Pretty cheap for a rtx 2070 with factory OC, use PCLICK for 20% off
MSI Nvidia RTX 2070 ARMOR OC $663.20 Delivered @ Futu Online eBay

Last edited 29/04/2019 - 16:10 by 2 other users
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Personally, its probably worth waiting if you are okay with your current gpu (at least for the next 3 months), but this is a good price if you need a new one :)
Why 3 months?
I'm guessing Navi.
Only you can answer whether you're looking because you want something shiny or because you really need it :p
Please send me a full summary of your income, planned expenses, and planned daily activity schedule for the next 2-3 years and I'll let you know
Negs in 3.5gb VRAM
@Godric: 1080p, high to ultra settings in most recent games is atrocious? I don't think you know what you are talking about.
970 is still a viable 1080p card in 2019 u drongo
using 970 and get decent frame rates.
Only playing apex legends and similar though
@impoze: Apex is pretty good with 970. Games like BFV runs a bit nasty and need to alter settings. But still playable.
Same boat. Very tempted but I might hold out for a little longer
I think next gen will be better value for money.
I'd probably hold off for the ASUS STRIX series instead. I also have a GTX 970 (ASUS STRIX) and I must say it has been excellent. Never missed a beat unlike a number of MSI video cards I've handled throughout the past with work.
Edit: Umart it selling a fairly reasonable price actually:…
Sorry ignore that, it's the "Advanced Edition", not the OC edition which I would rather.
I upgraded recently from a 970 to 2060 and it is huge difference in my gaming
Yeah recently went from a 760ti to a 2070. Oh the eye candy and frame rates.
Over a hundred dollars more then the 2060 or vega 64 versions.
Just buy the 2060 (or vega 64 if you want 8gb of VRAM). The performance difference is super thin for the different prices.
*Although I'd probably go for the ASUS card over this despite being a tier down. Heard bad things from the armour cards.
Would probably be looking more at their "dual fan" cards though. The strix cards don't seem to offer anything more for their extra price.
970 still can run most of the games in medium settings. As others said, wait for Team Red cards for more competitive prices. I like how AMD is coming back in competition.
This would be a decent upgrade over the 970.
Don't get an AMD card btw. Other than the resell value, I'd rather own a GTX970 than a Navi card.It's the man from the future, get 'im!
Username checks out.
Might be time to finally up my two 680 gtx finally
I'm in exactly the same boat. I thought I was the only person left on the planet rocking 2 x GTX680 sli.
I upgraded to this from my GTX580. I am pleasantly surprised.
So hard to give them up as they just keep doing what they should
Still sli 670 for me.
Still GTX460 for me…
Want to upgrade for a couple of years….
Any good motherboard on discount goes with this graphics card that works with a intel i7 chip?
This is good for 1440p.
Not worth paying $575 for an RTX 2060 IMO when mid-grade models have been frequently on sale for around $470-500 especially when the RTX 2060s aren't binned like the 2070s are with restrictive power limits.
Eg, on futu there's a gigabyte 2060 for $516~
$575 is not a good price for 2060
What do you guys think of this deal.…
Also cashback has 10% off so on dell works out to around $2300 ?
So bad, it makes me cringe
Thanks for the cringe. I'm looking at using this graphics card and if you could please direct me to a cheaper build with same specs.
@MagicMushroom: That's great but it's not spec for spec including everything as is on the dell website. For starters, it has a intel chip not an amd one which is a huge difference in price.
@moneyhungry: I don't know why you care so much about spec to spec but here you go.
Intel i7 8700/RTX 2070 $1,419
You can customize it to make it more spec to spec too.@MagicMushroom: Poor power supply, 8gb ram, 120ssd, no HD, no windows 10, no wifi, no keyboard and mouse, over a month waiting time. You comparing a budget computer to a Alienware that after adding all the upgrades works out to a similar price. Are you sure you know what you are on about?
@moneyhungry: You don't need $880 to get better PSU, more ram, more ssd, windows 10, wifi, keyboard and mouse. Current wait time is a week according to rep but not sure about that. I don't think Alienware is that premium but if you like it, just get it. Why even ask us when you're so negative about getting suggestions?
Dude, build your own and save money. Here's a similar build for almost $500 cheaper:
If you're not sure how to put it together, pay someone $50-$100 to do it for you.
The build I posted comes with an i7 8700 and windows operating system. Could you show me spec by spec with the one I posted?
Don't get why you need spec by spec to be honest…i7 8700 means you're paying more for a CPU which you won't really need for gaming.
@adappergeek: If you add windows 10 ($150), i7 8700 chip (extra $300), keyboard and mouse ($100) comes up to $2340 and I have to put it together myself. I think I'll go for the clumpche dell all setup for me. Thanks.
@moneyhungry: Search OzBargain and you should find previous threads. Also don't ever buy Windows Home. Just do your research.
@moneyhungry: You don't need to buy win10. The only thing buying a key changes is removing a watermark in the corner and allowing wallpapers.
I think that's the right Aurora to buy if you're set on an Alienware gaming PC. Price on the Dell website matches Dell Ebay with PCLICK discount:… Best bang for buck in that range. I kept my eye on last year's version all year, and Easter was about the best time to have bought it. I'd be buying that 2070 version now, with the liquid cooling option… but we're expecting a baby in June so no shiny new prebuilt gaming PC anymore for me :) Ozbargainers would generally rather you build yourself, however!
If I'm not planning to do all the fancy overclocking. Will this be enough for 1440p 144hz gaming? Or I better aim getting 2080?
I'd say if your fine with not using the best graphics settings (not utra/epic) the rtx2070 can give you over 100 fps on most AAA title games, if not, get the rtx2080 instead
Why is it "armor"?
It protects you from girls 😂
Yes because as we all know, all gamers are virgin nerds.
Clearly I touched on a nerve.
You've upset me so much I'll need to go to bed and cuddle my Waifu pillow.
Last time I went to computer parts store (umart) there were actually heaps of women there. Been a while since you've left your house?
Haha, with two young kids every trip out is an effort. This was just my attempt at a joke..
Now it's time to play games for a bit before bed :P
Haha I just had my firstborn two months ago and my gaming machine has sat untouched ever since. I guess my fate is the same as yours lol
If the cooler on this is anything like on the RX 580 MSI Armor, then it will have an extremely aggressive fan curve that ramps up to 3000+ RPM. I can tell when my game is loaded without headphones on when it spools up like a vacuum cleaner.
If you have closed end headphones with a good seal + noise isolation, you should be fine. If you have open back headphones or use speakers, you won't.
According to this youtube review, its really quiet, and doesnt spin till 60 degrees
Seems like they restocked in a new link! Just updated it, thanks!
Man so tempted to upgrade from my 960 gtx 2gb.. :( went 2 gb cuz few years ago thought would never game higher than 1080p. Now got a pg279 so need to show off the eye candy.
Lindvolus, what resolution do you have? If its 1080P and your gaming at 60fps with your 970 then Id say, relax and chill out and look for a used deal like GTX1080/Ti
Budget $300 max, any more is just you burning cash on the nVidia alter… Even at $660 its a high price for 1080P but would be perfect for a wide screen under 4k
4K well then you need topdraw for decent framerates but you will get 1/4 of thoes frame rates if you turn on ray-tracing…
Oh I already have a MSI Gaming Z RTX2070, I think your confusing me with t0087669 who is looking for a card for 1440p 144Hz gaming
Worth getting, or worth waiting longer? Thinking of upgrading from a 970.