Hello all,
Calling all NBN experts … this is not a technical query, but more a query about the rules around NBN.
I have bought a house, but not yet settled on it. NBN is not yet connected to the property, but is available for connection.
We looked into pre-ordering the NBN for when we take ownership of the property, but have discovered an order for NBN is already in place there. This is not by the current owner/resident. It is by a tenant, who also lives at the property in a studio apartment separate to the main house.
The tenant ordered the NBN, not realising she needed permission of the owner (not granted) or that it can only be connected to the main house.
Rather than cancelling the order outright, the tenant has just left it on hold. Essentially, it is in limbo. But while-ever it is not officially cancelled, this one free connection remains unavailable to anyone else - including the current owner or us (future owners). To over-ride this, we would need to request something called a "subsequent connection", for which the NBN would charge us $300 plus any extra cabling required. This is even if the first order was never enacted, (but still remains in place).
I have asked, via the real estate agent, for the tenant to cancel the order - as she can't proceed with it anyway. But alas, it is still in place. She is due to move out in a few months, so may not even live there any more - yet, if she does not cancel the NBN order, she may take our one free order with her.
I am wondering if anyone knows what our rights would be in this situation? It seems ridiculous … Surely the owner of a property should have the right to cancel a non-starter order by a tenant???
Kind regards,
You will be able to over-ride her application with Proof of Ownership.
Explain to your ISP that you have recently purchased the property and wish to over-ride any previous application.
They will ask for proof of ownership and that information will need to be sent through to NBN for evaluation.
Once Proof of Ownership is established, your application will be able to progress.