This was posted 13 years 9 months 13 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Apology Sale - Blackops $17.50 STEAM CD Key



To say sorry to our beloved customers for the extended delivery and communication times over the past four days we are extending the weekend special of Crysis 2 @ 17.50 as well as also bringing back last weeks special until Wednesday as well, BLACKOPS for $17.50!

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closed Comments

  • +1

    wow any sale on battlefield 3 preorder?

    • +2

      Fury - Not quite but check back closer to release we have a surprise in store!

      • Make sure you check competing websites first. Alot of them already have preorder prices. The one im hanging out for is around the $30 mark. Ill link to it for pricematch/beat when i get home tonight.
        Otherwise no offense, but theres no point buying from here if its not any cheaper since BF3 doesnt have region issues like black ops (language packs). You know how big the substitute market is for online cdkeys

  • The website shows blackops at $28.99, is there some code we need to use?

    • Scratch - Sorry had a server restart all fixed now.

  • good on ya

  • -4

    If you buy CDKEYS off an unlicensed seller (cdkeyscentral) the key may be disabled or in this case you could even have your entire steam account banned.

    For those doubting that these keys aren't illegitimate start a support ticket with steam and ask them what their views are on sites like this and they'll tell you that these 'CD-Key' sites are not legitimate sales channels and you should not purchase from them as your game may be removed and/or your steam account banned.

    • For anyone wondering, steam does ban steam accounts involved with illegal activity.

      So if the key you buy is purchased illegally etc, your account is at risk.

      The problem is we never know where these keys are coming from.

    • +16

      Stop being a pussy, the keys work fine

      • +7

        Steam just hate it because they dont make money off them, and hence they make a song and dance about it and wont help you if you have any problems.
        I have bought from sellers like this with no problem in the past and games all still work in steam as promised. Its buy at your own risk, but for the price Its worth the risk IMO.

        Its been discussed on here so many times before, and no one that I have seen has ever been ripped off, and no one can prove that these are illegal.

        In particular; "In 2000 the Australian Government resolved to remove parallel import restrictions from a range of products except cars, and followed this up with legislation making it legal to source music and software CDs from overseas and import them into Australia."

        Its not illegal, and never has been. Edit: (was just a 'grey area' no pun intended before 2000)

        • -6

          I've already told you before that the using the parallel import law as a defense is useless considering it only applies if you were to import the PHYSICAL media.

      • +3

        Thats ok, I get 'told' a lot of things :) I am interested if you can find some sort of legislation backing this up.

        It may exist, who knows, but as far as I know in Australia,and being 10+years behind on this sort of thing (just look at the 18+ rating fiasco) there probably isn't any restriction on if the media can be physical or soft copy.

        Will certainly stand corrected if it can be proven ;)

    • problems like this make people goes the pirate way… shame.

    • +7

      lets see… some place selling cd-keys for $17.50… steam selling the exact same thing for $90…. Hmmmm wonder why their "view" on this would be negative

  • Edit:corrected

  • this actually cost 16.42 for Australians 1$ cheaper =)

  • +9

    I might be a "pussy" but I would rather pay $20 more for a game and not risk a $1000 steam account.

    You might buy the lotto and go to the Casino, but I don't believe in leaving things to luck.

    • +3

      you know you can make more than 1 steam account?

      • +5

        Yes, and in that case I would rather pay the extra and have it all in the one account.

        Why would I want to juggle two steam accounts?

      • +5

        did you forget this is a place to get bargains right?

        • +1

          So what?

          I can give you a list of 1000 ways to save money, you just won't enjoy them.

          Just like most people won't enjoy having multiple steam accounts because steam might ban one of them because it was using a stolen credit card.

        • That's just your opinion, I wouldn't mind making multiple accounts and I don't have much games on my steam account (2 games) anyways. Plus steam isn't that reliable

        • +8

          Steam is as reliable as you are.

          You only have 2 games, thats fine.

          Fact: This is not a good idea for most people and is risky.

        • +6

          I understand that a lot of people have never had an issue but I also know that there are people who have had accounts banned. I agree that this is the place for bargains and the occurrence of account bans is apparently low but, like samfisher, I will not risk my six year old Steam account for the sake a few dollars. And second account would be highly inconvenient. I don't quite get the 'Steam isn't that reliable' comment though.

        • By reliablity I think he means offline playing and saying it is cr@p is a huge understatement. Even for Steam games like Portal, it has been riddled with issues and don't even talk about HL2.

          I say for the money it's a good deal. I would rather spend those $50 on something like a better mouse/kb than for the official safe version of the software.

  • I dislike piracy but I respect it more than buying from one of these sites. At least you aren't fooling yourself into thinking you are buying a legitimate license.

    • +5

      most of the time you are buying a legitimate license

      A license from Thailand is just as valid as a license from Australia.

      The issue here is if it was purchased legitimately overseas.

      There have been many situations in the past where the keys were found to be stolen or purchased with a stolen credit card.

    • if the key was fake or generated it would not authenticate, you can't play online with fake keys.

