(Euro Trip) is Leaving Camera and Passport in Hotel Room Safe?

Hi all.

Just want to know is it safe to leave a dslr worth 1700 and a lens back in a hotel room along with passport really safe? I don't want to carry both cameras so one will have to stay. What measure should i take to protect these things from going missing or stolen?

Any advice would be helpful.


  • We will going to italy austria belgium and amsterdam.

  • +1

    Most European hotels have safes in the wardrobe you can lock away your items. Sure the hotel management have a master key but it's generally considered safe. Especially if it's a well known brand/chain of hotel and not some random B&B down a dark alleyway.

    I would suggest stick to the same brand of hotel for all locations, budget & preferences permitting, and collect points/free nights etc.

    • We have booked hotels listed on hotels and bookings.com most them are above 5 and below 7 rating.

  • +1

    Make sure they are insured and put them in the safe. I would take the SD card out and keep it in your wallet as a precaution. I always put my tech and valuables in the safe, its not foolproof but if you are staying at reputable hotels very unlikely to have any issues.

  • +4

    Ive always just left stuff lying around the room in 4-5 star hotels. Have not had a problem yet

  • Never lost anything from a hotel safe, yet. Be aware that a lot of European countries mandate you need to carry legal ID at all time. We leave a spare credit card and a bit of cash there in case we lose our wallets. The main issue with hotel safes is remembering you put stuff in there; so leave yourself a note in a prominent place. Some places don’t have individual safes but do have a hotel safe you can use.

  • +3

    I generally lock up my valuables in my suitcase, try that

    • that seems to be a good option to me. Incase there is no safe in the room I will put some gear in the luggage bag and lock it.

  • +3

    If I'm in a second rate place, hell no.

    Ask yourself, would I trust my travel security, personal identification, camera and photos, etc etc. to the belief that the hotel staff will not open the safe. (will being the operative word because they sure can).

  • Ask for a room with a safe. I'd rather leave it at the hotel room than carry it around.

  • +2

    We carried our passports on us, with those travel slings? That we put under our jackets/coats. As for bigger valuable items, we just put them in our luggage bags and lock them up before we leave the room - we had travel insurance so if something happened then we would have been covered.

  • +1

    I've left my camera in the hotel room in a lot of countries in Europe, no problems. Just leave they out of sight.

    Passport on the other hand goes wherever I go, no exception.

    • How do you carry it? I mean whats the best and convenient way to carry it around?

      • I had one of those passport and money holders that goes around your waist. Passport and majority of cash goes in there.

  • I just keep it in my suitcase when I don’t want it with me.

    Also like to back up photos and have two copies, one on my person and one in the room. With travel insurance, I’m far less concerned about the camera than the photos.

  • -3

    Do you work as a photojournalist? Why not use the camera on your phone?
    What are you hoping to photograph in Europe that isn’t photographed hundred thousand times a day by every other instagram nut. Hi res photos of partner trying to hold up leaning tower of Pisa?

    • +1

      No he wants a photo of him pretending it's his penois.

      • -1

        It's expected if not mandatory this task……

    • Yes. I am a photojournalist…

  • +1

    Insurance often doesn't cover products if they're not left in a safe place. Hotel room might be alright. As for Passport, I just take it with me everywhere as it's the only acceptable id in most places.

    • In your pockets with reusable zip lock pouches?

      • Nah just in the plastic sleeve thing it comes with. Haven't spilt anything on it yet!

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