Hey all,
Now that RAC is for WA residents only and RACQ is only for QLD residents, it's now worth investigating a good AIA policy. A little known trick is that you can get combined Life Insurance and TPD/Income Insurance issued by AIA Vitality which is paid directly from your Superannuation account — the majority of Super accounts will qualify.
I, for example pay around $300 a year including a 15% superannuation offset and this comes straight out of my Superannuation. I get Life Insurance and Income Insurance up until the age of 70. To access the full AIA Vitality program, the fee is $10 a month paid yearly (so $120 a year). The $300 is paid through super and the $120 a year is paid through your credit card.
$420 a year is very similar to the RAC prices, and as a bonus you also get income insurance bundled. (You have to Bundle Life + Income/TPD).
You can only get an AIA Policy paid through your super if it is through a financial planner. It involves more admin-work compared to signing up to RAC, for example, but is well worth the benefits.
Contact your financial planner to sign up to a policy.
I was paying around $17/month for income insurance with RACQ (equates to roughly $200 a year).
Luckily my gym have offered the 50% for a few extra months then 35% off indefinitely.