Internode Charging defies logic

TL:DR I paid my advance payment for May on 4 April, I cancelled the service on 29 April, now they ask for payment to 14 June. Why? Is this just the cash grab I suspect?

I cancelled my Internode service on 29 April 2019.

The billing cycle is payment on the 4th of the month, in advance, e.g. when I pay the service fee on 4 March, I am paying for the service for April, April for May etc.

My logic says that if I cancelled before the invoice due date for the following month, then I should not have to make the advance months payment i.e. for May. The invoice gives a credit for May, but asks for a payment for June - WTF.

When asked their reason was that their rollover date is middle of month. If they had said 'so we'll charge to the middle of May', I wouldn't be ecstatic but at least it's logical. Still, I can't help thinking that, surely I paid for that adjustment when the service was started and which has been carried forward ever since.

So, I have paid for May but been given a credit for May but I still owe for June despite cancelling in April. Crazy. Now I'm not sure whether I owe anything or not. I guess I'll find out when they take the money from my account, or not.

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  • +2

    Probably a notice period

    • Agree this explains (most of) it - likely they require a 30 day notice period from when you cancelled.

  • +1

    Strange, especially when Internode has this on their website

    What happens to my billing when I cancel?

    Any payments already collected (in advance) for months not yet used will be refunded to you, however, payments received for the current month will be non-refundable.

    Our staff will take the appropriate steps to reconcile your account and cancel your services on the date you've nominated. Please also note that Internode do not credit partially-used months as per our Customer Relationship Agreement.

    Have you checked to your invoice to confirm on the billing period? Mine has this "Fee for month ending 15-Jun-2019". So if your billing period is the same, up to 15th of each month, you can't get a credit for partially used month as per their T&Cs.

  • Weird, I was with Internode and cancelled for Aussie Broadband.
    Money wasnt an issue at that time so I didnt care about the date.
    I was shocked they courtesy called me to say they’re sending me a refund of my advance month bill as it was only 3 days in.

    I cancelled the service on 29 April, now they ask for payment to 14 June. Why? Is this just the cash grab I suspect?

    Did you ask them why they’re charging you for June? You can ask them, no need to suspect. You sure your billing cycle is 4th and not 14th?

  • Make sure if your with internode that you ring every six months and ask for a pricematch, which they don’t do, but put a credit on your account to make up the difference for six months, if you tell them your going. The NBN price difference is because the have an Adelaide based call centre, which I enjoy calling and speaking to the retentions team every six months.

    • I only knew about this when I was leaving them :(

      • +1

        I was with them for 15 years and when I called to cancel it was done in 10 seconds, no questions asked. I was disappointed to be honest.

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