Uber Eats Keeps Delivering My Neighbour's Food to My Door

My fellow OzBargainers, I have been having a problem lately with Uber Eats drivers keep delivering my neighbour's food and drink to my door.

I live at a Z-shaped junction where my neighbour(in a house diagonal to mine) and I both share the same house number, but of 2 different streets. If you type in my neighbour's address into Google Maps, it will show you the correct house.

However, Uber Eats drivers have been delivering my neighbour's food to my door instead. It is getting to a point where it gets a bit annoying. I have tried complaining to Uber Eats, but I get the feeling they didn't do anything about it and it is still happening.

I have been patiently directing Uber Eats drivers away, telling them they have the wrong house. But I am not the one always at home, my kids will probably just take the food and think that I ordered them. It hasn't happened yet, but I have a feeling it is a matter of time.

What would you do? What happens if a driver delivers food to the wrong house?

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Uber Eats
Uber Eats


  • +8

    Have you tried talking to your neighbour about it?

    Talk to your neighbour who is ordering the food and ask them to add a note when they order telling them where they are actually located.

    • -2

      No, I don't know my neighbour. I usually asked the driver what the address was, that is how I knew that the address was correct, but somehow the drivers keep delivering to my house instead. So, not sure what my neighbour could have done to prevent this mistake.

      • +2

        if you don't mind putting a note on your door , that's the easiest way.

      • +10

        If your neighbour adds a delivery instruction to their order it will give the driver more information on the correct house. Go talk to them, or put a letter in their mailbox.

        • -1

          Hmm.. letter in the mailbox seems like a good idea. Bring the issue up, but keep my anonymity. I think I will go with that.

          • +14

            @geek001: Why not just talk to them, you are doing them a favour not inconveniencing them…

      • +1

        You can put notes in your Uber eats order like “ring apartment 3”

        In their case they could put something about the driver calling them when they are outside.

        Also it is a lot easier for your neighbour (i.e the person ordering the food) to put in a complaint saying that the food is ending up at your place the entire time.

        Unless you know they are aggressive, why not talk to them??

        Go over, introduce yourself and give them a heads up.

  • +2

    Unfortunately the UberEats 'Driver' app is janky af - it doesn't rely on Google Maps..

    As SnowDragon has suggested, i'd approach them and ask them to provide some instructions to the delivery person..

    • I am also a little concerned what happens if my neighbour's food is delivered somewhere else but I get blamed after I approach them. No good deed ever goes unpunished. I think the house is a rental by mostly young people, scenes from "Bad Neighbours" come to mind if I ever get blamed. I am already putting up with their loud weekend parties.

  • +9

    just accept the food next time. it's fine.

  • +16

    If someone brings food to your home, you eat it. That's just plain manners.

    • Well, I am a little conflicted about this. I am not sure who will foot the bill if I did that. I know Uber Eats drivers do not make a lot of money, I would hate it if they have to foot the bill instead.

      • I would hate it if they have to foot the bill instead.

        The driver will not wear the bill for an incorrect delivery. Enjoy your meal.

    • That’s just morally wrong, Especially knowing it is not yours, and that is considered stealing, and karma hits you, no thanks.

  • +7

    Just take the food.

    Eventually your neighbour will do something about it as they keep losing their food, and UberEats will do something about it as they are refunding your neighbour each time.

    This is a THEM problem. Not a YOU problem. Bon Appetit!

  • +1

    Invite the neighbour around for dinner, and have a chat about it.

  • +2

    Maybe a note on your door or next to your door bell:

    This is 123 My Street
    Not 123 Their Street
    123 Their St is that way —>

  • and the problem is….. ?

  • +3

    If you've already made Uber eats aware, you've done enough.

    Enjoy free food and drink. Uber will need to learn the natural way - ie. Mistakes cost them.

    • Yep, accept the food, thank the driver, let the customer RE-request their food at no cost to them, until your neighbour starts to give better delivery instructions.

      Uber maps are self made, fairly poor quality, especially for new areas.

  • +1

    Uber Eats Keeps Delivering My Neighbour's Food to My Door (Read this five times)

    Simple… get a little sign made up to stick to your letterbox with your street name on it! If you ever need the emergency services it'll make it a hell of alot easier and quicker for them! I've been a courier for 3 years or so now with plenty of 'other' training. Some places I deliver to make me think they would be screwed calling 000!

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