Hi all,
I have an employee in the R&D team that has, for the last 3 months, gone so far beyond the call of duty it's not funny.
We have recently introduced a new product to market and he has put in massive time to get prototypes ready, rework said prototypes to accommodate design changes and train production workers. He has worked through weekends and late nights to meet deadlines without overtime. He is a star and we would be pretty buggered right now without him. I'm fairly new to the management game and haven't had experience with this sort of thing. Can you guys suggest some ways that might be nice to acknowledge his efforts? We are a smallish company (30-50 staff) so I'm not going to be spending crazy money.
As you are "…fairly new to the management game and haven't had experience with this sort of thing…", check with your own line manager / supervisor and ask what the company policy on this is.