimes it stops.
                  Could be water full, water empty, roller stuck.. I guess ive been spoilt with xaiomi robot which talks to me

                  • @azazal: Ok so once you get an error it's one of say 4 issues and you have to work it out. That's abit annoying.

                    • @Jklaro: Its really not that hard to work out. The main error is that the dirty water tank is full. You can just read it on the display what it means.

  • +1

    Hair ends up in the trash, as does grass or other solids.

    Basically in the head of it there's a combo of things. You have a solid roller underneath for mopping, the trash has a squeegee attached to it which lines up with this roller and a trough for the liquid to go through, this is quite a fine mesh trough so only water can go through. It then pumps up to a dirty water container.

    There's then also a brush which sits inside the head, I can only assume that it runs at the same time as the bottom roller.

    Sweep action works going forward only, mopping goes forward and reverse

  • Now showing as $676 delivered.

  • +3

    I gave in and got one. Told the misses about it and she was like wow. So the fact that she liked it I'll give it a go. Hopefully it's the best and only mop I'll ever need.

  • +1

    I regret not buying before, ended up buying at $719 and gotta wait a month.

  • Waiting for this deal to come back then I'm going to go for it

  • I sooo want one of these !!!!

  • +1

    There must be a backlog of orders, I brought one about 2 week before mother’s day from goodguys only just arrived yesterday

    • There is, they were waiting for a container and it only came in last Friday.
      Please post back with what you think about it after you had a play !!!
      BTW, how much did you pay at the Good Guys ?

      • +1

        I got a friend to buy it for me as a staff so price is probably not useful.

        It was brought for my mum we tested it on the day we got it, test ran the tile floor was happy with it.

        Tip for installation is the set the roller first otherwise you will find that the dry hard roller is about 5mm too long for the opening

  • +1

    On Sale now for $667!

    • What where ????

      • Try clicking the link where this deal goes to

      • Looks like they've run out of stock now

  • Did anyone get theirs? Would love to hear people's experiences with these mops

  • +1

    Yep sure did, I purchased one direct from Hizero. To be honest, I reckon this is the best purchase I have made especially being a full time working mum with a lot of non-carpeted floors. I LOVE IT !! The convenience is exactly what I needed , my floors have never been so clean !

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