Hi all,
My friend is quite unwell at the moment due to long term disability and is unable to do the legwork involved in research.
Basically they're on DSP, own an apartment and get rent money from a a tenant, so they have substantial stable income.
But mostly due to their illness they've let a lot of things in their life slide, one of which being fees associated with apartment ownership.
The nature of the debt excludes them from things like the NILS and StepUp, and next day loans are obviously awful.
I've tried calling National Debt Helpline on their behalf but they couldn't tell me much and basically just gave me a bunch of incorrect information.
I've never owned a credit card and neither have they, so I'm wondering if it's a decent idea for them to sign up for one of the no interest for 6 months etc credit cards, pay the debts then pay the credit card off over the 6 months?
They wouldn't need that long to do pay it off, and historically once they're aware of issues like these they don't make it worse (meaning they would actually pay it off and wouldn't add to the debt, and would most likely disable the card afterwards).
But are deals like this safe or are there things I don't know about?
This would be main contenders
Or really any that have the 55 day no interest period, as they can get an advance DSP payment mid May.
I've gone over them but we're both quite anxious about credit cards in general and I really wouldn't want to make anything worse for my friend.
I'd really appreciate any advice/tips!
Do they own the apartment or is there a mortgage?
Shit credit file, no employment, yet you think they're gonna get a credit card?
Cmon now…