Good price on this scooter. Now comes with AU plug (previously EU). Includes two spare tyres valued at $50.
Original $50 off (Min Spend $500) on Eligible Items @ eBay deal.
Good price on this scooter. Now comes with AU plug (previously EU). Includes two spare tyres valued at $50.
Original $50 off (Min Spend $500) on Eligible Items @ eBay deal.
From my post the last time this was compared to a generic electric scooter:
Tyres (on the generic) are obviously smaller so that would be a considering if you're going over rough surfaces or cracked pavement. Xiaomi does well on our shitty Australian surfaces. (Generic scooter) Tyres are also solid which will further affect the ride quality. However they won't puncture as compared to the Xiaomi pneumatic tyres.
(Generic scooter) Deck looks narrower so ride comfort will vary depending on how you like to ride.
Electronic brakes on this one vs disc brakes on the Xiaomi. Xiaomi will stop faster and give you more confidence in speed.
This one is lighter and looks be more slim profile when stored than the Xiaomi which may be important to you depending on your home or final destination.
Finally there's a decent Xiaomi community out there on Facebook and a decent aftermarket parts selection to choose from.
Do it. Haha. It's such a good buy for me. The one and only thing that gives me pause is that it's not technically legal in Vic yet, but I've ridden past two police cars and no one pulled me over, though I'm sensible, ride on road in bike lane and not on footpath.
Happy to take question.
You've convinced me. I live in QLD so no dramas. The thing that made me choose this over the ES4 is the mod community.
Had mine for a bit over a month now, you won't be disappointed, it's an amazing device. Definitely worth the money if you ride it quite often.
Oh and figuring out how to park/lock this thing is the end destination is not your office/home. Ive seen some pics, haven't tested it for myself.
But yes absolutely no regrets for me.
As I told vicroads, it's slower than a push bike, about the same mass as one, can't be use as a weapon, doesn't emit pollution, doesn't cause congestion. Safety wise it's as safe/dangerous as a pushbike. Media loves to overplay the risks with headlines like "ER gets two visits a day from electric scooters" but doesn't report how many visits they get from car crashes, bike falls, pedestrian tripping, etc. Everything is relative to the activity and volume of that activity being performed.
But I wouldn't encourage anyone to ride on footpath at top speed. Please be sensible. Ride on the bike lane if you want to go the top 20km/h. Don't ruin it for everyone.
Is this legal in NSW?
No. QLD only.
Thanks. I would have been surprised if it was…….
…for private areas, Yes.
…in public areas, No.
Thanks. As I was expecting. Such a shame seems a great toy :(
It's much more than a toy. It's so much handier to use it to get around short distances than a car. It's like a bike, but without the effort. It's like an ebike, but at 1/3 the price.
Should be ok as long you wear your helmet, ride on the bike lands and don’t speed, plenty of commuters going around cbd. Been driving mine for over a year and still good, I take it down china town UTS to Pyrmont bridge all the way to rocks and opera house. Cops drive past me and they don’t really care just follow the rules and your good, if there’s such rules they just passing out unjustified fines/bad mood vs Kpi as it’s best. Even lime setting up their scooters here very soon here soon things have changed a lot here since the earlyhood Of scooters just be sensible and common sense when driving.
it's illegal in NSW because it's too fast for the sidewalks and too slow for the roads yet push bikes are even slower on the road yet they are legal? Is there a reasoning to this? Serious question
Current positioning of planets Mars and Venus is not optimal for electric scooter safety in NSW, Australia.
Moon is aligned with Earth against Sun however. In a combination of year number ending with 9 and April month this is bringing a positive energy to the pushbikes on the public road.
Basically our local laws haven't catch up with the time. IMO if it has 2 wheels it should be allow to be use on bike path. I don't understand how you can ride an ebike on roads and bike path but not e-scooters.
I hate people who enjoy fun
- NSW Government
The Liberal party haven't yet worked out the optimal strategy to funnel the sales revenue to one of their side companies in the Cayman Islands.
They can't write it off as tax for "work purposes" yet.
Maybe if it comes with a "work expense" like $5000 helicopter rides or $2800 phone bills, they will legalize it
No one wants to legalise them because when someone gets seriously hurt or killed whilst riding them they will have to deal with the political backlash. So they take the easy road of banning all fun in NSW.
760km into mine from a previous sale. I've had 0 tyre punctures, but installed Slime ($10-15 from Big W) from day 1.
My unit has started creaking which is a normal thing over time.
Does anyone in Bris have a spare 3d printed dampener they could sell me?
Some other materials you can consider instead of a 3d printed part:
Layers of duct tape
An old credit card
Rubber bands
What causes it to creak?
Engine oil is a great lubricant!
from the vids i've seen on youtube its the joint where the handlebars fold down.
Now comes with AU plug
The link says Chinese plug
Yep, pretty sure int version means chinese plug and they throw in a converter.
Isn't the Chinese plug the same as Australian plug?