  • +5

    I doubt the keys sold on these sites are pirated, or else they probably wouldn't work online.

    These are probably keys purchased in markets cheaper than Australia and/or through a non-retail channel.

  • Got my key. Thanks

  • -1

    Anyone know if the Portal 2 they have on their site will work on STEAM?

    • +3

      Its a steamworks game so the only thing you can play it on is Steam.

  • +3

    I got Bad Company 2 retail box from india because it was 1/3 the price of steam or retail stores.

    This is pretty much the same thing but with the key only, not the disk.

    • +1

      So you physically got sent a an empty box without a disc?

      • +2

        Not sure how you got that from my post. I got the retail box from India. As in the same retail box we have here just cheaper.

        My point is the licence (or key) is cheaper in other countries. Just like the retail box in India is cheaper, the key only is also cheaper.

        • +1

          If you read your first post quickly, it seems to say that you ordered the retail box but received it without the disc - that was my impression until I went back and re-read your post. I'd say eides did the same thing but didn't bother to double check your post.

        • Haha yeah I also read this this same way as eides.

    • +3

      Hi Grange,

      We have no reports of this did you contact us? If not please send us an email at [email protected] straight away. So we can look into this.

      • +17

        Grange just went through the orders my self in hope I could find your account to get in touch with you and I realized. We weren't open in Feb, in fact our first order was on April the 1st. Are you sure you bought from us?

    • +3


    • +2


      You're not complaining? If it had actually happened, I'm pretty sure you'd be complaining..

      "Oh I just bought a car and it blew up after 2 months, but I'm not complaining"

      • +1

        2 months with a Ferrari is better than no months with a Ferrari. :p

        • +1

          But no explosion is better than a $400,000 explosion.\
          Why am I continuing this stupid analogy haha

  • Surely there has got to be someone who is going to Russia/has relatives in Russia ;-) Just buy a suitcase of legitimate games, bring them here and sell them to the hordes of customers who want them. Legally bought. Parallel import. Physical media. Seller and customers happy.

    • so third world/poor countries get cheaper games than us?

      • +4

        Countries where piracy is strong will often have games priced cheaper to encourage legitimate purchases.

        • Yep, same with movies…hence R5 & R6 releases being available often at the same time or even prior to cinema releases in more developed countries.

        • -1

          So I guess the moral is pirate more and games here will be cheaper. Win win

        • -1

          Yup, thing is, recording and distributing houses of the music industry don't like having to sell their music online for 99c-$2 a song. Thing is, they'd much rather have you buy a physical album with all the songs at a higher full retail price. They only mask this in the thought that the switch to online distribution is more 'convenient,' where in actual fact the growing popularity of pirating your music online drove this cheaper seller model. :)

          So yes, pirate things, and legitimate versions become cheaper. No it's not logical in any sense (as the legitimate buyers lose out in some ways), but that's just how finance is.

  • I bought COD4 and COD6 from tarleton and never had any problems with Steam. At one point my COD4 key got disabled because someone happened to keygen the same key and tarleton got me a replacement in 24 hours and it has been working since.

    Bottom line, this is a great deal. It's exactly the same as if I get my mates from the US to gift me games on Steam that are cheaper or only available in the States. It's not illegal, and it never will be.

    • +1

      I doubt it was the keygen.

      It is very common for these cd-key sites to have problems down the track for all kinds of reasons.

      One thing is for sure, if you purchased it from a legitimate place then you wouldn't have had a problem.

      I would seriously avoid buying any Steam cd-keys.

      EA Downloader and regular games are ok, but still don't avoid the issues down the track.

      • +1

        Sam Fisher is correct it was not at all a Keygen. This is not possible to my knowledge, in this particular case it was a processing error between ourselves and the supplier.

        • +2

          "processing error"? haha, good one

      • edit: edit.

  • Just put in an order and they pretty much responded in the minute with my Crysis 2 key.

    Key was invalid…

    • +2

      Hi Phuzz. Shoot us off an email most likely was just a mistake in processing (as usual), [email protected]

      • +4

        Phuzz - Just got your email you are trying to enter a EADM key into STEAM. Let us know if you got any questions

        • +11

          How can I fault service like that :)

          P.S. I'm an idiot.

  • +1

    Phuzz - No worries we appreciate the feedback

  • Got the key within two and half hours, all working.


  • got my MW2 key in like 4 minutes after paying. pretty good. already have black ops but mates play MW2 alot more so figured why not, and its english version so thats pretty cheap. i see it elsewhere for $40-60 for english key.

  • Just placed an order for Crysis 2.
    Lets see will let you know how it goes.

    • Ordered Crysis 2.
      Checked tonight to find that the order was marked as complete even though I received no Key Email.
      Contacted support and after a short exchange (have you checked the junk folder) received a new key and activated perfectly.

  • -2

    So is there ANY chance my Steam account could get banned for using a CDKey from these guys?

    • Contact Valve/Steam via the support ticket function and ask them yourself.

      • And please let us know what they say.

