• expired

Belong Mobile Data Increases on $25 and $40 Plans


Belong are increasing their data allowance on their Medium and Large Plans

$25 Medium plan data upgrade: 5GB to 10GB

$40 Large plan data upgrade: 15GB to 30GB

This change will be applied to your service from your first bill date after 30th April.

Referral Links

Belong (Mobile): random (296)

Referral for Belong mobile only. Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

Belong Broadband: random (31)

Referral for Belong Broadband only: Referrer will receive $20 credit. Referee will receive $20 off next (2nd) payment.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    Just got this as well. Speedy work.

  • +2

    "Gifted" data just lost resale value.

    • Not necessarily. If you are on 1Gb $10 plan, than its worth buying data rather than paying $40 a month

      • A sudden unexpected increase in supply, unless it leads to a equal increase in demand it surely must mean more data on market and lowering of resale value.

        Unless of course you’re saying, because of the lower resale value of data, people will lower their plans to small and topping up by buying. But that’s admitting you’re wrong to say your right….if that makes sense.

        • surely must mean

          No, broad macro economic theories do not predict reality.

  • -3

    Don’t recommend them at all. Boost mobile has same benefits at same price without locking you in. Plus boost mobile has unlimited Apple Music streaming !

    • +6

      They're month to month, they don't offer 12 or 24 month contracts so what issues are there?

      • they don't offer 12 or 24 month contracts so what issues are there?

        you can get a 12 month long expiry plan with Boost…

      • -1

        They month to month but they’re contracts in a way as payments are auto setup and you must be paid on an exact day each month. They also won’t let you cancel plans if let’s your plan renews on the 20th and you want to cancel on the 21st they’ll make you pay for that next 20th-20th period and they won’t let you cancel unlike boost.

        • as payments are auto setup

          You need to do that with Boost to get the best value. If you don't you only get 28 days.

          They also won’t let you cancel plans

          Yes they do

          if let’s your plan renews on the 20th and you want to cancel on the 21st they’ll make you pay for that next 20th-20th period

          That's how all pre paid plans work, you pay upfront.

          they won’t let you cancel unlike boost

          Yes they do, and it's the same as Boost.

          If you recharge with Boost on the 20th and leave on the 21st you have still paid for the entire next month.

        • You can prevent payment anytime you like with Belong by simply removing the PayPal authorisation, then cancelling. You never need to pay for anything if you don't want to.

          • @Quantumcat: As these are postpaid accounts, won't this allow then to list a default on your credit report?
            Has anyone tried this approach and verified that Belong waive the charge after they can't get your paypal money through collections etc?

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: No, there's no credit with this - it's month to month, no contract involved. And yes I have tried it. I got 4 sims when they were free from JB Hi Fi (over a year ago), activated them all, and gifted the data to my main number. Then cancelled the payment authorisation in PayPal. I even got more data later on the sims and gifted that too. If you read the terms and conditions on the app or the website you'll see what Belong does if you don't pay. First they send you a reminder, then they block gifting, then you lose your number.

    • Plus boost mobile has unlimited Apple Music streaming !

      And AFL Streaming

      • -1

        Data free and no cost.

      • +3

        No one said they were perfect.

      • And Boost got better network coverage than Belong. How do you get AFL Streaming on Boost prepaid mobile?

    • And roaming.

    • Boost mobile has same benefits

      How long does the boost $10 recharge last?

  • Current mobile plan ending so might jump on this? Anybody ported over to Belong before? How was your experience?

    • +1

      Did it around a year ago from TPG (on Vodafone network). Took around 10 minutes to port over. Super simple.

    • Same results as Pigophone, ported my number yesterday from Catch Connect and was transferred within 5 minutes.

      • Was this over the phone or online as I cant find a phone number on their site?

        • Online. I don't think you can transfer over the phone.

    • Porting happened in 2 mins for me.

    • +1

      Use one of the promo codes for 20$ off

  • If they doubled their regular plan data, that would be a bargain.

    • +1

      Looks like they are, this is an email I got:

      Hi X

      Great news!

      We're doubling the data allowance on your Regular mobile plan from 5GB to 10GB per month.

      This change will be applied to your service from your first bill date after 30th April.

      The price of your service won't change.

      • That's pretty good…

        I would have considered it if I hadn't switched to Boost.

        Boost is still better value…

        $25/mth (10Gb) with Belong is $150 - 6mth 60Gb
        $100/6mth (60Gb) with Boost is $100 - 6mth 60Gb

        • +2

          Oh I dunno, I think boost still has the $$ value according to a quick cost spreadsheet I just did: https://imgur.com/A1ngdPp

          • @phuzz: Did you do the Conditional formatting course on Udemy?