Only if it's a 3 pronged device that has a ground otherwise they use the 2 pronged ones like the US and Japan use.
it's like two straight ones like | |
When is Gearbite going to sell the new M365 PRO? It has 50% longer range and significantly better hill-climbing ability.
probably not legal it use in Australia…
Should still be legal AFAIK.
Same speed restriction. Similar weight etc.
What about the power restrictions ?
In VIC, a motorised scooter must have a maximum power output of 200 watts or less.
but Queensland doesn't have a power restriction.
The max in QLD seems to be 200 watts too……
@jv: Actually I think it's classified as a PMD or rideable. See below.…
Ordered a few weeks ago from gearbote ebay for exactly this price with the old Pearl code
Will say shipping is slow
Worth noting that after I purchased I noticed cheaper places selling new stock with pickup for sale via Gumtree
Still waiting for delivery of this
Heaps of counterfeit models circulating, enjoy your purchase :)
Hi, it should not take that long, please ps your ebay id , we will check for you.
Got it today. Shipping predicted may 8. Happy to have it sooner.
10 days total. Now is 24th. Ordered 14th with Easter in between. That's not same week but not bad either
I bought mine in early - mid February for a bit more (roughly $610 AUD) - no regrets since I got it a bit earlier, even though it had been a titch cheaper in the past.
Also purchased from Gearbest - mind you with EU plug. Came within a week! I haven’t gotten around to getting slime yet… but no punctures yet. Use it to get to and from uni 3-4 times a week, around 3-4km each way.
Hrmmm. Is this legal to buy and use in SA?
It is not legal to mention it in SA.
Apparently not mate:…
Makes no sense seeing we have the scooter trials in the city. That said, it’s South Australia, so making sense is optional.
Thanks for the info. Sucks. Grrr
No they are legal to use in SA. You need to properly read and interpret the actual legislation. The basics are you need to keep to the left of footpaths, not ride on the roads on in bike lanes, give way to pedestrians, wear a helmet and stick to 15km/h. The actual unit itself almost needs to be under 200W but I've not found many that are.
Aren’t these free in LA?
Side note. Was just in Christchurch. Everyone uses the lime scooters. Old folks. Young folks. Parents with kids on a single scooter. School kids.
They look like they're having so much fun. It's such an easy and relaxing way to get around. I'm envious.
Can't wait for them to arrive in Melbourne and watch them get dumped in the Yarra and thrown up in trees…
That's a reflection of the people of Melbourne, not the scooter
How does Lime-E get charged?
Our Lime-E electric assist bikes are equipped with locking, swappable battery packs that we monitor and charge remotely
How the heck do they charge them remotely ??
I've seen a few of these around Vic, one time it was in front of the coppers, and there weren't any issues.
Confirmation bias, sure, but I'd happily buy one despite the legality issues
but I'd happily buy one despite the legality issues
Until something happens, and you realise you do not have an TAC insurance and you lose everything you own…
Is that really how it works?
I so want one of these.
Trust me on this you want the one that doesn't come with spare tyres. I had a puncture and replacing the front wheel is one of the most frustrating tasks i have ever done, took me hours to do as the nozzle literally doesn't fit the rim of the tyre. How I managed it in the end I don't know. If it ever pops again I'm putting solid tyres on.
If you can afford it get the Segway Ninebot instead as it comes with solid tyres but with suspension to reduce the the bumps in the road.
Not trying to start any crazy comment but does anybody actually ride these in NSW(Sydney specifically)? and has there been a lot of fines written out recently? Or it's still a luck of the draw?
Read my above post been on mine for over a year follow the road sign rules with approved helmet, have tail light/headlights on and your set just don’t do anything stupid like in any vehicle. Lime scooter has already been approved waiting for the rest of the scooter sensation to go around also plenty of people on scooter now days, people who get fine coz speed limit is 10km and idiots just charge full speed at 25-30km like on pyrmont bridge obviously you’ll be fined no matter what, want to avoid questions drive safe and don’t be a hazard. been on my bullet scooter (died recently) probably going to get the zoom Stryder, plenty of reviews and comparisions. You see alot staff in pyrmont restaurants who drive them to work you see them parked around inside shops.
Thank you!
Thanks. Bought one to commute to work. Should pay off itself in less than 4 months compared to bus fare.
What's a realistic delivery time from Gearbite to Brisbane Metro?
Have to love Brisbane and Queensland, least your cities have a major breakthrough in preparing the road layout, out roads are chaos and now with the implementation with trams on the Main Street there will be hardly any space left it’s already hard Aas it is to move scooters around busy streets.
$530.95 now with code PKOALA
PEEL20 code brings price down to $558 at the moment.
Is this a good scooter or should I spend the extra couple hundred and get the Ninebot ES2?
They're comparable scooters with different design decisions. The M365 has more range (larger battery), disc brake and conventional pneumatic tyres, as well as a large community following which provides custom firmware with better performance. The ES2 has suspension, speedometer and a better folding mechanism but uses solid tyres which are not user serviceable.
For about $150 more you can order the M365 Pro which I think would be the pick of the bunch.
This is a very good price. But a little more investigation before i pull the trigger.