  • If you are awaiting a blackops key - we expect another delivery to arrive just after 5pm. So you should have your key by 8PM

    • any idea when we can expect Crisis 2?

    • So you get delivered the physical boxes delivered, then you enter the keys into your system?

  • +2

    can I just ask why 2 of the 4 Black Ops CD keys I ordered last week were already activated before I entered them? and then i was refunded only 29.45 USD out of the 70 USD that was taken out of my PayPal account?

    edit: scratch that.. make it 3 out of the 4! so basically i payed 41.55 USD for ONE key?? wtf.

    • -1

      does this look like a support forum

      seller is just going to reply saying, processing error. I.e system accidentally sent u a key that has already been sold to another customer.

      just email them for 3 new keys. how hard can that be.
      [email protected]

      So many people complaining and being paranoid.
      if you dont feel that this is a deal. neg, explain. Go away
      if you dont like being "inconvenienced" with several steam accounts, dont comment, go away, and move out of your mums basement so you might learn to be self sufficient and less lazy. I have 10 steam accounts. 1 each for multiplayer games and 1 main one for sp games that you cant get "vac banned" from.
      For security, you shouldnt have your steam account autologin anyway. Which means you have to manually type in a username/password anyway. As for switch games, it takes like a minute to do.

      If you are paranoid. Read the comments from people who attest to using cdkey sites. If your balls still havent dropped. Then leave, move on, go make EB Games/steam richer.

      If you have moral or ethical concerns relating to piracy and supporting retailers. Follow above instructions. We dont care
      Some of you commenters are worse than the ones on whingepool

      • i emailed them straight after you posted this but they seem to reply here quicker… well to others.. not me =\

        • Hi CVonV,

          We have received your email. Since it seems to be an Error and not just a processing mistake it takes time to look into. But don't worry we haven't forgotten about you :)

        • thanks..

          i just got your email reguarding BRINK box.. no idea what that is nor do I want it @ the offered price :S

      • +1

        So not wanting to have more than one Steam account entitles you to tell us to 'get out of your mums basement' but it is perfectly normal for you to have TEN accounts?

  • -2

    Took me 18hours from payment to get key. Pretty good service I would say.
    Havent tried the key yet.
    Will give it a try tonight.

  • +4

    This beats National Sorry Day.

  • anyone know if crysis 2 multiplayer still has anyone playing?

  • Ordered Crysis 2 and they sent me a Black Ops key… which was invalid anyway (probably because I already have Black Ops)

    • +1

      EDIT: email recieved all fixed - email stated it was a blackops key even tho it was a Cry key.

      • Thanks for your help :)

        • No worries sorry for the mistype.

  • +1

    I think u better fix up your "processing errors" ASAP, if so many people complained keys didn't work and u have to resend, must be something wrong.

    People will not order from u anymore.

    • No actually, it was just a typo in the email.

      • -1

        Not only u if you read the posts.

  • -1

    The site is down at the moment, too many complain?

    "Down for Maintenance
    This store is currently unavailable due to paypal issues. It should be available again shortly.

    Keep an eye on our Facebook for updates. "

    • Hi Super,

      Infact its quite the opposite the massive spike in orders today has made ALARM bells ring with paypal. So whilst they go over their usual procedures we await them to re-enable our account.

      But yes do keep an eye on our Facebook -

      We will be updating as soon as info comes around.

      EDITED —-

      Poor tone

      • +2

        Does this mean you are having another Apology Sale?

  • Hi Rep, What's this email means? Refund?


    After having issues with our Brink orders we have had to refund them.

    As a promise to those who were after the game we have gone through every avenue to find a way to be able to
    provide you with a key at a great price. Sadly we cannot provide you with a key at a price that is what we believe
    is good enough.

    So we have arranged for you to recieve BRINK delivered to your door for $35 (plus delivery). But there's a
    catch…. The boxes will only ship if 30 pieces are sold within 5 Days! If after 5 days we have not reached the
    threshold of 30 all orders will be refunded… Why do this you ask? Firstly this means our risk around which
    means we can keep our prices low, however we only want to list this if we get the support of our customers. So
    tell us what you think? Smart or silly idea?

    • Hi,

      All our brink orders have been refunded. If yours haven't shoot us an email at [email protected] This email was not meant to be sent quite yet however its purpose is to gauge our customers interest in purchasing boxed copies of Brink.

      • oic. I was worried about my COD BC order been cancelled.
        When can I receive the key?

        • Understandable. You need to allow at least 24 hours. Hopefully we can get it to you as soon as possible.

  • Been more then 24h for me and no cdkey?

  • On your facebook it says your paypal account is being shut down? How long is going to take for this to be resolved because i am considering refund atm.

    • As our facebok states all orders will be refunded over next 24 hours.

  • Paypal is f**ng awful :/ Good luck getting everything going again (I dont mean that sarcastically)

    • Hi Blaze. Thanks, its the encouragement that we are getting from our customers that is pushing us on to fight this and hopefully reopen!

  • Paid for it minutes after it was posted here. Just got an email saying my payment has been refunded..oh well

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