            • +1

              @jv: Learned this and a bunch of other tricks from a Spanish colleague whilst watching him plugging away via screensharing at work.

              • @phuzz: try it with data bars

          • +4

            @phuzz: To analyse your data properly and make a decision, you should be looking at $/month and only looking at plans around you data requirements.

            It's a bit pointless looking at high data plans where the $/Gb is low, but you aren't ever going to use it and it ends up costing you more.

            • +1

              @jv: Cool, didn't know that function. Learn something new everyday: https://imgur.com/vm3gUmN

            • +2

              @jv: Great point. My mother-in-law is on the $10/month Belong plan. She doesn't use anywhere near the 1GB / month, so this is the best plan for her, rather than the worst as these figures imply.
              Another factor to consider is the length of the "month" (calendar/30/28 days).

              • @h00tz:

                Another factor to consider is the length of the "month"

                Yep, probably best to do the calcs as $/day then, and only look at the plans around your data range and choose the cheapest…

              • @h00tz: Good point, however Boost has 1 month durations if you use the auto-recharge.

                But yes, many various features to each company for everyone to consider for their own situation.

            • @jv:

              It's a bit pointless looking at high data plans where the $/Gb is low, but you aren't ever going to use it and it ends up costing you more

              Yeah, once you roughly know what you want, it's probably quicker to jump on Whistleout to get an idea of what's on offer.


  • I was hoping the data inclusion on their $10 plan was going to be doubled! That would be super welcome :)

    If they dont, I'd be giving some serious thought to boost's $150 yearly plan.

    • Easy to get a bit of extra data for not much $ if you need it. Buy a half price $40 sim, it gets double data, use referral code from your main number, gift the 30GB data over. Not as good as free data but still good value if you use a more than 1GB a month.

  • Glad to see Boost’s offerings forcing others to catch up.

  • +6

    I don't like the new belong logo with the backwards E. It makes me feel like I don't belong.

    • Previous Belong logo was friendly. ;_;

  • So is it best to activate starter kit now or wait until after 30th april? will they then give another 30gb on the 4th of may?

  • +1

    You know, the ads I see on TV are enough to turn me off Belong. Quite funny that their ads make me less likely to use their product.

    After I'm out of contract with Telstra, most likely head over to Boost.

    • -1

      Telstra = Belong = Boost

      • Telstra and Belong are separate companies both owned by "Telstra Corporation Ltd". They're the same company but different.

        Is Boost owned by Telstra Corporation Ltd? Googling only shows "Telstra does not own Boost. Boost owns Boost"

      • Boost has no link to Telstra.

        They are an independent MVNO.

  • +2

    Belong has cheap and unlimited international calls… Which is great if you have family overseas!

  • -2

    How much does a medium plan cost? How much does a large plan cost? This info really needs to be in Op

    • +1

      Added to description.

  • I left these guys a couple of weeks ago for Boost.I let them know my main reason was there crap 15 gig. Maybe others where doing the same.

  • Good that I haven't activated my sim yet.

  • How long do their sim last before I need to activate? Does anyone know?

    • not sure if the sim itself actually expires but the value on the sim expires after 1 year from date of purchase

      • No it doesn't, I have sims older than a year with credit on them

        • You're lucky then Belong isn't enforcing terms and conditions because mine says "loaded credit will expire after 12 months after purchase".

          • @brisdaz: Maybe that's new.

            The sims I have do not say that

            • @spaceflight: "SIM has no value until loaded at purchase.
              Loaded credit will expire 12 months after purchase"

              taken from the labeling on the packaging - purchased in Jan 2019 so unless they have updated their T&Cs since.

    • They don't expire as there is no number allocated to them

  • +3

    So for the scammers among us, does that mean that $40 starter plans will now give you 60 GB (30 + 30)?

    This would also mean that a free SIM with a $20 referral bonus plus a $5 top up to sign up to the $25 plan would give you a disposable 20 GB (10 + 10) plan on Telstra for $5. And if you can't use it all you can sponsor a needy child that struggles to survive for less than a GB a month.

    • Make that 62gb with the referral credit :)

  • -1

    Paid 5 bucks for Telstra Prepaid SIM preloaded with $30 credit.

    The default choice for using 30 bucks gives you 8GB data.

    Except they've always had a bonus data amount which upped it to 27GB total (the bonus has reduced once, before it was 30GB total).

    Keeping track of all these variables is confusing, just like it was designed to be so no one can compare value easily. So working out value is a fools errand IMO, but I try and keep mobile costs limited to 5 bucks per month (or 28 days … another variable ffs … ).

