I believe this is the cheapest this has ever been. A couple of dollars cheaper than the Videopro ebay store.
Original PCLICK 20% off Selected Seller on eBay Deal Post
Mod Note: Cost of Delivery will vary based on location
I believe this is the cheapest this has ever been. A couple of dollars cheaper than the Videopro ebay store.
Original PCLICK 20% off Selected Seller on eBay Deal Post
Mod Note: Cost of Delivery will vary based on location
Hmm - tempted but also wanted to go bigger.
Yeah if you have a big living room you might want to get something bigger. I have this in my room and it's perfect for that but i'm only sitting ~4 meters away.
We got the last 75” Sony deal and we are only 3.5 meters away.
Go for the bigger one. 55p7 seems small now and I was upgrading from a 40 inch TV
Does this one also have bad viewing angles?
Downvoted for asking a question. Some days I hate OzB.
I think the downvotes are about the content of your question. When you say "also" what other TV are you referring to? It's impossible for us to answer that question - however, if you were to ask the question "what are the viewing angles like on this model?" you would find people would probably give a more productive answer as many people on here own the TV can give a clear answer.
No, sorry, file this one under gaslighting. It isn't that rational or logical, and you're talking absolute nonsense.
My experience is that people hold grudges and if they recognize a name when they have a disagreement, they immediately downvote. (Note to admins, I don't think this is peculiar to me, so please leave out the gaslighting. I don't need mental health services for making this observation).
The question was quite clear. You don't need to know what you're comparing to for viewing angles. They're generally either quite good or really absymal. And I see swearing and carrying on all the time here that's upvoted. The most you could say is the phrasing might upset the Hisense fans. But this is suppose to be a bargain site, not a fan site for Hisense. So whether it's someone with a grudge or someone that can't stand to see the quality and attributes of a Hisense TV questioned, this downvoting is pure BS.
You have a community so full of bullying that bullying isn't recognised for what it is. This is aided by anonymous downvoting - something that will always be abused. But it's all good, you'll have another fund raiser on Are You OK day and block this message and others if it hits too close to home, just as my messages were deleted and I was blocked from commenting last RUOK day. Irony is lost.
Wow.. Or you could just take bunnybash's advice and get an answer to your question..
@Justtip: I would have thought it was pretty clear that I don't believe it would have made any difference whatsoever. As I said people swear and carry on and still get answers to their questions. An answer could have been given any time instead of this ridiculous back and forth accusing me of not phrasing it to the liking of their royal magesties of OzB.
Did you just learn the term 'gaslighting'? You're throwing it around a lot and I don't see how anyone is gaslighting you.
@CaptainNewspeak: Yeah I just learnt the term 3 or 4 years ago.
I used the term "gaslighting" twice above. You should talk to the publishers at Oxford to let them know for their dictionary that "a lot" now means two instances. Honestly if you're going to bully someone try not to come across as incompetent doing even that.
I have on multiple occasions received random downvotes after an argument had admins here post links to mental health resources. I think that fits the definition very well. You raise a legitimate concern and the other person implies the issue is your mental health instead.
Thanks. Amazing price. Couldn't resist. Grabbed one under the other posted ebay deal 😊
TV arrived yesterday. Very fast postage and FastWay Couriers were incredible.
Unfortunately TV has a slight bend running along the top. I'm unsure if this is normal? Doesn't look it.
I'd encourage you to check your TV for this when it arrives.
Have contacted Appliance Central.
I picked up my 55P7 from Video Pro (free C&C) yesterday and it doesn't have any bend along the top. Not sure if you had any luck with Appliance Central, but I'm happy to send you a photo if it would help your case.
Was going to buy, but they dont post to Tassie!!!!
Yeah this upsets me on nearly every tv deal. :(
Is appliance central reliable etc? I have ebay plus so if i got a tv with an issue i could send it back ez no problems?
TV literally popped today looking for a new one and theres a couple good deals on AC's ebay page.
They have 100% feedback (over 2000 sales) on eBay and have featured on here a lot. No negative feedback that I'm aware of. It was good enough for me (also have ebay plus).
What's the actual refresh rate? Do they do a model sans "Smart" ?
The unit has two HDMI 2.0 ports that can handle 4k 60 Hz inputs, and two HDMI 1.(who cares) ports that can handle 4k 30 Hz.
is 65P7 a good price @ $1140 delivered?
Not really good, I think it's about the normal discounted price, has been slightly less before.
Getting $48 for delivery in Mel, so glad I bought eBay-Plus….
Does ebay plus makes free delivery on this deal ? because to be it for free .. it needs ebay-plus under postage area i think
Huh? I said it's $48 to Melbourne, obviously eBay Plus is sh|t (and does not discount delivery for me)
Lol…sarcasm doesn’t always carry through the written word
Which listing has eBay plus?
This seller does not list under ebay plus.
Ok, I guess it's somehow not obvious. I'm making several points here. I'll repeat them in bullet points:
Oh sarcasm. I get it now.
its $48 for me with eBay PLUS shit
Any bricks and mortar store price match this or the 65P8 deal?
Where is the 65P8 deal?
Is the picture on these still subpar to plasma TVs?
The forum for 2010 is in the archives
4k tv for my fttn connection…. Feelsbadman
If you are consistently getting close to 50mbps then it should work fine for streaming 4k.
I see everyone has the Sony 8500 at $1099 atm. Down from $1800 or something the sales person said.
Can anyone recommend a good non smart tv?
Thanks, picked one up after our kid put a toy through our old TV on ANZAC Day
Cracker of a price! Got it for $800 and I thought that was good. Fantastic TV