Really cheap videogames (needs US postal address)

This is one of those really annoying deals that i can't take advantage of but wanted to post if for those with friends or relatives in the US that could send them on. Games on this site come both new and secondhand and for the cheapest i have ever seen for most of them.

Gran Turismo 5 -> $40 brand new & ~$32 secondhand
Black Ops -> $27 Ps3 $28 360 both secondhand
Mortal Kombat -> $35 secondhand both major consoles
Portal 2 -> $26 secondhand on 360 $32 ps3

Plus a whole heap more for PS3, 360, wii, DS and 3DS

EDIT: Just some small additions that the comments section has raised.
Firstly ensure the game you are buying isn't region protected.
Secondly some shipping services have been mentioned such as and (i will defineitely be trying the latter, later today)
Thanks for all comments in hindsight maybe not a great bargain with shipping charges but still some amazing prices eg. Portal 2 where cheapest i've seen it is on playasia for ~$49
Keep up the constructive comments guys :)


  • +1

    mail forward company - shipito

    • Wow they're a lot cheaper than the companies i was looking at which were around $40. Thankyou for showing me this

      • +1

        if you like them… checkout they are a buying agent. used them a few times, fantastic service.
        she is based in Bendigo vic. and takes care of everything from payment to forwarding. 5% fee charged (plus reasonable paypal/cc/currency conversion… so i usually bank deposit.)
        many us places dont allow paypal/aussie credit cards…

        • Nice, but note the minimum fee of $15. Makes the prices a little worse, probably not so good for the cheap stuff.

    • How much do these services usually cost?

      I imagine this probably won't be all that great for just one game, but if you were to buy a collection of games, (or go in with others on multiple copies), it could have some great savings.

      • for single items:
        Mail out fee per package
        Mail out fee - magazine or letter (fast mailout option)*

        +the cost to ship it to AU…

        so yeah, usually great for big items where 8 bux is a small amount of the total cost. (plus about 10 bux to get it shipped to au for small items)

  • Use a mail forwarding service like shipito and you can take advantage of it.


    • ^ man of few words…quicker…

  • You could use a mailforwarder, but it will probably end up being more expensive, than other sites like zavvi and the hut.

    Most things are cheaper in the US, but paying for postage, insurance, etc. doesn't make a bargain.

  • +2

    As always, be careful when buying games from an import market like this - make sure that the game is region free and compatible with your Australian console first.

    I believe almost all PS3 games should work no troubles, but Xbox 360 games vary in which ones are region free and which aren't.

    I believe a good majority of Wii games are region protected, and thus won't work without the unit being chipped/soft modified.

    I find is a good resource to check compatibility, as they usually have Eu, Asia and US versions of games and have a list saying their language and compatibility.

  • -4

    I don't have a US postal address, so this is a pretty pointless post…

    • come on JV you can do better than that!

      • not really… previous deals have been removed because the deal cannot be posted directly to Australia…

    • It's OzBargain not USBargain. Seems fair enough to me.

  • +4

    1 - These aren't specific bargains, it's just pointing out a site.
    2 - There's no direct way to buy things in Australia.
    3 - Using to find the best prices new and the likes of for second hand, these prices are bog standard and after using a shipping service they'd be more expensive.

    • 1 & 2 i agree too and apologise for. Point 3 i disagree withi checked both those site and for brand new produced similar prices but for pre-owned the gamespot shop is definitely better for the games i checked (my comparisons included the estimated $11.45 from added onto the game price and still found gamespot cheaper)

  • +3

    I don't see why this deal should be here. The US has a crap load of good deals that aren't available to us unless we use someone like PriceUSA.
    Would you like me to start posting deals from newegg, homedepot etc? Imo you'd be pissed if i did.

    • I'd like you to start posting those deals. Mail forwarders are easy to use, albeit a longer process. :)

      • If a lot of people want it, I might just do it. But honestly I think the masses don't want to be flooded with deals not directly available to them.

        I agree mail forwarders are easy to use but the cost adds up especially if making a lot of small purchases from different stores.

        • if you find a good deal, i'd just link price usa site, and if its still a good deal after there fee's then i think hell yeah, put it on here!
          as long as its simple - should be fine.

        • You can't just link to price usa. The form to workout the fees has to be filled in manually and I can't be bothered doing that since some people user other forwarders and price will vary depending on what shipping is chosen.

  • +2

    i agree, not directly available to Australia.
    If you were to use a mail fowarding service then everything is 'available' to Australia.

    Forums =)

  • Not available to Australia but since there is a bit of discussion, MOVED to FORUMS

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