  • -6

    $25 for 14GB with Aldi

    $40 for 30GB on going and 45GB for the first five recharges with Boost

  • +2

    I only paid $19.00 in total when joining Belong with $40 credit included. I been with them almost a year by July, only paid $19.00 because I refer 7 family and/or friends and plus used a promo code to get an extra $20 off. I got a total of $200 credit on Belong account and paid $19.00, that is a total of 90.50% off. I will be switching to Boost mobile when my Belong Credit is about to expire.

    I be switching to Boost 28 days expiry $30 prepaid plan but only paid $14.25 with the promotion. Within 26 to 27 days after I will be switching to the $150 Boost 12 month expiry with 80GB of Data, unlimited calls and text and MMS within Australia plus unlimited calls and text to 25 selected destinations and other offers.

  • +2

    I think I've asked this before but reading the comments above perhaps this isn't standard practice… Don't you just sit on the $10/m plan and buy up the $40 SIM's when they are on special, activate and gift all the data to your $10/m SIM? Or is there something stopping you from that? This was my plan when my wife's contract ends shortly.

  • Just remember frens, Belong blocks access to 8chan and 4chan. Could be due to Belong using the Telstra Network.

  • -1

    What's the largest someone has banked? 1TB?

    What happens to data gifting when the amount of data (in 1GB increments) is more then the pixels in the slider?

    Has anyone tested this out?

    Is it really unlimited data banking and gifting?

  • how long it take to port? has been 4 hours..

    • You chose the wrong day to port it's Good Friday, it will probably get done tomorrow.

      • really..porting not occur on good friday? thought of call them up but decide not to but wait testing out how long it take them.

        • +2

          General porting times;

          Mon to Fri: 8am to 8pm AEST
          Saturday: 10am to 6pm
          No porting on Sundays and or national public holidays

    • Takes generally less than 10min to port but today is public holiday.

      Tomorrow is a billing day so you've probably missed out of double data.

  • i selected $25 plan already, can i change to $10 plan? sims activation today and port haven't occur yet…

  • how do i turn off auto-renew?

    • You can't do that.

    • if you've selected to use Paypal as your payment method, you could cancel payment authorisation from Paypal's side under your account settings else you will need to submit a support ticket to Belong via their website https://www.belong.com.au/support/mobile/manage-service/your… they generally will action within 24-48hrs

      • +1

        Even if you have canceled paypal authorisation you'll still be charged the monthly fee and have an outstanding balance to pay.

  • just knew that belong is post-paid..to port out then i need to do it few days before expire? plus has no call centre..how do i porting out? if guys like voda-kogan ask for postpaid or prepaid then what i choose?

  • Can someone who have ported out of Belong in the past please assist me. I am looking at porting out from Belong to Amaysim. Does anyone know if Belong is a PostPaid or a Prepaid service ?.

    There are some suggestions here that Belong is a PostPaid service. In that case how do I find out the account number which is needed for porting ?

    • same boat as you..never aware about postpaid shit thing…thought of *&^D belong port out next weeks.

      from what i know it's postpaid and get account number from invoice…can anyone explain? i really hate this…concerning port out.

      belong is not like Kogan or even Catch…different worlds for me right now.

    • Belong is POST paid - so for you to port out, you will need your Account Number (can be found on the monthly invoice), Name and DOB

  • for god sake please put any Belongs product in different page not prepaid sims since postpaid…if i know never get belong. Nead clear explanation..i still don't know regarding the dates and when port out….normally on prepaid turn off auto-renew and port out after date expired.

    • +1

      maybe you should DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH via google like everyone else and you may land on this site which will probably answer most of your questions. and if you have bothered to look at the OP's tag, it clearly states POSTPAID.


      and you should probably go to the Belong site and read their T&Cs or at the very least, the critical summary, something everyone should do before entering into a contract/subscription.

      • talking about ozbargain…sims selling in prepaid section while postpaid.

  • Currently with belong you get 15gig with a 15 gig bonus. on the $40 plan for new activations.
    Will we get a 30gig and a 30gig bonus for new activation from May??
    Would be great!

    • +2

      If you avoid activating on the 4th, 12th, 20th, 28th then you should get double the amount of data.

    • Wondering about the bonus for first month too. Going to activate for my kid in May. Will see if Belong also change the rules or system from Apr 30 onwards.

  • the service was horrible so I moved to Boost.

  • +4

    Anyone activated in May with new data? Are the 4/12/20/28 cutoff dates still valid?
    Couple of points that I want to remind in the Boost v/s Belong discussion-
    (1) Most Boost plans include international calling whereas only the top Belong plan includes it (it's additional $5 with Belong on lower plans)
    (2) After you exhaust your data in Belong, you can still use unlimited throttled data till next billing cycle (if you don't want to spend money on data pack). With Boost 6 month/12 month plans there is no option of purchasing additional data.

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